The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • My Final Fantasy 7 journal

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #87111  by Julius Seeker
 Tue May 17, 2005 12:29 pm
Now for the record, it has been a long time since I have played this game a very far distance. This time I will play through it all; and keep a journal of it right here at the Shrine in this thread. Those who are interested in following along, please do. I am also going to do Final Fantasy 8, 9, and 10. I just recently played both, but I didn't finish 9, and I want to finish it. Then perhaps I will do Xenogears, and Breath of Fire 3, over again as well.

Why am I doing this and starting with 7? Well, I want a fresh adventure; and FF7 will be fresh for me, once I finish it, I certainly will enjoy playing FF8 again, even though I think I know every bit of the 1000 pages or so of dialogue off by heart; the game has a special place in my heart.

Anyways, starting Final Fantasy 7, it was a bit of a shock. I don't care if people try to claim that the graphics aren't Super Deformed, I do believe that characters with block hands as large as their torso's, and heads larger than their torso's are SD style. A lot of the characters are also overly fat, Barret is the same dimensions as Steiner from FF9, and has the same facial expressions. The characters also lack any form of muscle in their arms or legs, they remind me of Dr. Robotnick aside from the fact that they do have large shoulders (just no biceps).

On the music, it is very close to Final Fantasy III's style, and so is the menu system. The music has sort of an old school feel to it.

The graphics, one thing that will take a bit getting used to is that the graphics are not presented in as pretty a manner as Final Fantasy 8 or 9's. The characters scurry accross a 2D background, which does look nice, but the angle viewing the characters from is not very nice, sometimes the character on the screen can get incredibly small until you can't see what you are doing; the character then resembles 3 triangles. There are also times when you have no idea where to go, Square has not had this issue with FF8 or 9.

Load times seem to be not as bad as I remember them being, but I am playing on the new model PS2, and I am still not very far yet.

Anyways, the Journal:

ENTRY #1 - Terrorists blowing up reactors

Alright, so the introduction passed, and we jumped off the train. First thing I noticed was that enemies barely scratch you, and they could be destroyed with ease. So we ran a bit forward, and dialogue is sort of like this:

"Wow!!!! You used to be in SOLDIER alright!!! Not everyday you find someone like you in a group like Avalanche!!!"

"Hold on. He WAS with soldier and quit them to become one of us!"

Bad translation I think =P At this point the dialogue quality was still similar to the later SNES Square games. By the time Xenogears came around it had improved quite a bit.

Anyways, we moved forward and broke into the reactor with relative ease, the security they had was all very low in strength. We defeated the final boss of the area without losing very much HP, and made our ways out. On the way out I bumped into this strange looking girl selling flowers, and I essentially told her to get lost. I fought and killed about 15 soldiers. Jumped on a train and headed down to the Under City. Which is where I stopped and saved the game.

All in all, so far from what I have played, the game feels very different than what I remember it being. It does have an old school feel to it, and FF9 being the one that was supposed to have an old school feel to it actually feels more modern and much closer to FF10 than FF7 does. Anyways, I enjoy this part of the story in FF7, being a terrorist organization in Midgar City.

I think the character of Cloud right now seems very much like Zidane with social issues. Like he got raped in prison or something. Barret seems like a wad, he reminds me a lot of Steiner right now (even though I know his character changes later on). I named Cloud Ragnar after my favourite 1950's movie character, and Barret has become Booker T after the FIVE TIME! FIVE TIME! WCW Champion.

It kind of makes me think for a moment. What if Squall and SeeD met up with Cloud and Avalanche, I think the two groups would hate each other =)

You have Squall and SeeD which are elitest blue bloods, and Avalanche who are undercity terrorist scum. The two would NOT get along. How Garden would be towards Shinra? I think that they would have an uneasy peace, SeeD is sort of like SOLDIER in a way; that they are both elistest fighting groups; but SeeD has a different sort of mission, and are independent of nations. Now if Shinra Corp and Galbadia got together, I think they would thrive.

Wakka would be incredibly angry at everyone for daring to use the Forbidden Machina. Though Wakka would get along fine with Avalanche, and probably would enjoy blowing up the Midgar reactors. Though he would try to fight Barret no doubt, since Barret is part forbidden Machina.

 #87120  by Don
 Tue May 17, 2005 12:54 pm
Zidane was supposed to be the anti-Cloud/Squall. He has no real problems until he goes into a slump toward the end of the 3rd CD.

Cloud's messed up, but he actually has reason to be messed up as opposed to suffering from GF withdraw or whatever the heck is going on with in FF8.

 #87122  by Julius Seeker
 Tue May 17, 2005 1:03 pm
I didn't think Squall was messed up; he acted like any other stuck up elitest would. I though Fuijin was messed up though =P

 #87125  by Don
 Tue May 17, 2005 1:15 pm
Fujin's speaking style makes slightly more sense in Japanese.

