The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Too many good movies this summer

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #87853  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 28, 2005 7:09 am
First, you got Kung Fu Hustle, Sin City, H2G2, Unleashed, Star Wars, then Batman Begins, Willy Wonka, Fantastic Four (which actually might be good, I dunno), Mr. and Mrs. Smith (might also be good), War of the Worlds. There's also "A Sound of Thunder" in August, based off of a Ray Bradbury book.

Don't forgot The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Just kidding. (What the fuck is up with these feminist movies with the bizzare titles that make you go: "Wait, what? WTF kind of name is that? Traveling Pants! PANTS! That TRAVEL!")

 #87857  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 28, 2005 9:52 am
Kingdom of Heaven and Crash are probably better than almost all of those.

 #87859  by Imakeholesinu
 Sat May 28, 2005 10:45 am
I'll agree with you on Crash, but I'm not seeing Kingdom of Heaven. What I will see and can't wait to see is Layer Cake. That looks like some good ol fashion British mob fun!

 #87862  by Julius Seeker
 Sat May 28, 2005 1:32 pm
Kingdom of Heaven is a very good movie: it's by Ridley Scott (Gladiator). And has some of the best actors in the business:

King Baldwin (of Jerusalem) - played by Edward Norton (arguably the best young actor in movies).
Duke Guy de Lusignan - played by the one who played Celeborn from Lord of the Rings.
Count Godfrey - Liam Neeson (father of Orlando Bloom)
Even Orlando Bloom is cast fairly well for this role, it is by far his best acting performance to date.
Nasir - played by the one who played Julian Bashir in Startrek Deep Space 9.
Saladin - He looks JUST like his portrait in Age of Empires and Civilization, I really liked his character, the movie was a lot about Saladin.

The battle scenes were quite impressive as well, it looked like they used a lot of Lord of the Rings technology for it.

I saw the movie twice, the first time I went in with a very negative opinion (because of Orlando Bloom), and I was surprised, the movie didn't unfold how I thought it would. The second time I saw it I was there to enjoy it, and I really enjoyed it quite a bit more the second time than I did the first time going in. Best action flick and best epic flick of the year, so far.

Oh yeah, and Hamish is in it to, from Braveheart, he plays a sadistic warchief, Lord Reynald =)

(If anyone here knows the legend of Saladin, the famous scene between Lord Reynald and Saladin and the water goblet is in the movie.)

I would say the largest flaw with the movie is that it has a lack of focus, in that there were a lot of main characters; it might make the movie confusing for some who don't know the stories. It didn't matter to me the second time around as I was already very familiar with the characters. Even if someone gets completely lost though, there're enough really good scenes and action to still make it a rather enjoyable movie.

 #87866  by Eric
 Sat May 28, 2005 4:53 pm
I don't think much beats Spider-man 2's summer.

 #87875  by Derithian
 Sun May 29, 2005 5:50 am
Batman......FUCKING BATMAN DAMMIT! and Fantastic Four.......................ok I am having trouble with that one.....but Star Wars? that auttomatically takes the whole summer from spidey 2 and kicks it's ass around the block a few times.....And I hate star wars with a passion.....buncha damned geeks if you ask me.........and in that veign.....BATMAN!!!! FUCKING BATMAN!!!!!!! Sin City was amazing hitchhikers wasn't that great but it was fun as hell. um......BATMAN! after that war of the worlds will make a mint. This will blow the SPidey 2 summer to hell and back.....oh and did I mention.....BATMAN!!!!! Can anyone tell that I'm realling looking forward to BATMAN!

 #87879  by the Gray
 Sun May 29, 2005 12:41 pm
Kingdom of Heaven was terrible. Historically inaccurate, and most of the 'acting' made me cringe. Legolas should have stayed in LoTR.

 #87891  by Zeus
 Mon May 30, 2005 9:39 am
I'm amazed no one here is looking forward to Land of the Dead....

