The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Conduct

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.

 #91842  by Nev
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:17 pm
Sine, if you don't stop deleting my posts without coming up with a code of conduct or similar that I'm in violation of, I *will* start my own board again and try my best to insitute all the things that your occasionally arbitrary and capricious management of this site has left it lacking. I'm tired of it. Either make a code of conduct that applies to everyone equally, or leave everyone's posts the hell alone. I don't think it's fair for you to keep deleting things just because you personally have an issue with them.

 #91843  by Kupek
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:39 pm
Mental wrote:Sine, if you don't stop deleting my posts without coming up with a code of conduct or similar that I'm in violation of, I *will* start my own board again and try my best to insitute all the things that your occasionally arbitrary and capricious management of this site has left it lacking. I'm tired of it. Either make a code of conduct that applies to everyone equally, or leave everyone's posts the hell alone. I don't think it's fair for you to keep deleting things just because you personally have an issue with them.
He's deleting your posts because they are immature trolling that derail topical discussion.

 #91846  by SineSwiper
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:30 pm
Kupek wrote:He's deleting your posts because they are immature trolling that derail topical discussion.
Funny that everybody except Mental seems to see that. No trolling, which includes everybody. I don't think I'm being bias on that point.

 #91853  by Nev
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:00 pm
I did not know that rule had been instituted, and will henceforth comply with it in full.

 #91855  by SineSwiper
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:34 pm
I did not know that a rule needed to be instated. I thought it was implied rules of conduct that "trolling = bad".

 #91856  by Nev
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:45 pm
Implied rules of conduct can be many things according to the context and purpose of the environment in which they occur. Some people might find your constant Republican criticisms offensive, or your mathematically untrue statements that you persist in stating as true.

The whole "you should have known better" doesn't really cut it as valid, especially since you have generally been more arbitrary than not as to what flaming/trolling you have allowed to persist on the board and what you have deleted.

 #91861  by Kupek
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:42 pm
Mental wrote:I did not know that rule had been instituted, and will henceforth comply with it in full.
We've never had an explicit rule, but I think "Don't be a dick" is implied. I also don't know what part of "Stop trolling" and said posts being deleted is unclear.

 #91863  by Flip
 Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:54 pm
Where was that poll? I thought we voted Seeker the most redneck person here? Whats wrong with a little redneck bashing every once in a while?

 #91865  by Nev
 Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:52 am
Kupek wrote:
Mental wrote:I did not know that rule had been instituted, and will henceforth comply with it in full.
We've never had an explicit rule, but I think "Don't be a dick" is implied. I also don't know what part of "Stop trolling" and said posts being deleted is unclear.
The problem is that "dick" is an incredibly subjective definition. You know that, Kup. Every long-term poster on this board, I'm guessing, has been someone else's definition of a "dick" to that someone else at some point in the board's tenure.

"Trolling" is less subjective and has a more or less accepted meaning, at least to me it does...I'd define it as "posting with the express intent to anger another poster and/or incite an angry response". The criteria to determine this, though, can still be incredibly subjective. As far as being unclear goes, I don't know exactly how many of my posts would fall under the category of being completely trolling. I usually don't post anything that's solely meant to piss someone off. Even the latest deleted bit about Seeker and the wrestling thing was meant to couch a sentiment of "How the hell can you be doing critical analysis of an ultimate fighting sport when a hell of a lot of people are dead and dying in New Orleans" and to try to express anger, in a light-hearted way, at what I see as a somewhat self-centered part of his personality that often angers me. (As an aside, perhaps that is the problem, since if I think about it on a slightly deeper level, Seek is free and able to think and even say whatever he wishes...this is a part of the human experience we all have, or have been "given", depending on one's view of spirituality or metaphysics.) Utlimately, also, though I sem to have been wrong about this, I thought someone else might have found it funny. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have posted it.

Now, I'll readily admit that I was posting non-New-Orleans stuff as well, and honestly it's not for me to determine what's appropriate to post at any given time. It certainly may be better that those posts were deleted, and they easily fall into a lot of definitions of what trolling is. What I have a problem with is what seems to be a set of not-well-defined criteria as to what determines appropriateness.

As another consideration, we have a population (of at least one, and I suspect possibly more) which actually enjoys some of the angrier exchanges. Kali's said he enjoys this at several points in the past. Whether this is right or wrong, again, it's not for me to judge. But it does mean that a de facto "don't be a dick" policy isn't necessarily what everyone on the board thinks would be a good idea.