Anyway it's really no different from all the weird ways of speaking in Chrono Cross, like-grobyc-the-cyborg. It's just a way to indicate she's different.

 #87133  by Julius Seeker
 Tue May 17, 2005 1:49 pm
I liked Fuijin, she was a funny character =)

 #87166  by Tortolia
 Tue May 17, 2005 5:59 pm
One of the few positive things I can say about FFIX is that Zidane is refreshingly non-angsty.

After Cloud and Squall, it helped significantly. Thankfully they got the balance down pretty well for Tidus.

 #87998  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:58 pm

I played a bit more this morning. First thing I did was go to the bar, and met up with a new character, sometimes known as Tifa, but I couldn't resist, and called her Tits Mgee (wanted to put Boobs Mcgee, but there wasn't enough room). So anyways, we eventually saw a beautiful cutscene which showed boobs and Ragnar with their beautiful faces consisting of two eyes and nothing else. Something about some promise to protect her, seriously though, this boobs Mcgee is on some serious crack, if she expected me to remember that, then she would just be poor girlfriend material I think.

Anyways, we get back, have a meeting, Mr. T (Or Booker T as I called him) was having a temper tantrum and punching that bag with incredible force, for quite a while, this is an incredibly funny scene; seeing such a big man taking a temper tantrum. Then of course, we have some more of the brilliantly misleading dialog from Boobs "Ragnar! I got a message from the weapons shop man upstairs. He has something he wants to give you. Don't forget! Marlene, watch the store while we're gone."

Well, first thing I do is spend several minutes trying to find the upstairs, only I never found it. This weapon shop man or this upstairs DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!! And leaving a little girl in charge of a bar, what kind of people are these "terrorists" as the news and everyone seems to be calling them. I am serious, if Squall, Zell, and Seifer ever got ahold of these guys, they would rip them each new holes, where their mouths should be (but aren't). I think Mother Edea would be extremely pissed =)

Anyways, we are going for some more terrorist bombing, and somewhere we learned that a lot of innocent people had died in our first attack "Who gives a crap!" then the guy complains and says that Avalanche should have attacked in the night so at least the innocents could have died in their sleep. Either way, we're terrorists, we don't give a crap about innocents. Then Mr. T (Barret) threatens to beat the living hell out of someone on the train because he works for a Shinra office. Barret has such a loud mouth, because of him it is quite obvious that Shinra will soon likely be able to pinpoint our exact location, and eliminate us terrorists. What would Squall say about this, "Booker T, you're as fat as you are stupid. And Boobs Mcgee, seriously, get a life and some therapy, we have no room for idiots on this mission."

Uh oh! Jessie screwed up, we got busted, but still easily escape by jumping off a very fast moving train and make our way miraculously right into the reactor core with no difficulty. When we try to escape, OH MY GOD! It's the Grand Poobah President Shinra himself, "Mr. T, you have a gun, shoot the son of a bitch. What the hell! DO IT!" But of course he doesn't, and instead we have to fight this giant robot who Mr. T thinks is a SOLDIER, Ragnar assures him that it isn't. Mr. T then says, "I don't care what it is!! I'm gonna bust him up!" But unfortunately, after the first shot (limit breaker) from Mr T for about 160 damages, Ragnar comes in with a Braver and does 850 damages and the thing dies shortly after with a hit from Boobs and a thunder spell from Ragnar, should bosses die in two rounds?

So there is an explosion, and Ragnar falls to his death...... But flowers in a church below break his fall. These flowers are owned by a girl dressed in a pink dress. I remember her, she's the slum drunk! "That wasn't very polite!" she then said to me; what's up with this woman? No sense of humour? Anyways, she wants a name, I called her gutter slut (well, gutr slut); Ragnar has a fetish with gutter sluts, he loves them! =). There is some weird looking person who comes in, he is a turk recruiting for soldier or something. We eventually break our way free and escape from them, they only had weak people go after the gutter slut anyways, she kicked their ass with that metallic bo staff of hers, each hit did between 1 and 3 damages, only she has 248 HP =)

Anyways, once we escape, I decided to save it and end my journey for the day.

Closing Comments, had a lot of fun this time around, the dialog is very cheesy, can you imagine if this game actually had voice acting? Terrible, it would be funny to hear it. I picture Ragnar having a kind of slow voice, like a doped up guy. Boobs would have a hyper active high pitched annoying voice that makes you want to shoot something, Gutter Slut would sound like a stupid blonde, but of course Mr. T, he would sound like Chris Tucker =)

What happens now? What happened to Booker T and Boobs Mcgee? How will Ragnar find them? And this girl who Ragnar HAPPENS to keep bumping into, the gutter slut, what role will she play in this? Is there a reason why Ragnar, a SOLDIER keeps bumping into this girl, we will find out, or will we? The truth behind the matter is that she is a dangerous stalker =)

 #88016  by SineSwiper
 Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:15 am
This could almost be a mad-lib story with all of the different names.

