BAH! I want my no text messages back
Haha...seriously.Gentz wrote:Dear God...a new message board format has lead to a new posting format! Who would have thought it possible?
And some of us do appreciate the work you're putting into this new MB, Sine, so keep it up. I'm looking forward to some of the mods.SineSwiper wrote:Gee, I guess nobody grateful that I'm trying to mod the thing to work with some of the older stuff in place. First, I'll add the Posting Styles when I get that finished, and then the Topic Preview, which will have something similar to NT messages. Of course, this is all being done during my free time and most of my work time, despite the fact that I still have some scripting to do for work. Not to mention that I'm trying to learn PHP in the process...
Nah, that's pretty much right on. I know I have a community to think about here, but I have a OSS community to think about as well. I'm just not motivated to work on a project that I know is buggy, outdated, and in some cases, badly-written. (I started this eight years ago, mind you.) Pretending that I support the software and pretending that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread (at least what it used to imply on the site) just doesn't benefit the people downloading it.Kupek wrote:Sine, I've made many assumptions in this post based on your comments and previous knowledge. If I'm off base anywhere, I'm sorry, and please correct me.
I don't think is a bad thing, necessarily. If after a little while there are fewer posts then maybe we should be worried; but we don't need new threads if we're just going to keep talking about the same stuff. We've got existing threads for that!Just pointing out a fact: there have been FAR less new threads in the new format
Hear, hear.Kupek wrote:I didn't like the new format when I first came here, but I'm starting to appreciate it. Why? Because I've accepted that <i>this is what the shrine is now</i>, moved on, and decided that since I'm here, I might as well get accustomed to it.
Sine's commitment of time and money to this board is non-trivial. Basically, one of the things that Sine does for fun is develop message board software. In return for having a message board for us to use, we test Sine's software. There's more to it than that - I assume that Sine likes us and enjoys providing a place for all of us to talk - but that is a main (if not prime) motivator.
RPGboard wasn't in wide use. It was used in a few places, but not as widely used as phpBB is. Sine's a single developer; it's hard to compete with another open source project that has more developers and a wider user base. Put yourself in Sine's position: you want your time as an open source developer to be useful; i.e., you want your code to be used by many people. So do you continue working on your own project, or do you put your project aside and work on a larger competing project? Sine chose to work on a competing project, and that's a decision I might have made as well.
So. Sine has decided that his time is best spent on a different piece of software, and as such, our way of communicating has changed. Considering the arrangement we have going, I think that's reasonable. I don't use this reasoning to support any administrative decision Sine makes (for example, banning people at whim), but I think it applies in this case.
Sine, I've made many assumptions in this post based on your comments and previous knowledge. If I'm off base anywhere, I'm sorry, and please correct me.
I think that's an issue of familiarity: you were used to the old style, and knew how to scan it quickly. That's learned, not inherent in the format.Zeus wrote:But what the other format provided that this didn't is a way to quickly and easily scan the board. . . Now, I have to scan through all of these posts I've seen at least 4 times just to get to a couple of posts that I don't really need to respond to. The other format allowed me to do that in no time, but now it takes a ton of time.
I am actually finding it easier to scan for new posts in this format. Seriously. The updated threads float, the icon changes to indicate new posts in a forum, then new posts within a thread. Then you can click the little icon to be taken directly to the newest post(s). It gets real easy when you get used to it.Zeus wrote:I've always appreciated the fact that Sine has provided us with a place to be a community. I can't imagine not having this place now, if for nothing else than just a place to chill a little bit each day.
But what the other format provided that this didn't is a way to quickly and easily scan the board. For someone like me who commutes 4+ hours a day, works 8+ hours a day, and has a wife he'd actually like to see, 10 or 15 minutes is a big thing for me to save here and there. Now, I have to scan through all of these posts I've seen at least 4 times just to get to a couple of posts that I don't really need to respond to. The other format allowed me to do that in no time, but now it takes a ton of time.
I know that this is just the beginning and that Sine's gonna change it and it'll take a while since he actually has a life. But we still need to let him know exactly why each of us dislikes it so he can make it better. So I am....repeatedly :-)
Yeah, I want to put that link on most of the pages, not just the first index page. I don't know why that isn't standard, but then again, I don't know why a lot of things aren't standard.Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:Click on the little orange page thing to the right of the subject line and you'll be taken to the newest post in the thread. I find it very easy to scan PHPBBs for new posts - easier than RPGBoard, as it brings all new threads to the top.
Good point, the structure does force linearity.Zeus wrote:Multi-topic threads (ie. actually allowing conversations to blossom into multiple topics, the way conversations are naturally meant to develop) is the main thing I miss about the old format. The new format will essentially eliminate that.
Yeah, but when conversations do start to go off into new-topic land, we can either just start a new thread, or a mod can split the conversation. Not that big a deal.Zeus wrote:Multi-topic threads (ie. actually allowing conversations to blossom into multiple topics, the way conversations are naturally meant to develop) is the main thing I miss about the old format. The new format will essentially eliminate that.
Your problem is just that you were used to the old format and now things are different. For all your complaining, that's all the situation boils down to - you haven't had time to get used to a new setup. In a few months you won't even remember what it was like posting on the old RPGBoard.zeus wrote:No it's inherent in the format, particularly when we're talking about NT messages, which a lot of us regulars used almost exclusively. It's 10 times easier to sift through the old way than through this way. So, my time committment to come here is automatically increased.
You've obviously never posted at a PHP board. That's just not true at all. The only difference is that, in this format, the main topic of the thread tends to evolve as the conversation develops whereas, in old RPGB, different topics tend to be more compartmentalized within the thread. And say what you want about this difference, but if anything the former is a lot more "natural" than the latter when it comes to the way conversations develop. When you're talking to someone IRL you don't have the luxury of replying directly to something they said an hour ago, you respond to what they're presently saying.zeus wrote:That's before we even start talking about how this new format forces on-topic threads. Multi-topic threads (ie. actually allowing conversations to blossom into multiple topics, the way conversations are naturally meant to develop) is the main thing I miss about the old format. The new format will essentially eliminate that.
And now you're threating to quit when I change to a board format that nearly the entire planet uses?The Seeker wrote:Tort, you threatened to quit when Sine took out the worthless Frames options. But I don't really feel like I am posting at the Shrine anymore. It feels like the time when we moved to that semi-active board run by G-man a few years ago. All I hope for is that the community stays alive.
Um, hello? All the crap I said about Sine deciding where his time as an open source developer is best spent?Mental wrote:we could always vote, if we want to make this a true populist democracy...