HAHAHAHAHA! Fuckin' Guile's defeat scream! I don't know why that's so funny!Now, "open your buttcrack" is already strange enough. That alone might have been enough to amuse me for the rest of the day. What killed me though, was when Boy 2 stood up, hunched forward a bit, and with a facial expression that looked like he was sucking on a lemon while someone was telling him the family dog had been killed horribly, twice, he made this unforgettable "Huuuaaaaoooouuuugggghhhhh....." noise. ...What the hell is that?! The open your buttcrack noise? For you video gamers out there, imagine Guile's defeat scream from Street Fighter II, except prolongued and...uh...more constipated. That, coupled with the face he made...it still cracks me up just thinking about it.