 #88020  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:21 am
SineSwiper wrote:This could almost be a mad-lib story with all of the different names.
Well yeah, that's the way RPG's tend to be when they have the name selection option =P

 #91026  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:41 pm
This morning I had some time to pick up the game and continue. Upon finding Aeris at the church (I don't know, praying to plants or something). We decided to go back to her place. The Turks chased us, but Ragnar (Cloud) wasn't really interested in the reason for it, he just wanted to help the gutter (Aeris) slut escape. They did so with ease, luckily the Turks were incredibly weak.

Unfortunately, Ragnar, didn't know his way home (in Sector 7); even though he was only in sector six, and Aeris the gutter slut wanted to show him the way. During the night, Aeris's mother came and told Ragnar to leave without Aeris knowing. Ragnar did just that, but unfortunately Aeris is magic, and even though Ragnar ran fast when Aeris was obviously in her room, she appeared before him on the road. It was really funny, after a bit of talk, they saw Boobs Mcgee (AKA Rinoa) driving down the road. So they followed, and on the way, went to a bar, and Ragnar dressed up on drag, and went with the gutter slut to some Mafia guy's mansion to whore it up. He picked Boobs Mcgee to be is bride or something, and sent the other two down to be raped, unfortunately for the rapists, they were patheticly weak, and ended up dead. We headed to the Don's room, and he threw us in the sewers.

In the sewers we came across a huge amount of mutants, which were still fairly weak, we killed them all easily and escaped.

Apparently what had happened was that Shinra was planning to blow up an 8th of the city and blame it on Ragnar's gang, Avalanche! We quickly headed to the scene where they planted the bomb, won the fight, but allowed some guy called Tseng to walk over and set off the bomb anyways. We only had seconds to get away, Aeris was sent all the way back to the village to rescue Booker T's daughter (Booker T is Barret) Marlene, she managed to do that in under 30 seconds, and in that time period was captured by Tseng. The place exploded, I saved, and that is the end of the journey.

Ragnar did get lost a few times, the backgrounds with all that clutter can be fairly confusing as to what is able to be walked on and what isn't. Especially when some of the paths are hidden behind other objects, and Ragnar couldn't see how to get to them. This sort of stuff never happened to Squall and co, or Tidus, or even Zidane!

Wakka: "That's what you get!'

 #91030  by Nev
 Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:48 pm
Seek, you can post this stuff if you want, but I think you're losing sight of the line between reality and fantasy.

When Andrew Vestal decided to stop doing Square Net, he passed it off to the guy who was eventually going to turn it into RPGamer, and I interviewed for (and actually briefly had) the fanfiction maintenance job for the site.

There is a reason that fanfiction has a shitty name among amateur game enthusiasts and webmasters, and that is because most - not all, but most - fanfiction is laughable horrible masturbatory crap. I had to read a bunch of it in my very brief tenure as Square Net fanfiction webmaster, and I will swear that if someone were to read enough of that stuff they would actually become less creative. It uses game characters and plots (most of which aren't fine literature to begin with), and most fanfiction authors take those Saturday-morning-caliber plots, halfway to completely ignore the established personalities of the characters in favor of their own, usually immature, take on the characters, and instead send these characters through either heavily melodramatized or mostly fatuous adventures that reflect the author's own stamp of juvenile humor or drama.

The fact that you're calling one of your characters "Boobs Mcgee", and the phrases "Aeris the gutter slut" are "Ragnar has a fetish with gutter sluts", are part of the proof I see that your journal is headed down this path. I do not recall anything about Aeris having a loose sexuality in the original or in Kingdom Hearts, or for that matter, much of any sexuality at all. You are taking a fairly well-loved (though still Saturday-morning-caliber) plot and set of characters and, in my opinion, I have to qualify it as that because I'm about to do what I used to mock you for, which is to say, disparage the hell out of your post, you are embarrasing yourself with them. I realize I only have the one characterization as evidence so far, but I'll find more examples if you like.

So, like I said, you can post this stuff if you want, but if you're 1) this into the game and 2) this is the nature of your personal fantasies involving these characters, I personally think you have lost your fucking mind. I hope you get mentally well in the future, and I'm being sincere about that. It's not meant as a put-down in any way, because after reading this, I am actually someone concerned for the people with whom you will interact in the future. If you need to write fanfiction explaining that one of your characters has a fetish for "gutter sluts", and pondering whether Cloud is this antisocial because he may have been raped in prison, I am beginning to believe that you actually may have a true psychiatric disorder, and though I think it's a long shot, I worry that you might harm someone in the future. I do not see how, given the nature of your characterizations as expressed in this semi-fanfictional journal, coupled with the fact that you seem to see the need to post these characterizations all over this board, you could really be pursuing the degree in psychology that you have been claiming for the last few years that you are pursuing.