 #87893  by Julius Seeker
 Mon May 30, 2005 11:54 am
the Gray wrote:Kingdom of Heaven was terrible. Historically inaccurate, and most of the 'acting' made me cringe. Legolas should have stayed in LoTR.
Actually it's one of the most historically accurate movies ever made in the epic/action genre; much more accurate than Braveheart for example. All of the major events that took place did in fact take place in history. I don't know why you are complaining about the acting either, it is better than 90% of the movies currently in theatres; much better than Starwars for example, and the action sequences were more fun as well.

 #87914  by SineSwiper
 Tue May 31, 2005 2:03 am
The Seeker wrote:Actually it's one of the most historically accurate movies ever made in the epic/action genre; much more accurate than Braveheart for example. All of the major events that took place did in fact take place in history. I don't know why you are complaining about the acting either, it is better than 90% of the movies currently in theatres; much better than Starwars for example, and the action sequences were more fun as well.
Do you bullshit like this all of the time? Braveheart wasn't remotely accurate, and neither is Kingdom of Heaven.

It's amazing how you take something and make it the complete opposite of what it actually is. It's like saying "Actually, it's very easy to split an atom, and when they split, pretty flowers come out." or "The phrase 'Et tu Brutus!' actually came from Popeye comics during the 1850s." And you say it with such confidence that it astounds me. Do you bother to think about what you say, or is it merely a stream of thought that is typed on the keyboard without any realization of what is being typed? Next time, think like this:

"Hey, before I press submit, maybe I should research what I said first. After all, I'm logged into the BIGGEST FUCKING LIBRARY IN THE WORLD!!! Maybe I should spend two minutes of research to make sure that what I say isn't COMPLETELY FUCKING WRONG!!! Otherwise, I might make myself to look like a TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT!!!"

Really, it would do us a good service for the sake of the propagation of accurate information. (p.s., JFK isn't accurate, either.)

 #87916  by Derithian
 Tue May 31, 2005 2:20 am
sine you really have a habit of brightening up my day.........I havn't laughed that hard since....since......well since I got told I look like the kind of person who would eat a baby

 #87923  by Kupek
 Tue May 31, 2005 8:33 am
SineSwiper wrote:Do you bullshit like this all of the time?
Yes. Where have you been?
Derithian wrote:sine you really have a habit of brightening up my day.........I havn't laughed that hard since....since......well since I got told I look like the kind of person who would eat a baby
[looks at Derithian's avatar]

 #87924  by Derithian
 Tue May 31, 2005 10:15 am
nobody messes with the avatar king bitch. wooohooooooo

 #87937  by Julius Seeker
 Tue May 31, 2005 6:43 pm
So you are going to trust an article written by a Cathloc website ( by catholic "scholars" who say Muslims weren't civilized and the Crusaders weren't barbaric? Either way that article does not say anything about events being innacurate, or characters being innacurate, only that they don't believe Muslims were civilized and that Christians were barbarians; funny considering that in the movie it was only even a small faction of Christians who were characterized as being barbaric, those under Reynald, which is historically TRUE ( "Many of the Crusaders considered Raynald a martyr, although all evidence shows him to have been a plunderer and a pirate who had little concern for the welfare of the Kingdom. The successes of the Kingdom were almost singlehandedly undone by Raynald's recklessness and selfishness.". Read Wikipedia, all of the events and scenes are documented on that site; or just read a history book on the crusades, preferably one NOT written by some Cathloic fundamentalist.

Now you can trust the Catholics, or trust Wikipedia.

Personally, I think you should learn your history from better sources than religious ideologists.

I suppose if the movie portrayed the Islamic people as suicide bombers those same Catholics who wrote your article would have praised it as being very historically accurate.

But you still have not addressed the root of my initial post, and that is that Kingdom of Heaven is "one of the most historically accurate movies ever made in the epic/action genre" Which is a true point. Your article also does not give any examples of any movies in that genre that are more accurate. Now take all of your stupid little idiotic comments, and shove them back up your ass =)

 #87948  by Torgo
 Tue May 31, 2005 11:27 pm
Zeus wrote:I'm amazed no one here is looking forward to Land of the Dead....
Oh I am, believe you me.
Last edited by Torgo on Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #87955  by SineSwiper
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:50 am
For the record, that link to Catholic news site was about 2 minutes of research, because I was focusing more on the outrageous claim that Braveheart was "accurate" in any sense of the word. Besides the WP article, this NYT article also sums it up quite well:

"Ridley Scott's plaintive epic about the Crusades is an ostensibly fair-minded, even-handed account of one of the least fair-minded, even-handed chapters in human history."

