The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Triple H/WWE

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.

 #87244  by Flip
 Wed May 18, 2005 12:58 pm
Seeker has a man crush on Triple H.

 #87248  by Julius Seeker
 Wed May 18, 2005 2:50 pm
Flip wrote:Seeker has a man crush on Triple H.
Actually I can't stand the guy in Pro-wrestling roles, but I want to see him act to see if he's any good. So far I have heard that he does play the role fairly well, it is only on this board (mainly from Zeus) that I have heard he doesn't. He is an important figure as he is the heir to the company (being married to the bosses daughter has its benefits).

 #87254  by Zeus
 Wed May 18, 2005 3:12 pm
The Seeker wrote:
Flip wrote:Seeker has a man crush on Triple H.
Actually I can't stand the guy in Pro-wrestling roles, but I want to see him act to see if he's any good. So far I have heard that he does play the role fairly well, it is only on this board (mainly from Zeus) that I have heard he doesn't. He is an important figure as he is the heir to the company (being married to the bosses daughter has its benefits).
He's also caused so many of the wrestlers to be hugely pissed off at him and the McMahons. Some even forced their way to Smackdown (The Rock for one). He's basically single-handedly killed RAW and if ever plays favourtism as one of the actual bosses, he'll be single-handedly responsible for allowing the competition (NWA-TWA right now) to catch up to the WWE, who basically has a monopoly.

He really is the bane of wrestling right now, in more ways than one

 #87261  by Julius Seeker
 Wed May 18, 2005 3:24 pm
NWA-TNA is in debt and probably going out of business. Jeff Jarret is even worse than Triple H.

 #87297  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 19, 2005 7:56 am
ECW is better than anybody in WWE. I actually went to a couple of games. I don't even like wrestling that much, but some of those matches were awesome. They had two lightweights that were doing some cool acrobatics and eventually throwing the loser unto 4-5 stacked tables. After the match was over, they picked each other up and walked off. No stupid rivalries.

At the end of one of the shows, basically everybody showed up, grabbed various lightbulbs, blunt weapons, bottles, nail bats, and anything else the audience created, and bashed each other with it. The entire floor was covered in glass, and wrestlers were fighting everywhere.

ECW = real (fake) wrestling
WWE = fake acting bullshit

I wonder if they are somewhere in town this year.

 #87299  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 19, 2005 8:28 am
ECW is owned by WWE, there is a big ECW PPV coming up in about a month. As for rivalties, ECW had legendary rivalries between Raven and Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn, and a lot of others.

Also, this has been said a billion times before, Pro Wrestling is not fake wrestling, it is sports entertainment. Just like Sienfeld wasn't the fake account of a comedian, it was a sitcom. You wanna see fake, watch Dr. Phil or the Orprah Winfrey show =P

 #87308  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 19, 2005 8:58 am
It's a trite matter of legality because they didn't want to be governed by Wrestling's rules, but when it comes down to it, everybody calls it wrestling. Compared to the wrestling you see in high school, it's fake. Thus, fake wrestling. Nobody cares about the PC terms.

Yeah, there's some rivalries, but it's not the whole show. You watch WWE, and the whole thing is how well they can act our their "part" as the bad guy, the good guy, the weird guy, the tough guy, etc., etc. When it comes down to it, ECW actually gets down to their wrestling and puts on a good show. Having Goldberg down 50 wrestlers in 10 seconds was funny, but it's not a good wrestling show.

 #87314  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 19, 2005 9:29 am
Goldberg was WCW (before WWE bought it out).

Yeah, I do get annoyed with the storylines too, but I hardly ever pay attention to them anyways since when we watch WWE, it is more of a social thing, everyone talks through it while we watch it (like people do when watching Hockey or Basketball). But either way, a lot of the storyline stuff on the free shows is mainly just to give people air time without ruining their bodies too much. The Pay Per Views are almost pure action and usually have very few or no other segments; all of the top 50 or so matches of the year will be found on Pay Per View. The best place to catch a Pay Per View is at a bar, unless you have a card that gets it to your house for free; anyways, usually it's only a few dollars cover, if any at all.