 #91041  by SineSwiper
 Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:25 pm
Honestly, I think it's more of an experiment into bad comedy, myself, so I don't think he's trying to be serious with this.

 #91048  by Nev
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:26 am
I'm pretty much done with Seek unless I see some solid evidence of improvement to the contrary. About half the time, I think he's a progressive, decent guy, and the other half I'm pretty sure he's lost his fucking mind. Perhaps it's intolerant of me, and perhaps I'm letting a hatred of bad fanfiction cloud my judgement, but I really think Seek is slightly dangerous and unstable.

I looked briefly in the DSM-IV, but I couldn't find anything in it which describes a person with an inability to ever admit error or fault. I think it's a damn shame, because I've known at least two in real life, and both made themselves extremely unwelcome in their social groupings before the end of my acquaintance with them. Both would argue with you about everything, even if you were genuinely trying to help them. One got in trouble at work for sexual harassment (talking to our Hispanic female receptionist about "how clitorises are really just tiny penises"), but the boss was too afraid that he would start a racially-based lawsuit to fire him. The other wasn't as bad, but went out to lunch with a group of ten people, tried to dominate the discussion at every point about why his approach to life was the best, despite the fact that we were trying to warn him that smoking pot in an airplane lavatory over Mexican airspace could possibly land him in Mexican prison.

I believe, incredibly strongly, that if there is no diagnosis in the DSM for this, someone really needs to fucking write one. Thinking over these guys in my life, I would say I got a sense of actual moderate mental illness from both of them, and I spent years of my life around mental health groups, and even in institutions myself at various points. I met a lot of people with really, very serious disorders, and due to youth, poor attitudes, and worse medication I was diagnosed with two of them over the course of my life - which is to say, I feel that I have a really large amount of personal experience on the subject.

That is a whole other discussion, and I know I fly off the handle on occasion, but generally I feel stable and healthy every day these days and am happy and grateful to be alive during a vast majority of them. I would argue that's an OK sign of my own current mental health.

I feel that Seeker has shown signs of this inability I'm talking about, to evaluate his own attitudes and behaviors, for years on this board. For the past two weeks, he didn't get into a flame war with anyone, and I really thought he'd taken people's criticisms to heart and really started to think about himself and his relationship to others. But while he's not troll-baitiing anyone with this journal, I couldn't help feeling this condescending, incredible self-surety flowing through most of it.

I honestly think an attitude like that is mentally dangerous and ought to be a DSM classification. Maybe I'm overreacting to bad fanfiction, but I don't want to be the one guy on the board who had an inkling that Seek might go over the edge someday and do serious damage and not say anything about it. I'm really serious. I think he's pretty much out of his mind about a wide variety of things, and I'm tired of giving him any more chances.

 #91050  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:44 am
>The fact that you're calling one of your characters "Boobs Mcgee", and the phrases "Aeris the gutter slut" are "Ragnar has a fetish with gutter sluts", are part of the proof I see that your journal is headed down this path.

I've got a question? What else other than Boobs Mcgee would you call a character whose tits are the size of two and a half watermelons each? However, what surprises me is that you didn't notice that Aeris was a gutter slut (actually, more acurately I called her gutr slut). She lives in the slums and sold her flower to Cloud, who calls himself Ragnar because it is quite obvious he has quite an obsession with Vikings. He claims to have come from a town called Nibelheim, (sounds a lot like the realm of Nifflheim from Norse mythology), and calls the city Midgar (sounds a lot like Midgard from Norse mythology). He also happens to wave around a rather oversized weapon, which is stereotypical of Vikings (just watch the movie, THe Vikings).

>I do not recall anything about Aeris having a loose sexuality in the original or in Kingdom Hearts, or for that matter, much of any sexuality at all.

Alright, she lives in the slums, dresses up nicely with a bow in her hair and poses as a girl who sells flowers on street corners in the middle of the night. Are you really that oblivious?

>You are taking a fairly well-loved (though still Saturday-morning-caliber) plot and set of characters and, in my opinion, I have to qualify it as that because I'm about to do what I used to mock you for, which is to say, disparage the hell out of your post, you are embarrasing yourself with them.

Qualify it as whatever you choose. I qualify your statement as a run-on sentence.

>I realize I only have the one characterization as evidence so far, but I'll find more examples if you like.

You do whatever it is you do and get back to me. Alright?

>So, like I said, you can post this stuff if you want, but if you're 1) this into the game and 2) this is the nature of your personal fantasies involving these characters, I personally think you have lost your fucking mind.

You' damn right I have lost my fucking mind! Not only am I the biggest fan of Final Fantasy 7 in history, but I also have intense fantasies of gettin' it on with gutter sluts! You really caught me there.

>I hope you get mentally well in the future, and I'm being sincere about that.

