Kupek wrote:We went through this several years ago, and you still don't know what you're talking about. If you're really interested in the subject, pick up a calculus textbook or take a course.
I've already taken calculus before, or else I wouldn't even know about what the concepts are. (It's been ages since I've taken a derivative or integral, but I know what they do.) I understand complex numbers and why both complex numbers and calculus are important to a lot of fields. I'm not saying that they are useless, but that the way they are represented should be changed.
Don Wang wrote:You don't get to just question fundamental things about math because you think it doesn't work right. i is defined as the square root of -1 and unless you've a good reason on why the square root of -1 shouldn't be i, that's what it is.
Again, i is just a placeholder. All we are doing is multiplying or dividing negative square roots until we get sqrt(-1) and then replacing that with i. We are entering another number line/sphere/whatever here, or a sideways angle into mathematics.
We could create a number line based on multiples of i, but what about j, which seems to be located in the same realm as i. E is equal to an actual number on the number line, and so is pi. We know the real-number difference between the two. But, with i and j, there is no number line to place them at. It would seem just as valid to make the imaginary number system based on multiples of j as it would multiples of i, but really, they should be based on how they connect to real numbers.
We have found the quark of mathematics and we refuse to change the laws to accommodate it. Think about what happened when somebody discovered the quark:
S1: "Hey, check this out! I just found this subparticle that is actually going faster than the speed of light!"
S2: "What?! That's impossible! It goes against the laws of physics!"
S1: "Just LOOK AT IT! It's breaking the laws of physics!"
S2: "Uhhh...errr...hmmm...shit! We'll need to change the laws of physics to work with this subparticle."
I understand why you can't take a square root of a negative number. Yet, we have problems that do just that, and they either end up as a real number, or a number into this "imaginary" realm. You have real problems, real numbers, bending the laws of mathematics. It's a mistake to have problems that "cannot be an answer", because you'll run across a situation where it will crop up. For another example, what about before we had fractions:
S: "What is 5 divided by 2?"
T: "Somewhere between 2 and 3."
S: "But, what is the actual number? What is it exactly?"
T: "It's not an actual number. The answer doesn't exist."
S: "So, if I had 5 apples to give to 2 friends, how would I be able to give an equal amount to both?"
T: "Well, you could give 2 apples to each, and split one in half for each of them."
S: "So, 2 apples and one half. Isn't that some sort of number?"
T: "No."
(Honestly, I don't know if we have fractions before/after we had division, but you get the idea.) Again, we need to change the system so that we can map out the "imaginary number system" and connect them to the real number system, because they do actually connect. If the real number root of a real number equals an imaginary number, then there is a connection. (You know, I've never tried to look at a y = x root of -1 graph before.)
Don Wang wrote:Though you're right about how Calculus exists to deal with infinities that you could just say 1/0 = infinity instead. But my understanding is that saying 1/0 = infinity gets you into trouble when you go deeper in mathematics so you can only say 1/x approaches infinity in the limit x goes to 0.
I'd be curious to know where in mathematics that would get you into trouble. Granted, rules with infinity would require exceptions with zero, because instead of one absolute in our number system, we would have two, and when they collide, it becomes an indeterminate form. But, every other occasion where a non-zero number is multipled by infinity, it becomes infinity.
Infinity + 1 equals a very large negative number. The actual value of that number is currently immeasurable, but it still exists. If infinity were on a finite number system, we could measure it just fine. (For example, this happens all the time on computer systems. You add + 1 to the largest positive number, and it becomes the largest negative number. Though, on computers, there is no concept of the opposite of zero, so it doesn't actually hit infinity before hitting the other end of the spectrum.)