Actually, I honestly could really care less. They're not real girls, and anyway, if you go back through history, it's only fairly recently that young girls weren't getting married at, say, 15, or whatever.
I'm not saying I think it's a good thing, but I don't have the zealous hatred of men who are attracted to teenage girls that a lot of people seem to. Yes, it certainly can (and in our society, almost certainly does) cause problems...but as controversial an opinion as it might be, I'm not one to reject feelings out of hand just because one party is a lot older than the other. (Though, I'm certainly not one to support it out of hand just because of that, either.)
My sister is living with a boyfriend 21 years older than she is (she's 21, he's 42). She started going out with him when she was 18. I didn't think I really approved at first, but you know what? They have a better relationship than anyone else I know. They're happy together, they have they love each other? I don't know. It doesn't *look* like I always expected love between two people to look. But they're happy, and compared to my father and stepmother's nasty, biting, often selfish relationship, I'll take that any day.
Now, 12 is different from 18...but trust me, there are girls out there having sex at 12. And you know what? As much as saying it might get me shot in Arkansas...biologically, a lot of 12-year-old girls are fertile. So it may be a serious cultural error, but it's not a biological one.
Again, I'm not saying it's "right", but I don't think one will ever get me to hate men who are attracted to these girls, out of hand, anymore. In our society, it has become a serious problem because of cultural attitudes, probably due to the fact that in most cases, maturity and growth *do* vastly improve the chances of a healthy relationship. I do believe most relationships benefit from maturity. Our culture certainly prizes that. But I don't believe demonizing men who are attracted to girls in their teens really does any fucking good. I rarely think demonizing anyone does any fucking good, actually. It might be an unpopular opinion, it might get me shot in Arkansas, but you know what, I do believe it.