Would you like fries on the side of that steaming pile of Bullshit?

>It's not meant as a put-down in any way, because after reading this, I am actually someone concerned for the people with whom you will interact in the future.

Why are you concerned? because I have an intense fetish with gutter sluts and you fear someone close to you may be one? Your mother maybe? =)

>If you need to write fanfiction explaining that one of your characters has a fetish for "gutter sluts", and pondering whether Cloud is this antisocial because he may have been raped in prison, I am beginning to believe that you actually may have a true psychiatric disorder,

Maybe I have what you have. What was the diagnosis?

>and though I think it's a long shot, I worry that you might harm someone in the future.

You're right! Who knows? Maybe one day I'll dye my hair blonde and wear it Ace Ventura style and blow up power plants to save the planet like all good tree-huggers should be doing. Does anyone know where I can buy a giant sword? With that I could easily hurt a LOT of people =)

>I do not see how, given the nature of your characterizations as expressed in this semi-fanfictional journal, coupled with the fact that you seem to see the need to post these characterizations all over this board, you could really be pursuing the degree in psychology that you have been claiming for the last few years that you are pursuing.

You of all people should know the difference between Psychiatry and Psychology. Your NAME is "Mental".

>There is a reason that fanfiction has a shitty name among amateur game enthusiasts and webmasters, and that is because most - not all, but most - fanfiction is laughable horrible masturbatory crap. I had to read a bunch of it in my very brief tenure as Square Net fanfiction webmaster, and I will swear that if someone were to read enough of that stuff they would actually become less creative. It uses game characters and plots (most of which aren't fine literature to begin with), and most fanfiction authors take those Saturday-morning-caliber plots, halfway to completely ignore the established personalities of the characters in favor of their own, usually immature, take on the characters, and instead send these characters through either heavily melodramatized or mostly fatuous adventures that reflect the author's own stamp of juvenile humor or drama.

I totally resent the fact that you have described my journalistic work on Final Fantasy 7 as "fanfiction". You are a swine! Obviously it is clearly work of the highest caliber. If you can get your mind around the brilliance of these journals reflecting the comedy, the adventure, the tragedy of Final Fantasy 7, you’ll feel like you’ve done yourself a service in reading these journals.

Or maybe I just felt like writing whatever was on the top of my mind after playing the game? I suppose that thought didn't enter your head, did it?

 #91052  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:54 am
Mental wrote:I'm pretty much done with Seek unless I see some solid evidence of improvement to the contrary. About half the time, I think he's a progressive, decent guy, and the other half I'm pretty sure he's lost his fucking mind. Perhaps it's intolerant of me, and perhaps I'm letting a hatred of bad fanfiction cloud my judgement, but I really think Seek is slightly dangerous and unstable.

I looked briefly in the DSM-IV, but I couldn't find anything in it which describes a person with an inability to ever admit error or fault. I think it's a damn shame, because I've known at least two in real life, and both made themselves extremely unwelcome in their social groupings before the end of my acquaintance with them. Both would argue with you about everything, even if you were genuinely trying to help them. One got in trouble at work for sexual harassment (talking to our Hispanic female receptionist about "how clitorises are really just tiny penises"), but the boss was too afraid that he would start a racially-based lawsuit to fire him. The other wasn't as bad, but went out to lunch with a group of ten people, tried to dominate the discussion at every point about why his approach to life was the best, despite the fact that we were trying to warn him that smoking pot in an airplane lavatory over Mexican airspace could possibly land him in Mexican prison.

I believe, incredibly strongly, that if there is no diagnosis in the DSM for this, someone really needs to fucking write one. Thinking over these guys in my life, I would say I got a sense of actual moderate mental illness from both of them, and I spent years of my life around mental health groups, and even in institutions myself at various points. I met a lot of people with really, very serious disorders, and due to youth, poor attitudes, and worse medication I was diagnosed with two of them over the course of my life - which is to say, I feel that I have a really large amount of personal experience on the subject.

That is a whole other discussion, and I know I fly off the handle on occasion, but generally I feel stable and healthy every day these days and am happy and grateful to be alive during a vast majority of them. I would argue that's an OK sign of my own current mental health.

I feel that Seeker has shown signs of this inability I'm talking about, to evaluate his own attitudes and behaviors, for years on this board. For the past two weeks, he didn't get into a flame war with anyone, and I really thought he'd taken people's criticisms to heart and really started to think about himself and his relationship to others. But while he's not troll-baitiing anyone with this journal, I couldn't help feeling this condescending, incredible self-surety flowing through most of it.

I honestly think an attitude like that is mentally dangerous and ought to be a DSM classification. Maybe I'm overreacting to bad fanfiction, but I don't want to be the one guy on the board who had an inkling that Seek might go over the edge someday and do serious damage and not say anything about it. I'm really serious. I think he's pretty much out of his mind about a wide variety of things, and I'm tired of giving him any more chances.

