<div style='font: ; text-align: left; '>Collosus got no screen time. He was there, he powered up, and then *bam* he ended up babysitting children and leaving. It's a minor complaint for me, though. Collosus isn't even one of my favorite characters.
Nightcrawler is, though, and they got him down pat. I couldn't have been happier with that performance.
But what is this shit with the Phoenix foreshadowing? I remember in the first movie they kept playing up the fact that they were only going to put "believable mutants" in the movies (or some such nonsense), which would leave characters like The Juggernaut out in the cold. Well, what the fuck, Bryan Singer? We can't have Juggernaut but a bizarre fiery space god inhabiting Jean Gray's body is okay?
Maybe in the next movie they'll explain away the whole Phoenix phenomenon by simply saying that it's another part of Jean's powers. I kind of hope not, though. Not because I have any great love of the Phoenix character but simply because if they stay true to the storyline Mr. Singer might change his mind about allowing Mr. Juggernaut to make an appearance. Heh, I like Juggernaut. Even more now that he's currently a "good guy" living at the Mansion in the comics. Allows more good old fashioned banter between him and everybody else.
Juggernaut: Oh, I'm so sorry, Wolverine. How <b>awful</i> of me. You didn't like that wooden spike jammed through your lung?
Wolverine: Sure. <b>Loved</b> it.
Juggernaut: Then I'll be sure to put it <b>back</b> when we're all done.
In other news, some crazy/wonderful sap on my campus network has <b><i>four hundred and twenty</B></i> issues of Uncanny X-Men scanned and available to me, and I downloaded every one of them. That's 2.56 gigabytes of X-goodness. If not for the exams that are killing my free time at the moment, I would love to sit down and read them all, but I've only managed a few issues here and there, sort of out of order.
I wish I'd known this guy had those before. I got 31 issues of Ultimate X-Men from him before, but apparently that was merely scratching the surface of his Leprechaun-like treasure pot.
And yes, I'm more than aware of how insanely nerdy this makes me.
--Lee S.</div>
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