Did any of you get through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? I think I put it down after mission 60 or so, the judges started to really piss me off at that point. The music was no where near comparable to FFT's, which was a small gripe I had. I was enjoying it though, but the judges were so goddamn annoying....
Judges are annoying, but it was easy to get past. Just pick characters that didn't employ those skills. I had about 12-15 different characters, so that I would have every class in the game. (I picked the right ratio of the different races so that I would be able to try out each class.)
If it was really annoying, just use a law breaker. I constantly had to trade these because I never used them much.
The thing that really annoyed me the most was the fact that you had to steal everything, and you couldn't steal weapons very easily, even though there were some weapons that you had to steal VERY early in the game. Thus, you had skills that if you miss, you were fucked for the rest of the game. Also, there was the added disgrace that you HAD to have somebody else playing to get a few other extra items with the GBA link.
I abhore once-in-a-lifetime items like that. Currently, I'm still on Quest 8 or 9, even though most of my characters are already learning their final classes. This is because I'm paranoid of losing some of those stealable weapons.