I agree with the "You're taking this too seriously" quote. It's impossible to enjoy most movies if you consider logic. Anyways, I read the spoiler section, there's nothing in it that can't already be guessed or was revealed in the trailers except for a few minor points that I didn't feel were important.
Anyways, all of his points are fairly weak I found.
Taking one from the spoiler section which obviously everyone will know about:
Anakin can sense his mother in danger, but does not sense the existance of his son on the same planet or his wife being pregnant. I would explain this more or less as Anakin being relatively busy, he probably missed the whole pregnancy (ever see Springer? It happens!). Secondly, he had an attatchment to his mother, he had no attatchment to Luke, he would not try to sense the planet for Luke. It appears that Jedi will not be able to sense other Jedi unless in close proximity to them, afterall, no one found Anakin until they stumbled upon him by chance.Also, why would Anakin want to scan that planet for other Jedi? You would think that would be the one planet he would want to avoid for the rest of his life. Probably why Obi-Wan picked it. That is how I think Lucas would explain it.
Anyways, the guy seems to be quite angry because the story didn't go out exactly how he wanted it to. He had this idea in his head as to how it was supposed to go, and it doesn't match that idea; that seems to be the source of his anger.