Besides, the burden of proof on on you. You're making the claim that KoH is accurate, so back it up. All you posted was the links to the historic events, not how it connects to the movie.

 #87963  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:00 am
SineSwiper wrote:For the record, that link to Catholic news site was about 2 minutes of research, because I was focusing more on the outrageous claim that Braveheart was "accurate" in any sense of the word.
Only I did not make any such claim in my post. So I do not see why you are even bothering to focus on a point that was never even made. Saying that Braveheart is not accurate only supports my argument.

I made the claim that Kingdom of Heaven was more accurate than other films in its genre, using Braveheart as an example, I said it was MUCH MORE ACCURATE than that highly acclaimed movie, and I don't see anything you have yet posted which disproves that statement of mine; you even supported my claim by saying Braveheart was innacurate. Burden of proof is on me? You are just saying that because you are too lazy to even begin to try to disprove something that is very obviously correct. Well, how about reading the articles I posted and comparing them to your viewing of the movie, as you will see the movie much more resembles those historical accounts than likely any other movie in its genre that you have ever seen; especially other big budget movies in the genre like Braveheart, Gladiator, and The Last Samurai.

Oh by the way, Dertihan seems to love your Catholic site, but he's a little wierd in my opinion; THAT is moron with issues =)
Last edited by Julius Seeker on Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #87970  by Zeus
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:14 am
Torgo wrote:
Zeus wrote:Oh I am, believe you me.
Now on, When Quotes Go Bad :-)

 #87972  by Zeus
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:23 am
Derithian wrote:Batman......FUCKING BATMAN DAMMIT! and Fantastic Four.......................ok I am having trouble with that one.....but Star Wars? that auttomatically takes the whole summer from spidey 2 and kicks it's ass around the block a few times.....And I hate star wars with a passion.....buncha damned geeks if you ask me.........and in that veign.....BATMAN!!!! FUCKING BATMAN!!!!!!! Sin City was amazing hitchhikers wasn't that great but it was fun as hell. um......BATMAN! after that war of the worlds will make a mint. This will blow the SPidey 2 summer to hell and back.....oh and did I mention.....BATMAN!!!!! Can anyone tell that I'm realling looking forward to BATMAN!
After the excellent Burton ones (and atrocious Shumacher ones), why in the world would you be looking forward to this one. Just looks like Hollywood hack (c'mon, the stupid Batmobile from the military? When the hell did he get military people to help him?), trying to make money off of a franchise that's long dead in the movies (to capitalize on the recent comic book movie craze that Marvel started). I hope to hell I'm wrong, but I really, really doubt it.

And Fantastic Four? Ugh. It COULD be really, really cool, but the chances of that are about 20%. The Thing simply looks terrible, Alba as Susan is not a good choice (you need an unknown 'cause Alba comes with pre-conceived notions of having to show her off, which I'm sure they will), and some of the crap they do with Blaze in the trailer is just god awful ("hey guys, look at this; and I can do it with the rest of my body" AND he's a womanizer that the world loves?*pukes*). This one I may be dragged to by a friend (to a cheaper theatre). I hope (really hope, as I was lookin' forward to a Four film) that I'm dead wrong, but that'll depend on the power of the studio producer(s), who haven't proven they can hit a home run with the comic book films yet (for every Spidey and Hulk we get a Daredevil, Electra, and Punisher).

