This one seems to be more of an ex-employee ignoring his NDA. From Gamespot's Rumour Control:
RUMOR #2: One bigmouthed developer has leaked a boatload of details on the Nintendo Revolution.
Source: The forums of
The official story: "Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation."--Nintendo spokesperson.
What we heard: Hot on the heels of last week's rumor that the Revolution might include 3D technology is a rebuttal saying that it won't. It comes courtesy of an anonymous former Nintendo employee who is now developing games for his former employer's next-generation console. Besdies trashing the 3D rumors, the ex-Nintendite reveals many features about the console. He--or she--says that the Revolution will have wireless, pressure-sensitive controllers that will add a new level of force feedback. "It will be sort of like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," said the source. "You squeeze it and you go faster." The source also said that the Revolution "will also include voice control more advanced than anything seen so far" and come with wireless headsets. He also said that the Revolution will come with an online service superior to Xbox Live--but totally free. "The only way I can describe it is as an internet service," said the poster. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution’s homepage." The source also said that besides Nintendo, which has at least seven next-gen titles in development, Capcom, Namco, EA, Sega, Zoonami, and Activision are all currently working on Revolution titles. However, the poster remained coy about what the exact "Revolution" would be. "I’m not going to tell you the revolutionary aspect of the system. Nintendo has some cool pre E3 plans for that."
Bogus or not bogus?: Interesting? Most definitely. Bogus? We'll see at E3.
RUMOR #2: One bigmouthed developer has leaked a boatload of details on the Nintendo Revolution.
Source: The forums of
The official story: "Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation."--Nintendo spokesperson.
What we heard: Hot on the heels of last week's rumor that the Revolution might include 3D technology is a rebuttal saying that it won't. It comes courtesy of an anonymous former Nintendo employee who is now developing games for his former employer's next-generation console. Besdies trashing the 3D rumors, the ex-Nintendite reveals many features about the console. He--or she--says that the Revolution will have wireless, pressure-sensitive controllers that will add a new level of force feedback. "It will be sort of like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," said the source. "You squeeze it and you go faster." The source also said that the Revolution "will also include voice control more advanced than anything seen so far" and come with wireless headsets. He also said that the Revolution will come with an online service superior to Xbox Live--but totally free. "The only way I can describe it is as an internet service," said the poster. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution’s homepage." The source also said that besides Nintendo, which has at least seven next-gen titles in development, Capcom, Namco, EA, Sega, Zoonami, and Activision are all currently working on Revolution titles. However, the poster remained coy about what the exact "Revolution" would be. "I’m not going to tell you the revolutionary aspect of the system. Nintendo has some cool pre E3 plans for that."
Bogus or not bogus?: Interesting? Most definitely. Bogus? We'll see at E3.