<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>First of all you are wrong on so many levels. Yes, they are godlike, yes they are powerful and revered by humanity. It's a different type of universe. For all there ultimate power, their villains are stronger as well. Not only that supermans weakness is not only kryptonite. SInce he gets his powers from the suns rays he is weakened at night and during any eclipses. Only 3 people in the world have kryptonite though and that's Luthor, Batman, and Ra's Al Ghul.
Second actually green lanterns power is based on willpower. If someone has more willpower than he does, believes more in their cause he ain't gonna be able to do jack. And yes, they are hampered by their creativity because they have to create the weapon. So you are saying the fact that they have a weakness is what makes them lame?
Then you hilairiously go and call some of these other characters weak. First of all, Wonder Woman, not as powerful as superman, just has super strength and reflexes as well as speed, flight, very limited invulnerability, so yeah she didn't used to be as powerful as the other heroes until she actually did become a god. Hell, her only weakness now is if she denies truth beinng the godess of trruth and all now.
The manhunter. You called manhunter weak. shows how much you know. if it wasn't for his weakness to fire he would be the most powerful force in the DCU. he already is stronger than superman and can't exaclty be hurt. He can do the shapeshifting, intangibility thing, he's more powerful than all of the heroes combined.
calling aquaman a lame hero alo shows how much you don't know. yes he doesn't have a toin of power. all he can do is talk to fish. Not to mention the fact that you become insanely super strong when you live under the pressure of being miles underwater.
So just because someone's only power is flight or something means that they can't be a hero. hey I got aan idea. before to talk about characters you have obviously never read bbefore, try reading some. You'll see that DC isn't about world ending conflict and annihilation. It's much more based around character development and story. oh not to mention continuity. they don't fuck it up half as bad a s marvel always has. I find it funny you compare then to early marvel heroes though. let's lok at the avengers.
Captain America. ok good character somewhat original...but wait, he doesn't have any powers so according to you he's lame.
Hawkeye as much as I love him he is a green arrow rip off. the womanizing archer. somehow had the exact same attitude. marvel actually got really good at ripping off ideas from DC.
Iron man. almost the exact same story as rocket red. yet rocket red was 30 years earlier.
I can go on. best example right now of marvel masterpieces. Identity disc. 3 days after DC announces a title called the Identity Crisis marvel decides to do their own and call it Identity Disc. DC didn't announce details as to whqat it was and so marvel tries to do their own. Oh their is a disc with every heros identity on it. and the bad guys are after it. DC version comes out. oh look Sue Dibny a beloved character and wife to elongated man is raped and murdered. after that other superhero wives are targetted. next comes atoms ex- wife and so on until even the bad guys are trying to find out who is doing it because they are coming after their families as well.
Marvel also has an obsession with alternate worlds. and fuck that's annoying. I loved the x-men until after about 20 issues the next 60 tookl place in alternate dimensions. fuck that's stupid. what they need to do is what DC did. A crisis on infinite earths. DC decided oh crap were really killing continuity and then always just said it happened on a different earth so they came out with the crisis and completely eliminated all of the other earths and really cleaned up all of the big problems they had.
Marvel doesn't face ultra powerful villains that require teamwork. They are all ultra powerful hell they could be gods if they wanted to. they all could. hey have to use teamwork because the bad guys don't have the conscience that they do. the bad guys could destroy everything if they wanted to. So could the good guys;. year their powers aren't superman level and hell, I don't like superman solo. except now. try reading acventures of superman. The last 2 issues have revolved around superman being weakened because they figured a way to drain the suns rays from his body and during that time lois gets shot. The last issue had one of the most powerful comic frames I have seen in years. as superman caried her limp body to an army hospital all these soldiers are calling to him for help and all he sayd as he walks up to a doctor is. "I can't help her"
Really give something a shot before you bash on it. Yes DC has the power of gods and can't be killed but their villains also aren't magneto and apokalypse. the villains are poeple like Darkseid and the planet apokalypse that he rules over. His villains are Krona, a universe devouring entity, Brainiac 5 a creature that only thirsts for knowledge and destroys worlds to get it. Aliens that conquer worlds. people like cheshire who will completely nuke a country. Ra's Al Ghul who is pretty much importal because of his lazarus pits. And so many more. so really try and read it before you bash on it. you may find out you actually enjoy something. until then you have no fucking clue what you are talking about</div>
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Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears. They are the Gummi Bears!!