The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Apology to Mental

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #88236  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:13 pm
For those wondering what this apology is for. Apparently I made some rude or personally offensive nessage towards Mental in this thread:


The post I made had me jumping up and down about being part of an oil rich nation.
"I think I may actually be doing you a favor by telling you I think you're not really thinking very deeply here at all. This is not the topic to joke about, Seek."

But I didn't listen to him. I did not realize that the topic of oil wealthy nations really had that much of effect on Mental. And I apologize for it. I was under the influence that Mental thought I was lying, he did not make himself very clear in his posts. I thought this due to this post:
"Just as a question, why did you say "we do" as opposed to "I think we will" or similar?"
- Mental

and this one
"I don't know whether to ask if you're feeling all right or link to the Penny Arcade comic where Tycho says "I invented the hippo!"

This would be in humorous attempt to compare both the non-sequitur-ish and fallacious aspects of your statement to something nonthreatening but still silly, and thus show you what I believe to be the errors in your response."

So I thought I'd have a little fun, and post some images with shots from the game Sid Meier's Civilization II with little quotes from the game altered to fit into context. But apparently Mental didn't think that was approrpiate either
The image-heavy post was moderately funny, Seek, but your incredibly high opinion of yourself has got to go. You're not nearly cool enough to get away with condescending to people like that - if anyone is.

Again, I apologize, I did not realize that my post was in any way all of that offensive. I apologize, Mental. Anyways, in my ignorance of Mental's thoughts, I replied with a picture of WWE Superstar "Carribean Cool" Carlito, whose best known catchphrase is "I spit in the FACE of those who do not want to be cool!", his gimmick is that he spits apple in peoples faces after he defeats them. Anyways, this is what I quoted him saying in response to Mental's post above:
"Don' even speak like you know what it is to be cool! Trillions of dollars worth in oil, now DAS cool!"
Now, I am willing to admit, that was NOT FUNNY, it was ignorant on my part. I was acting like an asshole. Again, I apologize.

I didn't expect my posts to make him so angry that he would post this:
JESUS. Despite my usually populist leanings, even I'm inclined to start a vote to ban Seek at this point.

This is my fault, I should have known better, and I must realize that some people here are sensitive. I was acting like a bastard, a sick twisted black-hearted bastard. And again, I apologize, and I am man enough to admit I was wrong. I hope you will accept this apology Mental.


-The Seeker

 #88255  by SineSwiper
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:39 am
That's very mature of you. I think...

 #88273  by Kupek
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:47 am
I still can't decide if it's a genuine apology.

 #88276  by Flip
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:59 am
Half backhanded apology if you ask me. "Sorry you're so sensitive and couldnt take a joke" kind of thing. Doesnt surprise me.

 #88284  by Nev
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:56 am
To the extent that your apology is genuine, Seek, I accept it, but the criticisms being directed at you are mostly independent of what you are apologizing for. I stand what I said earlier. You need to stop disparaging people - me or anyone else, honestly, why do you think people here are pissed at you so much of the time? - and it wouldn't hurt for you to develop a sense of when you've taken a joke too far, either.

 #88296  by kali o.
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:05 pm
Uhhh....always takes Kali to put things in perspective.

- Seeker: I think you need a jokeotomy or some shit, Doc. Verging on spam, that other thread wasn't very funny.

- Mental: Go wash the sand out of your mangina.

 #88302  by Nev
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:11 pm
Kali, quite frankly, go fuck yourself. I have the same issue with you that I do with Seek: I don't seem to find you nearly as funny as you do.

Now, I remember our last argument on the Shrine, three years ago, and then you were right, which is to say you made me realize that I had a bad habit of backing down in a real argument or conflict. This is no longer a problem I have, so if you want to have a knock-down, drag-out argument, I am more than ready. I think you're immature and an asshole, and while I seem to remember that you're pretty successful in your personal life, that no longer translates into respect from me.

I'm more than ready to have this out. Or, as what I would consider a better alternative, you can cut the disparaging bullshit. I eagerly await what I hope won't be a completely disregarding, "look-at-my-penis-and-breats-avatar-aren't-I-hilarious-and-clever" type of response.