Mental, you seriously need to lay off the crack.

 #91053  by Eric
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:30 am
Seeker hates Final Fantasy 7, he makes it a point to remind us of this many times over. You're overanalyzing this post Mental.

 #91056  by Kupek
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:57 am
I think it's more dangerous for a layman to try to diagnose a mental illness over the internet. Personally, I think there is a term for Seeker's behavior, but you won't find it in the DMS: asshole.

For the record, I do find this thread odd. But I see it as an example of Seeker's self-indulgent behavior.

 #91057  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:29 pm
Eric wrote:Seeker hates Final Fantasy 7, he makes it a point to remind us of this many times over. You're overanalyzing this post Mental.
I don't HATE Final Fantasy 7, I actually like the game, just not as much as mostly everyone else here. There are a lot of things about Final Fantasy 7 I dislike, but I wouldn't play the game if I disliked it as a whole. I rank the game, in terms of how I enjoy it, about equal to Breath of Fire III, which lies right below the average mark for RPGs I have played on that list. The only Final Fantasy game I truly dislike is FF2J. I am writing this journal mainly for my own enjoyment, I like to joke around the way I do, I always have, and it has usually ended up very beneficial for me. I am posting it here because on this particular forum type, it doesn't take up a lot of space, and since I play only once to twice every month, it's only really up at the front very rarely. Plus there are a lot of Final Fantasy 7 fans here.

The only thing I can honestly say I hated about Final Fantasy 7 was about how dissapointed I was with the game after playing it the first time. I was expecting something quite a bit more than what was delivered. After two years of hype, it's to be expected, a hell of a lot of people were dissapointed with the game during the time of its release. I do know that there are some people at the Shrine who did have a terrible time playing Final Fantasy 7; I could be wrong, but I think Zeus was one of them.

Kupek is right, I am an asshole, I have long ago admitted that, years and years ago; it's fucking obvious. Honestly, I have no problem with it, I really like who I am.

The fact of the matter is, Mental, I don't make directed comments towards other users unless someone else makes them first. I try to get back to everyone, it's my "policy" =)

 #91059  by Nev
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:49 pm
The Seeker wrote: You' damn right I have lost my fucking mind! Not only am I the biggest fan of Final Fantasy 7 in history, but I also have intense fantasies of gettin' it on with gutter sluts! You really caught me there.

Why are you concerned? because I have an intense fetish with gutter sluts and you fear someone close to you may be one? Your mother maybe? =)

I totally resent the fact that you have described my journalistic work on Final Fantasy 7 as "fanfiction". You are a swine! Obviously it is clearly work of the highest caliber. If you can get your mind around the brilliance of these journals reflecting the comedy, the adventure, the tragedy of Final Fantasy 7, you’ll feel like you’ve done yourself a service in reading these journals.

Or maybe I just felt like writing whatever was on the top of my mind after playing the game? I suppose that thought didn't enter your head, did it?
I stand by my opinions. I think you've pretty much lost your mind.

 #91063  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:42 pm
Your right Mental, you caught me, I'm totally insane; sick and twisted. Though, at least I'm not the one who falls madly in love over a one paragraph E-mail received over 10 month long period.


I guess I should have really written what was on my mind instead of giving you actual advice: "pathetic" =)

"pathetic" the same response I am going to give you for actually taking everything I write in this thread seriously. Is your last name "Retard" by chance? =)

 #91080  by SineSwiper
 Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:50 pm
Heh, I think I'll let this thread stand, and see what happens. Not like the SNR was that high anyway.

 #91090  by Nev
 Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:47 am
Like I said, I stand by my opinions.

 #91655  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:40 am

For some brilliant reason, it is decided now that we will actually invade Shinra headquarters and rescue Aeris the gutter slut from them. First we have to find a way up to the surface, we do that by climbing up the rubble, but UH-OH!!! On the way up, for some reason we are unable to jump a certain distance. However, conveniently there is a fan on the path, I just need to get some batteries to get it working. I climb all the way down the rubble, head back into town and buy some batteries, now I go all the way back up, put the batteries in, and voila! A perfect path =)

We continue climbing up the rubble, and manage to finally make it to the surface which conveniently leads directly to the entrance of Shinra HQ, which is miraculously unguarded. Funny thing, there does not appear to be any other way in or out of the building except by chopper. Anyways, we barge into the building, and make our way up to the 60th floor. From here on out we have to go about a series of dialogue speeches and walking very slowly through vents to get from floor to floor. It must be incredibly stressful to be an employee working on floors 61-69. Yet we manage to make our way through. One of the puzzles was incredibly difficult! It involved opening one treasure box, putting a piece back, then running out opening another, but each one had to be done one at a time! I am surprised Barret didn't note how much of a pain in the ass that was; he always seems to like to complain whenever someone is talking and he is bored.

