Zeus wrote:Well, for instance, in order to check out which new replies there were for this thread, I clicked on the "last reply" link, then went to the top, realized that my reply that everyone was replying to was on the previous page, clicked "Previous", scrolled way back down to where my reply was, then followed the replies through to the last one. Luckily, there was no other tangent in the conversation, so it was just linear.
You're talking about a rare case there. Given the short size of a full page 18KB, I'll go ahead and double the amount of Posts Per Page.
Zeus wrote:In the old format, this would simply had taken a glance from my post down since all replies were indented. If there was a body to one of the posts and I cared, I'd click and look (very rare). That, right there, is a savings of approximately one minute, and it's just one thread. This is what i'm referring to.
You're purposely ignoring the problems with the old format. The same indentation totally breaks down on big threads
Zeus wrote:Since I don't know how to quote properly (have the whole "Lox wrote" with the quote), I'll reply here. Lox, I've used this format before, when I've been surfing around trying to figure things out (ie. DVD formatting). I just flat out don't like it. It's not like this is completely new to me. But it seems that most of you like it, so I'll just deal with it. Besides, it's Sine's board and he can do what he wants. I've already voiced my opinion.
See, this proves Lox's point. You're not even trying. There's a quote button
right there to quote somebody's message. That was pretty much how it worked on RPGBoard, but it's a lot more robust here because you can quote other people.
Gentz wrote:Wow. Interesting. Let's see what Ish has to say about that...
You know, I love how not only does it say "Lox wrote", but it uses the right colors, too.