The main problem is that people who pirate stuff probably aren't going to buy the damn thing anyway, even if they couldn't pirate it. *AA's claims that piracy is cutting into their profits is total bullshit. They are still making a ton of money. Movie sales are going down slightly because people prefer DVDs or they think that movie prices are too high (recent poll, was on CNN when I saw it). As far as music, crappy bands with formuliac flavors and high CD prices. (Why the fuck aren't CDs at tape prices? Tapes didn't cost fucking $15-20 twenty years ago.)
*AA is just using piracy as a scapegoat. Whether they like it or not, piracy as been around for a long time. Of course, it's corporate thinking (a fucking oxymoron if I saw one), so they pick a lame excuse and consider it their life mission for a few years. It's also corporate thinking to find ways to rape the consumer as much as possible. Sure, lock it down with DRM, then raise the prices again.
Rosalina: But you didn't.
Robert: But I DON'T.
Rosalina: You sure that's right?
Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
Rosalina: No.
Robert: The subjunctive?
Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
Rosalina: It would have had to have had been.
Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.