Anyways, on top, we see something funny. A mad scientist named Mojo is trying to breed some sort of beast thing with a human being; seriously fucked up. So we beat the hell out of the scientist, and rescue the human being who happens to be gutter slut. On escaping we get captured, and do not put up a fight for some reason even when I know we could easily win. So after being face to face with President Shinra, we get hauled off to prison.

After sleeping a while, Ragnar wakes up and finds the cell door unlocked, upon stepping out, there is some dead guy. Ragnar takes his keys and frees the others from prison, and begins travelling. There is blood smeared all over the place in a perfect trail telling us exactly where to go. It is quite odd, the blood trail is so wide that I do not know how so few people could have made so much blood, and how the trail is continuous and unbroken. Oh well, at the end of the trail we find the president, and some moron forgot his sword sticking in his head (or back, it is hard to tell with these character models).

Apparently it was some guy called Sephiroth (Hmmmm, German?). We try to make our way out, but some new president moron named Rufus Shinra appears. He is dressed in some stupid looking white ski suit. I think we attacked him, if we did, we kicked his ass. Then we went to escape, luckily Ragnar found a powerful bike that can smash through conrete with ease, and drives up stairs no problem; just like T-1000. Smashing out the window, everyone else follows in a pick-up they found, Shinra immediately somehow finds dozens of guards specialized in attacking on bikes just in case of this sort of situation. Needless to say, they all came in 2's or 3's, and all got killled with ease. At the end we destroy a giant Mech Warrior thing. What I don't understand is why does the road suddenly end? Why is the end of the road aiming up into the air with no apparent destination? Most importantly, how fucking awesome would it be to make that jump? Yet, we do the smart thing, and climb down an electric cable and flee the city.

We head to a small village called Kalm, on the outskirts. It looks like a medieval German palace. Reminds me a lot of Alexandria FF9, only 1/16th the size. There we tell a long story of Sephiroth. Apparently Sephiroth was a really short guy (or looked short in the flashback) with long white hair, and he was level 99 instead of level 17 like my characters. Years ago we fought a big green dragon, Ragnar was there, he died that hour, but it didn't matter; Sephiroth killed the dragon. After the fight, Sephiroth celebrated by swinging his sword back and forth cutting off his own feet at the shins; yet somehow was still able to stand. The swords length also seemed to change as well. Anyways, Ragnar and Sephiroth went to investigate and discovered that monsters were being bred int he reactors. Sephiroth then went crazy and started hitting things with his sword, I think he hurt himself. In his insanity he locked himself away for a week. Ragnar went down to see him. Either he was absolutely insane, and decided to run off. Ragnar was quick on his heels, but as soon as he got out the door, it was already too late, Sephiroth in 3 seconds managed to cut down everyone and set fire to everything else. He ran to the power plant, Ragnar followed and saw him slash Boobs Mcgee with a sword.

"Don't you get it? An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological stratum of 2000 years ago. The Jenova Project. The Jenova Project wanted to produce people with the powers of the Ancients...... no, the Cetra! ...I am the one that was produced." He then went on to say he was the chosen one and wanted to rule the world. Then the story ended with Ragnar and Sephiroth about to fight. Seeing as how Ragnar was level 1 and Sephiroth was 99, I think it is easy to guess who killed who; but that wouldn't make sense, since Ragnar is alive. Ragnar conveniently forgot the battle. It was annoying with Barret Booker T complaining the whole story about being bored.

We left the city, got a Chocobo, ran through a cave, bumped into some morons, The Turks who left us alone. They seemed really stupid. We then found a rock, and hired troops to fight a war against Shinra, we won easily. Next we went to Junon Harbour, and conveniently saved a little girl from a giant sea monster. Junon Harbour city was high up and couldn't be reached by conventional methods, we had to use a Dolphin to jump up there, so we did; it only took 173 tries! From here, they decided to put me in the military to march in a parade, I absolutely sucked and ruined the ratings. In the final dance, I managed to do quite well though and got materia. Ragnar explored the entire town, and eventually got on a ship with Rufus and co. Sephiroth was there, we killed him and took Jenova's arm. Sephiroth looked very strange though, like some giant blob monster. Actually, somehow I don't think that was Sephiroth, just a really confusing moment. We arrived in Costa Del Sol, or something, and I fell asleep, woke up in the morning saved, the end.

Overall, it seemed like a decent journey; Sephiroth so far seems like an unrefined version of Kuja; or rather Kuja is a more refined version of Sephiroth. Right now, there seems to be little reason as to why we are on this journey, and why we are following Sephiroth. I don't buy the tree hugger thing. No one really seems to know, It appears right now as if Sephiroth is fleeing from Shinra. It is not very clear as to what is going on right now, we are just sort of going. There was zero reason given for leaving Midgar really. Zero reason given for chasing Sephiroth. No indication of the correct direction to go to even find Sephiroth since when we arrived at Junon, no one had seen him until we actually had snuck up to the surface. Fighting is easy, hold down the circle button nearly all the time, heal occaisionnly, nothing more to it.

