The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Saw two movies last night: Cellular and Garden State

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #83932  by Zeus
 Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:03 am
Cellular is the definition of Hollywood formula crap. After about 12 seconds you know the plot. Every "twist" is an expected, formulaic "twist". You've got your "normal guy who becomes a superhero" part, your "normal victim who outsmarts the bad guys and does just enough to get by but needs saving at the end" part....and I won't even tell you about the other crap. It was one of those movies you want to turn off (got it free on satellite) but you just can't 'cause you want to see just how bad it gets. And it keeps getting worse. Wow, one of the crappiest pieces of crap I've seen in a while....

I watched about 35 minutes of Garden State last night. I have a rule: give a movie 20 minutes, if it doesn't give you a reason to watch it longer, turn it off. Well, I barely got past the 20 minute mark, solely based on the whole "this HAS to go somewhere" mentality. It didn't, so after 35 minutes I just gave up. Too late to keep watching a movie that's going nowhere. Sorry, Kupek, I tried, I really did.....
 #83934  by SineSwiper
 Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:25 am
Zeus wrote:I watched about 35 minutes of Garden State last night. I have a rule: give a movie 20 minutes, if it doesn't give you a reason to watch it longer, turn it off. Well, I barely got past the 20 minute mark, solely based on the whole "this HAS to go somewhere" mentality. It didn't, so after 35 minutes I just gave up. Too late to keep watching a movie that's going nowhere. Sorry, Kupek, I tried, I really did.....
That's a fucking stupid rule, especially when anime takes a while to get you hooked into it. Hell, there's plenty of movies that are like that. If a lot of people think it's good, I'll stand to watch the whole thing. It's not like my 2 hours was really wasted, especially since I would probably be watching TV or something anyway.

I can't believe you watched the entire thing of a crappy formulaic movie, but didn't bother with one that got rave reviews. It's no wonder that people really blast you on your opinion of movies.

 #84103  by Zeus
 Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:15 am
Cellular was like a train wreck, I just had to see how bad it really was. Man, it fucking sucked. One of the worst movies I've seen in a long, long time, and I watch a ton of crap.

Garden State had promise, but it just never went anywhere. I don't need a constant moving plot (like, say, 24), but there has to be SOMETHING. Even Napoleon Dynamite had something, some level of plot movement. In 35 minutes, Garden State went NOWHERE. I mean, he was just going from one scene to he next. Maybe that was the point, but it's just not fun to watch.

The 20 minute rule isn't set in stone. After all, Garden State lasted 35 minutes. It's simply "give me a reason to keep watching" not "it had better be good". It doesn't have to be a full plot revealation or anything, just SOMETHING. I mean, I kept watching Cellular 'cause it was so fucking shitty and I just had to see what levels it stooped to. Garden State didn't look like it was going or down, just going for no reason at all. It's the same reason I stopped watching Ghost World. When you watch as many movies as I do, you don't want to waste your time with something that's not gonna entertain you to some level, whether it's good or bad.

Remember, I never said it sucked, just that there was no reason to keep watching 'cause it was just nothing. And since when do reviews mean anything? Titanic got some kick-ass reviews.....

 #84117  by SineSwiper
 Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:00 am
Come on. I mean reviews by us. Fine, we clash at some of the movies we like, but our tastes are a helluva lot better than a lot of the reviews out there. Hell, I'm sure most of the Titanic reviewers that gave it good reviews were just trying ways to fit their quote paid by the movie producers. It's shameful how many reviewers do that kind of shit.