 #87320  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 19, 2005 10:13 am
I find it strange the ECW would be bought out by WWE, one, and doing PPV, two. The shows we were at was some out of the way rented school gym, with bleacher seats and movie-style tickets (and a raffle). There was maybe 200 people there, if even that. It looked to be pretty homegrown, but most of the wrestlers were good.

This was only about a year or two ago. It's hard to believe that they expanded to the point of being a force that WWE would even pay attention to, much less buy out.
Last edited by SineSwiper on Thu May 19, 2005 10:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #87322  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 19, 2005 10:18 am
ECW was bought out by WWE in 2001. Are you sure you weren't just seeing Indy shows? ECW shows were usually held in arenas. BL knows a lot more about it than I do, he was a hardcore fan of it.

 #87323  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 19, 2005 10:22 am
Maybe I'm thinking of ICW. The description of ECW seems to make me think that they were small a long time ago, not recently. Looking at ICW's web site, it seems like a lot of those wrestlers transferred to there.

EDIT: I do know that it wasn't OVW.

 #87325  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 19, 2005 10:32 am
OVW is also owned by WWE =P

And yeah, ECW was smaller, but smaller in the sense that the arenas held 2-3,000 instead of 15-30,000. It also didn't have the huge television deals that the WWE does. Or the pay cheques, WWE superstars get paid in the millions whereas the ECW talent got paid enough to get by.

 #87366  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 19, 2005 10:57 pm
How can OVW be owned by WWE? They are so small time, it's not even funny. They used to have matches on public access, and the finishing move was always some stupid basic thing, like a piledriver. The games were total crap.

 #87369  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 19, 2005 11:54 pm

Go to this site, you will see why. The WWE essentially runs the North American wrestling world.

However, I still think the biggest market for Pro-Wrestling is in Japan. Even though WWE fills stadiums with about 15-30K people, the Japanese have crowds over 50,000 in their stadiums. The WWE went on tour in Japan, and their most successful non-Wrestlemania show ever was one they had at the Tokyo Dome.

The Japanese also have female wrestling federations, and the women are there to actually put on a wrestling show (some of them are insanely good in the ring; the Kudo-driver is my favourite finisher), in the WWE they are there for T&A purposes.

 #87373  by EsquE
 Fri May 20, 2005 1:06 am
SineSwiper wrote:How can OVW be owned by WWE? They are so small time, it's not even funny. They used to have matches on public access, and the finishing move was always some stupid basic thing, like a piledriver. The games were total crap.
OVW is basically the WWE farm system, like AAA in baseball. Young wrestlers that they sign go their and learn the to work matches, cut promos...the best end up on WWE TV.

 #87376  by SineSwiper
 Fri May 20, 2005 1:21 am
Man, that's like the biggest fucking monopoly. I knew the fact that WCW and WWF combining was big news, but I thought they would mostly leave the other factions alone.

 #87393  by Zeus
 Fri May 20, 2005 9:58 am
Yes it is, which is why the quality has gone down so much. They haven't had a reason to properly develop their talent since there's not real competition.

Wrestling is cyclical in nature, always has been. With no competition, the bottom part of the cycle will just be longer

 #87396  by Julius Seeker
 Fri May 20, 2005 10:53 am
Only the stories have gone down in quality. I actually like the in ring action better now than I did back in the high rated days in 1999-2000. The ratings went down a full three points (in the US) the moment that WWE switched from USA to Spike TV; but the ratings have remained fairly consistent in Canada over the past 6-7 years, and have actually gone up significantly in Europe.

I do think that the quality of main events dropped down once Brock Lesnar was out of the picture though, plus Kurt Angle being out frequently with injury didn't help either. Now they are finally giving the cruiserweights the recognition they deserve, until Paul Heyman from ECW has anything to do with the writing, the cruiserweights were generally reserved for shows like Heat and Velocity. Now there's a huge market for them, and they are hiring on a bunch of new ones soon.

