<div style='font: 10pt verdana; text-align: left; padding: 0% 10% 0% 10%; '>The censorship resolution:<blockquote>Be it resolved: No person, persons or organizations will be allowed to meet on campus or any facility owned or leased by the university if it can be determined that such persons or organizations advocate or have participated in illegal acts of domestic violence and/ or terrorism. All requests for meetings will be submitted for approval to the President of the university at least 30 days in advance. The President will have final decision-making power to determine who can meet on university property.</blockquote>Read that carefully - it gives him authority to ban <i>anyone</i>. We've recently have people representing Earth First! and the Animal Liberation Front speak on campus - both radical groups, who as I understand it, are on the FBI's domestic terrorism list. But the wording is so vauge that it gives the president authority to ban just about anyone.
Further, the president answers directly to the Board of Visitors - at any time, they can convene a meeting and fire him.
I should also mention that this resolution was proposed by someone on the BOV who is either the CEO or owner of a lumber company - this is in direct response to Earth First! and the ALF speaking on campus. He explicity said that he - meaning the lumber industry - did not feel that Virignia Tech was being a corporate friendly environment. (This information, by the way, is from the faculty representative to the BOV.)
As far as affirmative action goes, there is institutional racism that is still prevalent in this country, and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. My school is about 75% white - the stats are even worse if you only consider undergraduates. That's not representative of the state of Virginia. People like me - middle class whites - already have the privelege of being on the better side of this system. Not having affirmative action maintains the far reaching system of privelege already in place.
You also forgot to mention the removal of "sexual orientation" from our nondiscrimination clause. The SGA, LGBTA and other students groups fought in the mid '90s to get that added to our nondiscrimination clause, and the Board of Visitors - with out so much as even putting in on their agenda - removed it. All of these were proposed, seconded, yayed, nayed, passed. No input from the student or faculty representative - which they normally ask for. No discussion with even the administration, and certainly not the faculy or student body. There was a closed session meeting before the open session voting. Likely these resolutions were discussed in the close session meeting.
Here's the sexual orientation and affirmative action resolution:<blockquote>
WHEREAS, on December 15, 2002, at a special meeting of the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the Board of Visitors passed a resolution concerning the University’s policies pertaining to the recruitment, admission, and support of students; employment practices; and the involvement of all segments of the University community in the operation of the University; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to that resolution the President of the University, working through senior administrators and with University legal counsel, undertook to review. In accordance with the guidelines of the Virginia Attorney General’s office, all programs with regard to the recruitment, admission, and support of students and the application of the University’s employment practices for faculty and staff and to provide a full report to the Board of Visitors at its March meeting; and
WHEREAS, the President of the University working through senior administrators and with University legal counsel has completed the review and provided the full report to the Board of Visitors;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University hereby commends the President, the senior administrators, and the University’s legal counsel for carefully reviewing and promptly reporting on the above matter, and
BE IT FURTHERE RESOLVED that the policy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University not to discriminate on the basis of <i><b>disability, age, veteran status, political affiliation, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religious belief, or gender</b></i> is hereby expressly reiterated and clarified; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this statement of policy shall be displayed prominently in all categories, applications for admissions, scholarships or financial aid information, and employment advertisements, recruitment advertisements, students and employee handbooks, and all other publications dealing with admissions, financial assistance, and employment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in keeping with this policy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University <i><b>shall not discriminate against, grant preferences in favor of, or otherwise weigh or consider an applicant’s disability, age, veteran status, political affiliation, race, color, and national origin, ethnicity, religious belief, or gender at any point in the admissions or hiring process. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the use of any quotas, goals, timetables, guidelines, or other devices that permit, encourage, or require such discrimination, preference, weighing, or consideration (unless otherwise required by law, rule, or regulation)</b></i>; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University <i><b>shall not discriminate against, grant preferences in favor of, or otherwise weigh or consider a student’s disability, age, veteran status, political affiliation, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religious belief, or gender in awarding scholarships or other financial aid, or at any other pointing the financial aid process.</b></i> This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the use of any quotas, goals, timetables, guidelines, or other devices that permit, encourage, or require such discrimination, preference, weighing, or consideration (unless otherwise required by law, rule or regulation); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University shall cast the widest possible net in its recruitment of students and employees and shall make it clear that it welcomes applications from qualified students and qualified potential employees of both sexes and every racial, ethnic, social, and economic background. For instance, it will send recruiters to all varieties of high schools in Virginia, and it will advertise in a wide range of media and on the Internet, to ensure that all qualified students, employees, and potential applicants for employment are aware of the opportunities for them at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all persons charged with administrative responsibilities at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University shall take all necessary steps to comply with and implement this policy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that <i><b>this statement of policy shall supersede all previous policies and practices regarding non-discrimination, and shall not be repealed, amended, or modified without express action by the Board of Visitors.</b></i>
Date:____________________________ By: ______________________________
Rector, Board of Visitors
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University</blockquote>I just love that title. As a member of the SGA put it, it's "Happy Birthday Mr. Steger." All of the bold italics are mine.</div>