Hey all,
I was pondering last night and found myself kind of wanting to get in on the ground floor of the next generation of consoles - well, with the 360 at least, anyway - but I can also see a couple of problems with that.
My first concern is the price. Whenever somebody has asked me lately what I'm planning on doing with regards to the next gen, my first answer has been "I refuse to pay more than $200 for a console," which I think is a pretty reasonable attitude to have, considering how drastically console hardware tends to drop in price (when I bought myself my GC and Xbox, I paid $150 less than their launch prices for each of them) - meaning that if I simply wait, I'll be able to follow my maxim no matter how expensive a console is at launch.
<i>Possible solution: Ask for the 360 for Christmas. I could even try to convince my family to all pitch in for it together, considering that's all I would really want at this point (Aside: anyone else noticed how you find yourself wanting fewer and fewer things for Christmas you get older?).</i>
My second concern is the launch games. I was second in line at EB on 9/9/99, and picked up one excellent game (Soul Calibur), one good game (NFL2K), one decent game (Air Force Delta), one "meh" game (Trickstyle) and one utter piece of shit (Blue Stinger). On the other hand, when I bought my cheapo GC and Xbox, I walked home that day with Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Monkey Ball 2, KotOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, DOA3, and Jet Set Radio Future - all excellent games.
<i>Possible solution: Do I really need to worry? The 360 launch should end up happening with a maximum of hoopla and plenty of promising games...I'm finding it kind of hard to believe that with gaming being the high-stakes booming business it is these days that a company would allow a sub-standard title to make its way to the shelves in the early days of the console, <b>especially</b> on launch day.</i>
Any thoughts on the next gen from you guys?
I was pondering last night and found myself kind of wanting to get in on the ground floor of the next generation of consoles - well, with the 360 at least, anyway - but I can also see a couple of problems with that.
My first concern is the price. Whenever somebody has asked me lately what I'm planning on doing with regards to the next gen, my first answer has been "I refuse to pay more than $200 for a console," which I think is a pretty reasonable attitude to have, considering how drastically console hardware tends to drop in price (when I bought myself my GC and Xbox, I paid $150 less than their launch prices for each of them) - meaning that if I simply wait, I'll be able to follow my maxim no matter how expensive a console is at launch.
<i>Possible solution: Ask for the 360 for Christmas. I could even try to convince my family to all pitch in for it together, considering that's all I would really want at this point (Aside: anyone else noticed how you find yourself wanting fewer and fewer things for Christmas you get older?).</i>
My second concern is the launch games. I was second in line at EB on 9/9/99, and picked up one excellent game (Soul Calibur), one good game (NFL2K), one decent game (Air Force Delta), one "meh" game (Trickstyle) and one utter piece of shit (Blue Stinger). On the other hand, when I bought my cheapo GC and Xbox, I walked home that day with Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Monkey Ball 2, KotOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, DOA3, and Jet Set Radio Future - all excellent games.
<i>Possible solution: Do I really need to worry? The 360 launch should end up happening with a maximum of hoopla and plenty of promising games...I'm finding it kind of hard to believe that with gaming being the high-stakes booming business it is these days that a company would allow a sub-standard title to make its way to the shelves in the early days of the console, <b>especially</b> on launch day.</i>
Any thoughts on the next gen from you guys?