Zeus wrote:You know they'll drink you under the table, Grey. They're like the Irish, they have that shit for breakfast :-)
Actually, I did have beer for breakfast on Tuesday, but it's exam period, I deserved it dammit!
I admit though, I can't hold up to a lot of people here. The reaosn why a lot of people do drink like Irish is because they ARE Irish. Newfoundland, they still even speak with an Irish accent, the province is nearly all Irish. The Acadians (who can be identified because their strong accent makes them sound like bumpkins, I think their accent originated from the same place that those in the Southern US did; and Acadians also listen to Country Music and Metal, two very popular forms of music in the Southern US. I would actually like to do a study on that sometime, to find out why the cultures have those similarities) also drink a hell of a lot more than what is good.
As for alcoholics, there are those who may drink a lot and alcohol consumption is a habit. A true alcoholic is someone who has taken that habit to a whole new level, their bodies have become so used to the intoxication effects that if they don't have it, they go crazy and may even possibly die. An alcoholic sees the world through totally different eyes from regular people, if someone took a piss in a beer bottle and tossed it, an alcoholic would pick that up and drink it; it's still beer, just with some urine in it, no big deal.
I am not entirely sure but I think drinking is a large part of the culture of most of the western world. Eastern Canada, much of the US, Much of Western Canada, and all of Europe (except parts of Austria, and that's about it) have drinking cultures. I think the Japanese also have a big drinking culture as well. Ontario and some of the States in the surrounding area do not have big drinking cultures either. These are just my observations from travel =P Latin America is another place with a large drinking culture, but that was also settled by Westerners. The Europeans are the worst I think. Every time I go to Sweden, they don't greet me with a hug or a handshake, it is by giving me a beer =P