 #87978  by Lox
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:07 am
Zeus wrote:After the excellent Burton ones (and atrocious Shumacher ones), why in the world would you be looking forward to this one. Just looks like Hollywood hack (c'mon, the stupid Batmobile from the military? When the hell did he get military people to help him?), trying to make money off of a franchise that's long dead in the movies (to capitalize on the recent comic book movie craze that Marvel started). I hope to hell I'm wrong, but I really, really doubt it.
Have you seen the previews for Batman Begins??? If you have and you still think that, then Zeus, there truly is no hope for you. :)

As for the Batmobile, looks to me like he gets it from Lucius Fox, who in the comics is a CEO of Wayne Enterprises. The impression I got from the movie was that Wayne Enterprises was contracted to develop military weaponry including what will be used as the Batmobile. So, he isn't getting military people to help him, he's using a product developed by his own company for the military. Come on, Zeus, do some research! :)

 #87982  by Torgo
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:34 am
*Ahem* Bah, Zeus, I find your pathetic attempt to embarass me insulting. I thought such petty behavior to be below even your level, but you, sir, have proved me wrong. Now turn away, I wish not to look upon your face, lest your uncivilized face corrupts me into a rube such as yourself.

 #87987  by Kupek
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:20 pm
Zeus wrote:Just looks like Hollywood hack (c'mon, the stupid Batmobile from the military? When the hell did he get military people to help him?)
It's been a part of the lore for a long time that a lot of what he gets had some connection to the military.

The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.

 #87988  by Lox
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:45 pm
Kupek wrote:The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.
I hope it turns out well. I agree that Batman cannot win the girl at the end. I don't think they'll do that. I just can't comprehend someone who seems to be getting the darkness and the rest right (at least from seeing the trailers) screwing up something that huge but I guess it's always possible.

I really liked how it seemed like this really was a young Batman. I hope they show him screwing up and making mistakes. The older Batman is so much smarter than the younger Batman because he has the experience. I want to see that.

 #87993  by Zeus
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:54 pm
Torgo wrote:*Ahem* Bah, Zeus, I find your pathetic attempt to embarass me insulting. I thought such petty behavior to be below even your level, but you, sir, have proved me wrong. Now turn away, I wish not to look upon your face, lest your uncivilized face corrupts me into a rube such as yourself.
As there is no smiley face, I assume you were serious. If you look above, I was not, I was simply joking. I apologize if it lead to an insult, it was unintended

 #87994  by Zeus
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:55 pm
Kupek wrote:
Zeus wrote:Just looks like Hollywood hack (c'mon, the stupid Batmobile from the military? When the hell did he get military people to help him?)
It's been a part of the lore for a long time that a lot of what he gets had some connection to the military.

The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, that's the way I saw the character as well. I mean, he tries, but it never succeeds. But then again, it could be like that in the new film, you never know...

 #87995  by Derithian
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:56 pm
Zeus wrote:
After the excellent Burton ones (and atrocious Shumacher ones), why in the world would you be looking forward to this one. Just looks like Hollywood hack (c'mon, the stupid Batmobile from the military? When the hell did he get military people to help him?), trying to make money off of a franchise that's long dead in the movies (to capitalize on the recent comic book movie craze that Marvel started). I hope to hell I'm wrong, but I really, really doubt it.

And Fantastic Four? Ugh. It COULD be really, really cool, but the chances of that are about 20%. The Thing simply looks terrible, Alba as Susan is not a good choice (you need an unknown 'cause Alba comes with pre-conceived notions of having to show her off, which I'm sure they will), and some of the crap they do with Blaze in the trailer is just god awful ("hey guys, look at this; and I can do it with the rest of my body" AND he's a womanizer that the world loves?*pukes*). This one I may be dragged to by a friend (to a cheaper theatre). I hope (really hope, as I was lookin' forward to a Four film) that I'm dead wrong, but that'll depend on the power of the studio producer(s), who haven't proven they can hit a home run with the comic book films yet (for every Spidey and Hulk we get a Daredevil, Electra, and Punisher).
you know really are an idiot. I swear to Christ it's almost funny. Did I see the Batmobile? Yer damn right I did. Wayne Tech developed weapons for the military it's pretty much a tank on wheels because that's what the Batmobile is supposed to be. It's not streamlined. because this is the start. The costume isn't completely perfected because this is the start. THus the name Batman BEGINS. B E G I N S as in the start. As in nothing perfected and still learning to be the best detective in the world........The bad guy is Ra's Al Ghul which means someone finally read a comic book before they made the movie. Plus basing the storyline off Frank Millers Batman : Year One which is arguable the best in continuity Batman story ever told.

