<div style='font: 11pt arial; text-align: left; '>In any case, it fucking rules. I watch Iron Chef because it's <i>good</i> entertainment. That's the difference. There is some camp value in it (and that's probably the reason it was brought to the US, you're right), but I don't enjoy the show as camp, I enjoy it because it's a damn cool idea.
However, the only reason someone would be inclined to see a film like Jason X is because it's an idea so moronic and ludicrous that it would be worth a good laugh. The Friday the 13th series has been referenced and parodied (not to mention sequeled) so many times that it has become a cliche unto itself. There is absolutely no way to make a new Jason film that takes itself seriously when the entire idea of Friday the 13th is a hackneyed cliche. The producers and writers of Jason X are just as aware of this fact as everyone else, but they made the film under a guise of ignorance. That's the problem here. There's nothing inherently wrong with camp-value itself, just camp that is purposefully injected into a film in order to make money. People see the trailers for Jason X and immediately take the bait. They say "Oh my God! They made another Jason movie?? How stupid can they be?? Haha! What a dumb idea! Haha..ha..ha...oh, man, I've <i>gotta</i> see that movie!!!!!"
But the filmmakers aren't stupid. They know that this is <i>exactly</i> the reaction you're going to have when you see a trailer for a tenth Jason film. And a movie like this is a producer's fucking wet-dream, man. It's a film that everybody wants to see, but it takes no talent, no thought, no effort, and (best of all!) no money to make!
There's no such thing as artificial camp that "works" or "doesn't work." Some just dupes more people than others.</div>
[b]Sorry, it looks like I'm going to have to kill you in an instant.[/b]