I am Arab and essentially no one in my family feels the same way as I do about this subject. In my culture, you essentially can't be gay, you would become a hermit. Although there are huge differences in the different Arab cultures, that seems to be one of the constants (we have Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese friends) along with a focus on family above all else, respect thy elders, and other traditionally old-fashioned ideals. And Mental, that whole virgin thing is really going away and only has stayed with the crazy Arabs who repress their women to all hell. Generally, this is very much tied to religion (in many cases, but not exclusive to, the Muslims).
But I've got to go with Sine on this one. I've stated many times in the past my feelings on gay people and their ways. I don't condone it in any way and I really don't like the idea of a guy looking at my ass, but that in no way means that I feel that we should treat them as secondary citizens. This is how you create unwanted and unnecessary divides and bad blood in cultures, when you try and enforce your beliefs on society as a whole. You want to get together with people and live your life a certain way, go ahead. That's the whole idea of a free society. But when you try to tell others "you can't do that even though you're not hurting anyone or anything around you", that's just wrong. I will never suck another man's cock, but if the person in the office sitting next to me wants to, go ahead. That's their life, not mine. That's just like saying that you'll respect a Christian holiday but not a Muslim one. Discriminatory crap we need to do away with.
I could go on forever about this discrimination crap and the whole separation of church and state argument, but I don't think you guys want to hear it