Mental wrote:Disagree. Meet some little people in real life and you'll find out how funny they think the "midgets make everything funny" thing is.
I'm usually too busy laughing my ass off to actually have a conversation with one...and why?? Because midgets MAKE EVERYTHING FUNNY!!!!
Mental wrote:As an alternative, try to imagine yourself as a midget, only instead of bringing with you the confidence you have acquired as a person of stature, you have ALWAYS been that way and probably catching some form of differential treatment based on it, positive or negative, since the day it first became apparent you weren't growing as tall as everyone else.
I'd be the happiest midget on the planet dude. I'd be touring with Kid Rock, starring in Mike Myers movies, climbing strippers and groupies with mountain climbing equipment on...
Mental wrote:I mean, I'm 5'5" and I still have a hell of a time around height issues. I wish I were any amount of inches taller (6'0" would be nice) and feel I wouldn't have to work so hard at getting play with girls if that were the case. I can't even imagine being 3'8".
It's about attitude, not height. Most females are shorter than you or the same height...trying being 6' and slow dancing with your girlfriend who's under 5' tall (unless she has those nice stripper heels on...WOOO!!)'s only an issue if you decide to make it one....
Mental wrote:And that doesn't even bring up the whole human rights/mauling issues...'s terrible...terribly funny!!!
"My Pain is God's Love"
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