Agent 57 wrote:Zeus wrote:In order for Microshaft to make proper headway, they're going to have to have some kick-ass titles before the other systems come out to make people buy it.
Wait a second, are you saying that you think that regular Xbox games coming out after the 360 launch are going to make people buy a 360?
Permission to think you're crazy, sir. I've always thought of backwards compatibility as a novelty and a convenience...never as an incentive. I mean, the only two kinds of people I can think of for whom BC would be a major selling point are 1) people who want to sell off their old system, and 2) people who didn't own the previous system - and I can't think of any realistic scenario where either of those people would end up being an early adopter of a new console, especially one as expensive as the 360.
Slightly off-topic - the Revolution actually for me defies that, and is one of the only reasons I really want the system. I mean, emulators are great, but a decent download service, real controller, and TV screen for all the older games make that a huge selling point for me.
However, a big part of that
is the download service.
Simple backwards compatibility is less of a draw, but I still like it when done right. (It irks me that I can't seem to save data on the PS2 memory card for PS1 Bust-A-Groove 2, but I can't tell if that's a bug in the system or the game itself, since I've never tried to save anything for older games.)