The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Pic of Brandon Routh as Superman

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.

 #85884  by Kupek
 Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:37 pm
Yeah, it looks kinda silly (particularly those boots and the belt), but Superman's costume is pretty silly to begin with.

 #85887  by Zeus
 Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:13 pm
yeah, it's like Spidey, you really can't change the suit that much. We need the brilliant red rather than the burgundy...

 #85889  by Derithian
 Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:33 pm
well color can be filled in post production. that's not really too much of a problem. the problem is the sheild being so tiny. the sheil needs to be large. the belt isn't bad but it is kkind of weird. I think the one sheild it plenty and that sheild needs to be much larger.....that's the one thing the worlds finest short did really well is the superman logo on the costume

 #85893  by SineSwiper
 Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:21 pm
I think the pose looks really lame. The actor looks like he's going to be in the next porno movie spoofing Superman. I guess the next scene after this is him screwing Lois Lane in his full cape, shouting "Can you handle all of that Kryptonite, bitch?!"

I dunno. He just looks like a porno actor.

 #85906  by Ishamael
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:05 am
Agreed. But then again, I would have bet the house that X-men was gonna suck before seeing the initial costumes. After seeing the costumes, I woulda bet the house and my 401K. I ended up being proven wrong. Out of all the directors in Hollywood, I don't think there's anyone I trust more than Brian Singer to get it right.

 #85915  by Zeus
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:53 am
Ishamael wrote:Agreed. But then again, I would have bet the house that X-men was gonna suck before seeing the initial costumes. After seeing the costumes, I woulda bet the house and my 401K. I ended up being proven wrong. Out of all the directors in Hollywood, I don't think there's anyone I trust more than Brian Singer to get it right.
I like the X-Men movies (second was much better), but no one did a better comic-to-movie translation than Raimi with the Spidey movies IMO. He's the best one at it. Ang Lee's take on Hulk was a bit different, but it was great too. Synger's good, but he didn't give it the depth of the Spidey films. You can just tell that Raimi was a Spidey fan and has been for years while Synger only read a couple of graphic novels to get the idea.

 #85916  by Kupek
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:05 am
Zeus wrote:I like the X-Men movies (second was much better), but no one did a better comic-to-movie translation than Raimi with the Spidey movies IMO. He's the best one at it. Ang Lee's take on Hulk was a bit different, but it was great too. Synger's good, but he didn't give it the depth of the Spidey films. You can just tell that Raimi was a Spidey fan and has been for years while Synger only read a couple of graphic novels to get the idea.
I understand where you're coming from, but I was able to buy into the X-Men movies much more than the Spiderman movies. The Spiderman movies were cheesier, while X-Men was more straight-faced, which is how I prefer my comic book movies. So between Raimi and Singer, I'll take Singer. Particularly for Superman, where I think even a little bit of cheese can hurt the film. I thought he handled the comic-to-screen problems with X-Men superbly (i.e., making sure they don't come off like circus clowns fighting crime), so I think he'll probably do it well with Superman. I mean, it's a guy flying around in blue tights and a red speedo - that can go real bad real fast if not handled well.

I acknowledge I have a bias in that I enjoyed the X-Men comics more than Spiderman.

 #85919  by Eric
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:26 am
The only time I've ever seen Superman "cool" was in his final season of the animated series, and of course Justice League.

That being said, this guy playing Superman never really sat well with me. Heck I saw him as Clark Kent, he looked horrible.

 #85926  by Lox
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:30 pm
Eric wrote:That being said, this guy playing Superman never really sat well with me. Heck I saw him as Clark Kent, he looked horrible.
I saw pics of him as Clark Kent and I thought he pulled that off fine because Clark Kent is supposed to be a bumbling country boy in a big city.

 #85933  by Eric
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:40 pm
Yeah but even in the comics Clark Kent eventually had some class, which is when I started liking his char alot better. The dorky Clark Kent never sat well with me, because it was all an act. He's Superman for christ's sake, act like it.

At least Peter Parker really WAS a dork.

 #85934  by Lox
 Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:06 pm
Eric wrote:Yeah but even in the comics Clark Kent eventually had some class, which is when I started liking his char alot better. The dorky Clark Kent never sat well with me, because it was all an act. He's Superman for christ's sake, act like it.

At least Peter Parker really WAS a dork.
Then why even bother with a disguise if he's just going to be "Superman in plain clothes"? The point is to trick people so they don't realize he's Superman. Him acting like a doofus makes the whole idea of no one figuring it out a lot more plausible than "oh, he's wearing glasses, he can't be Superman!" :)

 #85961  by SineSwiper
 Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:45 am
Why all this talk about directors? I thought Kevin Smith was taking this one anyway. He was even on CNN for fuck's sake! They are sitting there discussing the picture of Superman. I didn't get to hear the conversation (muted TV), but it was a good 5 minutes about the picture.

 #85970  by Lox
 Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:58 am
SineSwiper wrote:Why all this talk about directors? I thought Kevin Smith was taking this one anyway. He was even on CNN for fuck's sake! They are sitting there discussing the picture of Superman. I didn't get to hear the conversation (muted TV), but it was a good 5 minutes about the picture.
Kevin Smith directing the Superman movie? No, it's been Bryan Singer for a long time. He's not doing X-Men 3 because he's doing Superman.

 #86025  by SineSwiper
 Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:34 am
Yeah, that's right...the bastard.