Injuries drive me crazy, sometimes to the point of stupidity. Cases in point:
<i>Tendonitis, right shoulder -</i> Had to miss most of my senior year of swimming in high school (and I was the captain that year, too). Also made driving a big pain in the ass, since it hurt to have my right arm in any position other than in my lap (and I was driving a manual at that point).
<i>Skin abrasion, right shin -</i> It was a heck of a lot worse than it sounds - I did a full-speed baseball-style slide in a rocky patch of dirt and scraped up pretty much my entire shin. It took all summer to heal, slathering it with bacitracin and taping two gauze pads together every day, but I was back on the field before it had even scabbed over fully. I remember running down the field one day, frantically trying to stick my gauze pad back to my skin.
<i>High groin sprain -</i> I remember going to one of my team's games that I had intended to sit out with a tender groin/hip flexor (in order to rest for a tournament that I was playing in that weekend). Of course I couldn't stand watching, so about halfway through I ran back to my car, got changed, and played the rest of the game. We won, too.
<i>Ligament bruise, right shoulder -</i> After a guy who had five inches and 75 pounds on me fell on top of me during a scrimmage and screwed up my shoulder, I had to go around in a sling for a while. Of course, since I'm left-handed and I could still run, that didn't stop me from playing catch and running pre-game drills with my teammates.
<i>Fracture, left middle finger -</i> This one sucked, since as I mentioned, I'm left-handed. I pretty much had to sit out 6-7 weeks...but as soon as the doc said I could switch from a splint to buddy taping, I was back on the field. Playing right-handed, naturally. Which drove me crazy for two and a half weeks until I said to myself, "wait a second, can I throw lefty with my fingers taped together?" I tried a couple throws, found that it worked with little pain, and the rest is history. (I still tape my fingers together when I play these days, and this injury happened last November.)
So what's the moral of all these stories? There's really two of them:
1) I love ultimate, and 2) I'm a complete idiot.
