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Taking one example, where Moore says that Saddam never murdered anybody from the US. Yeah, Moore completely fouled that one up. But ask, how did that affect his point that our attack upon Iraq was unneccessary, unwarranted, and generally a waste of resources and lives save for Haliburton? Not at all.
Actually, at the bottom of the HBS article, it points out that the wording was wrong and he was talking about how "Iraq never threatened to attack America". There was also a transcript of a ABC interview that I found rather funny:
<i>TAPPER: You declare in the film that Hussein's regime had never killed an American …
MOORE: That isn't what I said. Quote the movie directly.
TAPPER: What is the quote exactly?
MOORE: "Murdered." The government of Iraq did not commit a premeditated murder on an American citizen. I'd like you to point out one.
TAPPER: If the government of Iraq permitted a terrorist named Abu Nidal who is certainly responsible for killing Americans to have Iraq as a safe haven; if Saddam Hussein funded suicide bombers in Israel who did kill Americans; if the Iraqi police — now this is not a murder but it's a plan to murder — to assassinate President Bush which at the time merited airstrikes from President Clinton once that plot was discovered; does that not belie your claim that the Iraqi government never murdered an American or never had a hand in murdering an American?
MOORE: No, because nothing you just said is proof that the Iraqi government ever murdered an American citizen. And I am still waiting for you to present that proof. You're talking about, they provide safe haven for Abu Nidal after he committed these murders, uh, Iraq helps or supports suicide bombers in Israel. I mean the support, you remember <a href="
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,50260,00.html">the telethon that the Saudis were having</a>? It's our allies, the Saudis, that have been providing help and aid to the suicide bombers in Israel. That's the story you should be covering. Why don't you cover that story? Why don't you cover it?
TAPPER: I've been told that's all the time we have. Thank you very much for this spirited debate, I appreciate your time, good luck with the movie.</i>
(NOTE: My link above.)
Regardless of lying, twisting, bias, or whatever, a valid point can be made and valid facts given. It simply aught to be critisized thoroughly, and invalid points and facts discarded. Think of Clinton's "Line Item Veto" debacle. Keep what's good, cut the rest, and see how it adds up.
God, that was a fucking mistake to repeal that bill. We had it and the Supreme Court, in an air of stupidity, declares it unconstitutional. Hell, it was built into the Confederate Constitution, for god sake!</div>