Heh umm I mean it there's a total of 6 dungeons in Minish cap. It just FEELS small by comparison you really feel like there should be more.
In Minish there's no starting Dungeon, then you just go to 5 dungeons to get all 4 elements before the final dungeon(which is incredibley short and easy compared to the Wind dungeon) and the final boss.
Link to the Past: first dungeon to rescue zelda, 3 dungeons to get the pendants of courage wisdom and power, get the sword, nother dungeon to fight the wizard, new dark world to explore, 8 dungeons there, then one more dungeon and fight with Ganon.
Maybe it's just me but you'll have to play it to draw your own conclusion. To me dungeons NEVER take long to clear, first time or 10th time I do it.