The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • A Sine-like review of Sith....

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.

 #86750  by Nev
 Thu May 12, 2005 4:59 pm
it's easily the best of the prequel trilogy, but i don't think that's saying much.

 #86751  by Zeus
 Thu May 12, 2005 5:07 pm
Then there are those of us who feel that most people see the original trilogy through rose-coloured glasses, so it's not really a fair comparison.

 #86752  by Flip
 Thu May 12, 2005 5:57 pm
I argue this point with my wife sometimes when i complain after finishing a book i didnt like because so-and-so did such-and-such at the end of the sotry that was totally unbelievable or inconsistant.

She always says back, "You read stupid fantasy books, anyboy can do anything they want in a world like that."

I try to explain that even in fantasy novels rules are laid out and limits are set in the very beginning and it pisses me off when they are broken, but she never gets it.

I can understand this guys complaints.

 #86779  by Zeus
 Fri May 13, 2005 6:45 am
Well, I can't sympathize 'cause I liked the first two films

 #86814  by Ishamael
 Fri May 13, 2005 10:08 pm
Pretty OK review and the points he makes are good...but honestly, if we're going to be this strict in "inconsistencies" in the Star Wars plot, then the OT would fall well short too.

I see the inconsistencies and I don't care. It's still my favorite movie series ever. So much other stuff is so right that I can forgive a few hiccups (Ep I was more of a burp though :) ).

 #86820  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 14, 2005 8:42 am
I agree with the "You're taking this too seriously" quote. It's impossible to enjoy most movies if you consider logic. Anyways, I read the spoiler section, there's nothing in it that can't already be guessed or was revealed in the trailers except for a few minor points that I didn't feel were important.

Anyways, all of his points are fairly weak I found.

Taking one from the spoiler section which obviously everyone will know about:

Anakin can sense his mother in danger, but does not sense the existance of his son on the same planet or his wife being pregnant. I would explain this more or less as Anakin being relatively busy, he probably missed the whole pregnancy (ever see Springer? It happens!). Secondly, he had an attatchment to his mother, he had no attatchment to Luke, he would not try to sense the planet for Luke. It appears that Jedi will not be able to sense other Jedi unless in close proximity to them, afterall, no one found Anakin until they stumbled upon him by chance.Also, why would Anakin want to scan that planet for other Jedi? You would think that would be the one planet he would want to avoid for the rest of his life. Probably why Obi-Wan picked it. That is how I think Lucas would explain it.

Anyways, the guy seems to be quite angry because the story didn't go out exactly how he wanted it to. He had this idea in his head as to how it was supposed to go, and it doesn't match that idea; that seems to be the source of his anger.

 #86824  by Flip
 Sat May 14, 2005 12:13 pm
Anyways, the guy seems to be quite angry because the story didn't go out exactly how he wanted it to. He had this idea in his head as to how it was supposed to go, and it doesn't match that idea; that seems to be the source of his anger.
I think its more that Lucas sets precedence with how things work and then just ignores them. You tell me then, why Annakin could sense his mother but not his children? Of course just the notion of sensing your mother is outrageous, but since Lucas says Annakin can do it, why would he then completely change the rules?

Differences like these are the examples that make entertaining stories different between the greatly written very entertaining stories.

 #86827  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 14, 2005 3:40 pm
As I said before, he could sense his mother because he had attatchment to her. He had no idea his children existed, so therefore isn't sensing them. I think it is fairly clear in the first movie (maybe the second as well) that Anakin's thoughts were dwelling stronglyupon his mother, therefore with his power focussed there, he could sense when she was in danger. He obviously had no focus on his children; because again, he has no attatchment to them.

To put it to an analogy: Anakin has a string attatched to his mother, it is attatched because he attatched it there, and therefore will be able to sense when she is in danger and such. He has no idea that Luke and Leia exist, so didn't attatch any strings to them. The string is an analogy for his Jedi thought and power. It explains this fairly simply in Episode I, the author of the IGN article just failed to remember the details.

Also, aside from that thing, there was something else about the plot (which is a spoiler) dealing with the death of the Jedi, he said he wanted it to happen one way, but it didn't; it happened a different way; and so he was upset.

 #86836  by Flip
 Sat May 14, 2005 6:47 pm
From his explanation of the way things go down, i agree that it will be disappointing. Without getting into the details of the situation, he makes a good point that it makes no sense for the clones to act this way, it would have been easy to drop a nugget about this in the 2nd movie, but they never did, so it just the script writers easy way out.

As for your 'strings', there is no mention of this ability in the first movie. This is your rationalization and explanation that you made up so it will make sense to you, which is fine, because Lucas's lazy writing forces you to do so.

 #86839  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 14, 2005 8:01 pm
I thought Yoda said something about him having his thoughts strongly bent towards his mother.

 #86841  by Flip
 Sat May 14, 2005 11:10 pm

Thinking back to #2, i suppose that leader from the tall skinny aliens's planet did say that the clones were created to follow instruction with less independance... maybe that was the nugget that could lead to storm troopers blindly killing Jedi at a mere word.