It kinda reminds me when all the conservaitves in this country simultaneously had pickles injected up their asses when the federal government decided to give 12-20 million to help the NHL teams out (background info: Canadian teams actually pay full taxes; the Montreal Canadians and Ottawa Senators pay more taxes than all the US teams combined) because, well, it's good business. A few days later, with the streets being overrun by the disenchanted public, the federal government retracted their promise.....then decideds to tell the country that they "lost" $1 billion. Did anyone notice the loss? No, they were too busy cheering the penny pinching of the $12-20 mil that they have been milking off of the sports teams (more background info: entertainment artists, Hollywood, and other forms of entertainment are given massive tax breaks to come up here yet they rape the teams that actually provide to the community on a regular basis).
BTW, on the Shaivo case: man, that woman was suffering for 10 freakin' years. Would you want to live like that? It's mercy IMO