now for your comments on fantastic four. I was the most skeptical of that and I still am and may not see it but I probably will. So you have a problem with the fact that Johnny Storm is a womanizer? jesus man read any fantastic four comic. That's what he is......and you called the Hulk movie good......Hulk was one of the worst comic ovies of all time.....

 #87996  by Derithian
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:01 pm
The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.
Actually he does get the girl. I'll start naming some that he does get.

Silver St. Cloud. He almost married her loved her and she left him a month or so after she found out he was batman.

Selina Kyle. Yep currently he's banging Catwoman

Sasha Bourderaux. Was madly in love with her until she joined Checkmate after they were both framed for the murder of Bruce Waynes Ex. Still conflicted with his emotions on her

and that's jsut a quick list before I run to school

 #88001  by Lox
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:09 pm
Derithian wrote:
The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.
Actually he does get the girl. I'll start naming some that he does get.

Silver St. Cloud. He almost married her loved her and she left him a month or so after she found out he was batman.

Selina Kyle. Yep currently he's banging Catwoman

Sasha Bourderaux. Was madly in love with her until she joined Checkmate after they were both framed for the murder of Bruce Waynes Ex. Still conflicted with his emotions on her

and that's jsut a quick list before I run to school
That's true now that I think about it though Batman's relationships are never normal as far I remember. The Batman-Catwoman one works because they're both messed up. :)

 #88002  by Derithian
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:23 pm
Lox wrote:
Derithian wrote:
The teaser trailer and the first real trailer had me pumped, but this latest trailer gives me pause. The trailer and posters are playing up the love interest. Batman does not get the girl. Batman does not live happily ever after. Batman is seriously messed up, which is what makes him an interesting character. Some of the dialouge in the trailer seems cheesy, too. I just hope I'm wrong.
Actually he does get the girl. I'll start naming some that he does get.

Silver St. Cloud. He almost married her loved her and she left him a month or so after she found out he was batman.

Selina Kyle. Yep currently he's banging Catwoman

Sasha Bourderaux. Was madly in love with her until she joined Checkmate after they were both framed for the murder of Bruce Waynes Ex. Still conflicted with his emotions on her

and that's jsut a quick list before I run to school
That's true now that I think about it though Batman's relationships are never normal as far I remember. The Batman-Catwoman one works because they're both messed up. :)
oh yeah he also was with wonder woman for a while but the current thing that really matters is Sasha as she is kind of working for the bad guys....

 #88004  by Torgo
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:04 pm
Zeus wrote: As there is no smiley face, I assume you were serious. If you look above, I was not, I was simply joking. I apologize if it lead to an insult, it was unintended
Actually I wasn't being serious. I thought that me being overly sensitive in combination with editing my original post would be enough to know that I was joking. I should learn by now that subtlety doesn't translate well in text. No hard feelings :).

 #88006  by Kupek
 Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:22 pm
Derithian wrote:Actually he does get the girl. I'll start naming some that he does get.

Silver St. Cloud. He almost married her loved her and she left him a month or so after she found out he was batman.

Selina Kyle. Yep currently he's banging Catwoman

Sasha Bourderaux. Was madly in love with her until she joined Checkmate after they were both framed for the murder of Bruce Waynes Ex. Still conflicted with his emotions on her
I know he's had love interests in the past, but I think their only useful purpose is to show why he can't have real/stable relationships. If Bruce Wayne is happy, he's not Batman.

 #88014  by SineSwiper
 Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:06 am
Kupek wrote:I know he's had love interests in the past, but I think their only useful purpose is to show why he can't have real/stable relationships. If Bruce Wayne is happy, he's not Batman.
Reminds me of the Highlander series.