First off, let me say that I rebuke my statement I made in or around episode 5 that the writers had no place to go here. I was clearly not thinking outside the box.
Now all I have to say is oh fuck no. 4 months on that fucking huge of a cliffhanger? This beats the hell out of any other TV series cliffhanger. Hands fucking down. Starbuck is Semi-AWOL, Helo and the Chief got medievl on the Lt. who tried to interroviolate Sharon. Apollo is on Raptor duty and Adama just sent all his Vipers and a Marine landing team to the Pegasus to get Helo and the Cheif back, and we have to wait 4 fucking months before it's resolved.
Michelle Forbes can play a REAL bitch can't she? I about shit myself when Adama sent those troops out.
$20 says that the Admiral tries to take control of the fleet after the president dies.
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.