<div style='font: italic bold 14pt ; text-align: center; '>You are calling it what it isn't. You see the fact that it uses images and look at it the same way you would a childrens picture book. I look at it and I see a fantastic well fleshed out world with characters and people and problems.
Yes, a comic book is not what YOU consider literature because it doesn't need a lot of words to convey what is in it. You look at is as childish because it is something you don't understand. Hey I got an idea, maybe you should tryi reading a good one then come back and call it childish and unsophisticated.
I give you the fact that a lot of comic books can be somewhat lame and childish. Those are he ones that I avoid. But for every example of trash there are a ton of fantastic ones and even comedic ones. You want something to read for a good laugh you can check out comics like Battle Pope and many other very comedic comics. Something serious? Read Hawkman or Sandman or Batman. You want teen drama pick up a copy of Stars and Stripe, Sentinel, New X-Men Academy, Generation X, and a lot of others.
A comic book can be seen in many different ways but it is still a form of literature. However comparing it to other literature is hard because it is so different from the rest. Just because it tells it's story through pictures and dialogue doesn't detract from the fact that it still tells a story. A story that in my opinion is better suited for comic books and images more often than not.
You can't discount it just because ytou don't like it. Look at poeple like Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett who write both. amazing authors and also have written some of the greatest comic arcs of all time. And yes you are right. A comic is just pictures with words in bubbles and boxes....Or at least that's what you see. But the fact is that they tell a complete story with whole worlds to explore and characters to learn about.
I'm sorry for being a jackass earlier but you had been being a pompus ass to people and I wasn't in a nice mood. So yeah I did take a shot at you But you need to realize the same thing my tramp-whore of a little sister does. And guess what that is, sometimes...you are WRONG. Now go crawl back under your bridge and wait for some billy goats to cross for dinner :p
<b>Spoiler Message:<b>
<span style="background: black; color: black;">You are calling it what it isn't. You see the fact that it uses images and look at it the same way you would a childrens picture book. I look at it and I see a fantastic well fleshed out world with characters and people and problems.
Yes, a comic book is not what YOU consider literature because it doesn't need a lot of words to convey what is in it. You look at is as childish because it is something you don't understand. Hey I got an idea, maybe you should tryi reading a good one then come back and call it childish and unsophisticated.
I give you the fact that a lot of comic books can be somewhat lame and childish. Those are he ones that I avoid. But for every example of trash there are a ton of fantastic ones and even comedic ones. You want something to read for a good laugh you can check out comics like Battle Pope and many other very comedic comics. Something serious? Read Hawkman or Sandman or Batman. You want teen drama pick up a copy of Stars and Stripe, Sentinel, New X-Men Academy, Generation X, and a lot of others.
A comic book can be seen in many different ways but it is still a form of literature. However comparing it to other literature is hard because it is so different from the rest. Just because it tells it's story through pictures and dialogue doesn't detract from the fact that it still tells a story. A story that in my opinion is better suited for comic books and images more often than not.
You can't discount it just because ytou don't like it. Look at poeple like Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett who write both. amazing authors and also have written some of the greatest comic arcs of all time. And yes you are right. A comic is just pictures with words in bubbles and boxes....Or at least that's what you see. But the fact is that they tell a complete story with whole worlds to explore and characters to learn about.
I'm sorry for being a jackass earlier but you had been being a pompus ass to people and I wasn't in a nice mood. So yeah I did take a shot at you But you need to realize the same thing my tramp-whore of a little sister does. And guess what that is, sometimes...you are WRONG. Now go crawl back under your bridge and wait for some billy goats to cross for dinner :p</span></div>
Dashing and daring, Courageous and caring, Faithful and friendly, With stories to share. All through the forest, They sing out in chorus, Marching along, As their song fills the air.
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears.
Magic and mystery, Are part of their history, Along with the secret, Of gummiberry juice. Their legend is growing, They take pride in knowing, They'll fight for what's right, In whatever they do.
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears. They are the Gummi Bears!!