 #88306  by kali o.
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:43 pm
Mental wrote:Kali, quite frankly, go fuck yourself. I have the same issue with you that I do with Seek: I don't seem to find you nearly as funny as you do.

Now, I remember our last argument on the Shrine, three years ago, and then you were right, which is to say you made me realize that I had a bad habit of backing down in a real argument or conflict. This is no longer a problem I have, so if you want to have a knock-down, drag-out argument, I am more than ready. I think you're immature and an asshole, and while I seem to remember that you're pretty successful in your personal life, that no longer translates into respect from me.
I really don't care about your "issues" mental or your half-assed reactionary opinions.

And you are still, evidentally, a drama it looks like you only learned half the lesson I had to teach.

PS - Hate to burst your bubble, but if I'm online I have better things to do than have "a knock-down, drag-out argument" with the likes of you (and of all things, on the topic of you being a spaz and arguing...tad redundant). I suggest you take a cue from that and finish your training, grasshopper.

 #88307  by kali o.
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:48 pm
PS - Ouch, an attack on my Avatar! Mmmm, it amused me, made it quick when Sine ninja deleted my original avatar. I forget what it says by the mouth. "Sine Sucks" or "Sine's an Asshole" or something, I forget (cookie to anyone who can tell). Whatever, I was...annoyed that day :)

While I can't defend the avatar as exactly A-material, your claim to wit and debate skill is far more distant if your tactic is to attack an avatar. What's next? My grammar? Spelling? A stunning jab at my taste in music?


 #88308  by Nev
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:51 pm
Kali, if you continue to disparage and condescend to me in a public setting, I'm going to keep calling you wrong on it, because honestly I don't really think I deserve it. I am pretty clear on that.

You have a remarkable ability to confuse a discussion, I've noticed, which is why I'm going to ignore a good part of your last two posts. Like you, I don't have time to argue about every little thing online, and much of it just seems more or less like attempts at provocation.

 #88313  by Agent 57
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:46 pm
kali o. wrote:I forget what it says by the mouth. "Sine Sucks" or "Sine's an Asshole" or something, I forget (cookie to anyone who can tell).
It says "SINE SUCKS", to be precise (yay for monitors at work with 1280x1024 resolution).

So where's my cookie?

 #88317  by Blotus
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:09 pm
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NON SEQUITUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My joined date is still broken.
November '98 or thereabouts please, Sine.

!!!!!!!!!!RANDOM PERSONAL ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeker has a poor sense of humor
Mental needs to ignore certain people/things
Black Lotus loves Rice Krispies(?)
Ish longs to fist Star Jones


 #88319  by Eric
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:07 pm
meh, Kali's not a bad guy if you just sit down and chat with him for a while, I used to hate his guts. Now he's like this big cuddly TEDDY BEAR. ;p

 #88324  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:13 pm
kali o. wrote:- Seeker: I think you need a jokeotomy or some shit, Doc. Verging on spam, that other thread wasn't very funny.
Kali, you're forgetting a couple of things about me; though my posts may be lame, they are entertaining enough for me to leave me happy. Maybe I do have the worst sense of humour at the Shrine by far; but it doesn't bother me. I find a lot of your posts funny, but I do have a lame sense of humour afterall according to some here. I don't feel the need to change, I feel perfect enough as is =)

BL - Rice Krispies have 0 nutrictional value; they are not part of a balanced breakfast!

 #88329  by Ishamael
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:21 pm
Black Lotus wrote:
!!!!!!!!!!RANDOM PERSONAL ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ish longs to fist Star Jones
I long no more. Now where can I go wash myself?

And question for everyone. Should I feel bad that I only now notice that Kali's avatar is a pair of breasts and cock'n'balls after Mental mentions it? I knew my ability to miss the obvious was unmatched, but I still feel pretty bad...

 #88330  by Nev
 Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:34 pm
Ishamael wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:
!!!!!!!!!!RANDOM PERSONAL ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ish longs to fist Star Jones
I long no more. Now where can I go wash myself?
Now THAT's funny. :)

 #88333  by kali o.
 Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:11 am fashion sense. You remembered. That really does hurt, you bastard :wink:

Agent here's your cookie * and Eric...Keep our pet names private, kkthx.