The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Tortolia's look.

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.

Who else would be disappointed if Tort DIDN'T look like James Brown?

No votes
I was sort of expecting something that could be dipped in salsa.
 #87834  by Ishamael
 Fri May 27, 2005 9:23 pm
The question has to be asked. For the record, my answer is "absolutely".

 #87835  by Kupek
 Fri May 27, 2005 11:35 pm
Well, I've met him, but I won't spoil the surprise.

 #87836  by Tortolia
 Sat May 28, 2005 12:14 am
Oh, man, too goddamn funny.

 #87839  by Imakeholesinu
 Sat May 28, 2005 3:00 am
I have to say I would be slightly disappointed.

 #87845  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 28, 2005 5:13 am
So, what? Barret isn't a hot chick?!

 #87848  by Torgo
 Sat May 28, 2005 6:26 am
I voted for the last one because I actually did read it as "Tortilla" the first time I saw it. It wasn't until he explained the origin of his name (which was a couple of weeks, maybe months later) that I realized I was reading it wrong.

Tort, for the record, I believe that you got it from a typo of the name "Tortola," but I can't for the life of me remember where you got the name from in the first place. Would appreciate it if you could refresh my memory.

 #87854  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 28, 2005 7:10 am
Heh, my very first nick was Obi-Wan. No joke.

EDIT: Errr...Obe-Wan, I mean. As in I misspelled it.
Last edited by SineSwiper on Sun May 29, 2005 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #87860  by Tortolia
 Sat May 28, 2005 12:27 pm
Correct, Torgo. Got it out of one of those old Sierra magazines you got for free when you bought a Sierra game in the old days. Wanted a name for my Quest for Glory 1 character, and attempted to use one out of their little strategy guide.

On some level I'm surprised I still use it, though I've got a few other character/nicknames I use in games nowadays.