The quality of some of the promos has gone down since they don't have the Rock anymore, and he had incredible chemistry working with Triple H. However, they are going back to that similar style of philosphy, John Cena targets a younger audience just as the Rock did; he doesn't really do any moves just like the Rock. At least this time around, they are keeping their Guerrero's, their London's, their Chavo's, and others on the show. I still think that Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero are the top guys on the show.

As for RAW, that's a whole different story, it has (except for last year when it was actually pretty damn good) been the lesser of the two shows for the most part; Triple H and Evolution have grown stale and yet they seem to always be the main events of things. People seem to love Batista though, but I do not believe that they should dominate the main events every night. At least recently they have been applying Smackdown formula, Edge vs Kane was the main event this week which was quite refreshing. Smackdown usually has a variety different guys in the main event each week, RAW usually has Triple H or Batista.

 #87443  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 21, 2005 10:07 am
Cruiserweights = large or small? Slightly off-topic, I still need to check out that UFC DVD I got.

 #87444  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 21, 2005 10:18 am
Cruiserweights = 100KG (220 pounds) and under, in the WWE, in most combat sports it is the weight between light heavyweight and heavyweight. In Pro-Wrestling though cruiserweight is about as small as you get except in womens divisions.

 #87464  by EsquE
 Sun May 22, 2005 1:08 am
The best cruiserweights in the business are working for TNA and Ring of Honor though...why McMahon isn't signing all these guys (AJ Styes, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Frankie Kazarian, Petey Williams) I just do not know...I'd love to see them take one of the weekend shows like Velocity and just totally dedicate it to the cruisers, with title matches being on Smackdown...

 #87469  by Julius Seeker
 Sun May 22, 2005 1:16 am
He signed Kazarian, Juvi, and Essa Rios, along with La Parka, and a few other cruiserweights.
Last edited by Julius Seeker on Sun May 22, 2005 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #87472  by EsquE
 Sun May 22, 2005 1:22 am
The Seeker wrote:He signed Kazarian, Huivi, and Essa Rios, along with La Parka, and a few other lucha fuckers.
Kazarian is awesome, but Juvi, Rios and La Parka are past their prime...AJ Styles would make an all cruiser show worth watching...and I'd love to see him work a match with Rey Mysterio...

 #87533  by Julius Seeker
 Mon May 23, 2005 2:22 pm
Speaking of WWE wrestlers. Today marks 6 years to the day of the passing of Owen Hart.

 #87534  by Julius Seeker
 Mon May 23, 2005 2:33 pm
Judgement Day

It has been a long time since I have seen a PPV with that many brutal hits and bumps taken. A lot of people got busted open at the mouth or nose, and Kurt Angle on the head. All of those were legitimate injuries, they wanted the final match to be the bloody one, and it was. It looked like John Cena had his throat slit, when he bladed the blood just ran down to his throat in a thin line and then it was everywhere. It was nasty looking. Both JBL and Cena lost a lot of blood in that match. Every match of the night was entertaining, which is something I haven't been able to say for a long time. Somehow the PPV brought back memories of what in my opinion was the top WWE PPV, St. Valentines Day Massacre.

The Cruiserweight match saw Paul London to a 450 spalsh right onto Chavos knees. Chavo also did a Chris Benoit Suicide dive through the ropes and landed on his head on the ramp.

Booker T vs. Kurt Angle saw Angle get a number of bruises on the head and a few cuts to go with them.

The first match had Hardcore Holly in it, he was up against a young tag team, Hardcore is very rough against younger talent, there were a lot of REALLY hard looking bumps in that one. Especially when the younger guys (Mercury and Nitro) started hitting hardcore back just as hard as he was hitting them =P

Anyways, it had its share of brutality, it also had some great high flying stuff, and a lot of great technical wrestling. This is the sort of thing that rarely happens on RAW, Benoit and Benjamen seem to be the only really great wrestlers on the show right now, even Jericho seems to be toning it down significantly. RAW has a lot of really good wrestlers, but only two greats, and Smackdown has 8 or 9 greats.