If your question is why I haven't obeyed your commands to stop doing it, well, you're not a moderator. I can't clearly recall Sine telling explicitly me to stop trolling, though some half-remembered arguments seem to be prodding me that he probably has at some point, and if so, I apologize for both the memory lapse and violation of "policy" and would be glad of a link to the relevant thread. However, I still assign him, and not you, the responsibility and privilege of doing so, given that he is the one who makes sure this board is up on a regular basis. Whether or not this is "right", he is the one whose opinion matters most directly if it comes time for discipline or censoring, if only because he has superuser access and the ability to change the banlists.

There is also the matter that, on a personal level, I think you're a wonderful teacher, and patient, and a very good communicator, but I don't always agree with your assessments of interpersonal relationships and what constitutes a meaningful exchange.

I feel that, if deleting posts is going to be a policy on this board, it would be better if there were some sort of written criteria as far as what's acceptable and what's not. That's all.

 #91871  by Flip
 Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:57 am
Mental wrote:
I feel that, if deleting posts is going to be a policy on this board, it would be better if there were some sort of written criteria as far as what's acceptable and what's not. That's all.
It is virtually impossible to put something like this into words. While i defenitely find it enjoyable to sometimes post things to get a rise out of certain individuals, i expect the admin to determine if it is over the line or not, and i think Sine does a fair job. The last thing we need is an ambiguous code that needs to be reworked a zillion times for every difference circumstance.

 #91873  by kali o.
 Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:43 pm
Mental wrote: As another consideration, we have a population (of at least one, and I suspect possibly more) which actually enjoys some of the angrier exchanges. Kali's said he enjoys this at several points in the past. Whether this is right or wrong, again, it's not for me to judge. But it does mean that a de facto "don't be a dick" policy isn't necessarily what everyone on the board thinks would be a good idea.
Time and a place. There is a point where it's no longer entertaining and instead resembles spam (I think Seeker vs. WS was the last time I saw that...GMJ vs Sine was pretty close too). My guess is you are treading the annoying territory of spam...I dunno, I missed your deleted posts.

Even if I were to be labelled a "dick" (I don't think so) from the content of my posts, a subtle troll is never my only purpose...if I post, there is an on-topic point I want to get across (intelligent or stupid, is up to the reader). If your only platform is trolling, expect to be modded...if you want to bait seeker, hide it within a relevant point :)

PS - Sine, is it possible to change someones account nick? While I appreciate the long history going back to Spam Man, AD and braaak!, I think it's time to get a new nick.

 #91874  by Nev
 Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:43 pm
I might agree with that (the annoying territory of spam thing), if only because Kup, Seek, Sine, and Don are all mad at me over some of my recent posts. My deleted posts had to do with me pantomiming boxing Seeker up and sending him, first to New Orleans as a food supplement, then to Afghanistan as a herbal remedy (possibly dumb, but it was the first thing that popped into my head). When he told me to get a life, I ignored him and posted "Bring back opium!", with smiley face to indicate that I wasn't really mad at him to any great extent and didn't really bear him any hostility for telling me to get a life (which is true).

I've explained the other half of my intent in the post above.

I dunno. I thought it was relatively light-hearted and amusing, at least by usual "baiting post" standards anyway. But it seems that this opinion isn't generally shared, and that I'm eliciting more irritation that anything else, so I suppose it's time to just not do it anymore.

Anyway, my apologies if I put words in your mouth, Kali. I'm rather ready to end my cold war against you, anyway... I may be beginning to see the qualities Tort's said he admires in you, and I get the feeling a great deal of animosity probably hasn't persisted on your side of the fence in any, the offer of housing help in Vancouver didn't hurt...

As an aside, like I said, if you're serious, and still in the business when I'm ready to actually look, I may take you up on that at some point. I seem to remember from earlier discussions (from several years ago) that you're generally quite successful in your working life, and usually (not always, but usually), in my experience, successful people are successful because they are very good at what they do, and bring happiness in some way to a number of people.

P.S. I strongly feel that the reposting of the content in the first paragraph does not constitue a troll, if you are tempted to delete it, Sine. The thrust of my intent is to run the content by Kali for his opinion, not to repost it to anger Seek. Then again, consensus has it that it's up to you whether it remains or not.

 #91896  by SineSwiper
 Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:46 am
kali o. wrote:PS - Sine, is it possible to change someones account nick? While I appreciate the long history going back to Spam Man, AD and braaak!, I think it's time to get a new nick.
Give me one and I'll change it via MySQL.

On-topic, I think baiting back and forth is fine as long as it's friendly, and the other guy is playing along. When one of them is obviously pissed off, it's time to stop, and not to bother with it again. Some of us can rib each other, and some of us get annoyed with each other's ribbing. I didn't like GMJ's constant insults and trolling, just like Seeker doesn't like yours.

If somebody else doesn't like it here, don't continue to do it.

 #91901  by Nev
 Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:06 am
Actually, that sounds like a rather damned good policy.

(<----- is rather astounded by its simplicity...)