What will we do now that we are in Costa Del Sol? First, learn Spanish, and then search the town because there is obviously going to be something important that happens here; at least I hope, otherwise we're fucked.

 #91657  by Nev
 Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:22 am
(extends lips, puts index finger slightly above upper lip, and begins rapid up-down motion, to accompanying "bibbity-bibbity-bibbity" sound)

 #91658  by Kupek
 Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:55 am
Mental wrote:(extends lips, puts index finger slightly above upper lip, and begins rapid up-down motion, to accompanying "bibbity-bibbity-bibbity" sound)
Mental, if someone was going out of their way to call you crazy, then I think you would, at the very least, not be happy with it.

 #91693  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:01 am
Kupek wrote:
Mental wrote:(extends lips, puts index finger slightly above upper lip, and begins rapid up-down motion, to accompanying "bibbity-bibbity-bibbity" sound)
Mental, if someone was going out of their way to call you crazy, then I think you would, at the very least, not be happy with it.
Mental's a gigantic hypocrite; he's proved it time and time again. Who really cares though when he comes down with a contender for the lamest flame attempt I have seen in recent years.

 #91694  by Nev
 Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:10 am
I really don't know why Seek affects me like he does...

 #91709  by kali o.
 Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:19 pm
Whats interesting is that, on the other hand, the DSM could profile Mental's online persona in a number of different sections...if one were so inclined.

(Though I guess for the sake of arguement we could note Seeker as 301.81 :)

If you guys don't like someone, don't read their posts...simple.

Anyway, I was thinking there hadn't been a good arguement here lately...where is S.Cody? I love flame exchanges with him.

 #91721  by Nev
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:06 am
Ah, words cannot describe the feeling at seeing Kali return. I hadn't really missed the sermons from the mount, actually...

You're rather a master at using neutral sentences and statements with partial intent to bait people, Kal, but I'm beginning to be able to identify them as such.

I'm sure at least a few of us here could look up your DSM diagnosis code, but I am not truly interested in looking up something that - while it might be useful - seems it may have been posted with at least half an intent simply to give the impression that you're a brilliant man with an encyclopedic knowledge of the DSM. If you do have an intent to bring the information referenced by that diagnostic code into the conversation in a meaningful way, then I trust it won't be hard to post the actual diagnosis and description in your next response, for the benefit of the discussion.

As far as the top sentence goes, as much as I'd love to feign interest in an assessment of my classifications, I can't say that it would really come across as honest. I rather enjoy being who I am at this point in my life. While I'm always interested in a genuinely honest assessment of a flaw I may have, it is also a prerequisite that I think the person is really attempting to make a genuine, reasonably unbiased, and rational diagnosis. I'm not really convinced that your assessments of me would qualify in that regard.

As far as not reading posts goes, on a personal level I find that a rather iffy strategy. Most conversations here are interconnected.

I do admit to a flaw in posting against Seeker more often than I should, and I haven't really looked at it much. For some reason, I get a kick out of it. Whether or not it's right or whether it's just trolling on my part (and if I'm being honest I have to say that's pretty much what it is, at least lately), I *am* being honest when I say that I don't know why he bothers me to the extent that he does. I've thought of thinking of it more and trying to come to a more rational attitude about it, but haven't wanted to put in the time right now.

If my baiting him really is bothering people, I'll keep my baits in my own head, since I'm not that interested in posting things if I'm the only one amused.

 #91723  by kali o.
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:40 am
Actually posted the code because spelling *Narcissistic* is as easy for me as spelling *Necessary* - as in I never get them right. That and I assumed - wrongly apparently - that you had the DSM handy and might get a chuckle.

Sometimes a cigar Mental...

Bait all you want, I know Seeker can handle it and I sure chuckle at a well played flame exchange...just seems like spam more than anything lately and that's not entertaining.

But then again, I don't visit that often, so maybe I missed the "good" baits?


PS - on topic - FF7 sucked.

 #91725  by Tortolia
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:16 am
Goddamn, people. If you don't like the content of a thread, stop fucking reading it.

 #91727  by Don
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:29 am
It's not like the fact Mental has nothing to say to someone's thread has ever stopped him from attacking another person.

 #91745  by Nev
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:03 pm
Seems I'm good at making friends lately...

Also, I didn't catch the cigar reference, Kali.

 #91748  by SineSwiper
 Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:35 pm
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes it's a BIG BLACK COCK!

...Well, that's Carlin's version anyway...

 #91998  by EsquE
 Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:30 pm
Tortolia wrote:Goddamn, people. If you don't like the content of a thread, stop fucking reading it.
Now it's advice like that that ruins it for the rest of us...specifically us lurkers that get to sit back and giggle at this shit...