My own opinion? I was a little disappointed on a number of points:
Plot - The plot and concept seem to be very interesting, and they carry it well, until about 2/3rds of the way through. With most of the secrets revealed, it seems like a series of cliches all the way through. The 3 endings are just the same thing with different scenary and a few different sentences. Not all of the loose ends were tied up, and you don't know what happens with other major characters. Overall, the ending was rather anticlimatic.
Graphics - For a game that brags about the voice work and use of digital body suits, the graphics sure looks like crap. The game's critical element is story telling, but they never bothered with a focus on polygons and textures. It really doesn't make sense, as I was expecting something like Half-Life 2 or Doom 3's graphics. Instead, I get something that looks only slightly better than a PSX game.
Gameplay - If you like Simon Says, you'll love this game. You'll be playing it a LOT! The same goes for button mashing until your hand hurts. And this is on the Easy setting. It's a shame because there are a lot of unique ideas in this game, but they aren't well-executed, or extremely overused. But, most of the gameplay is not fun because of these elements. It's better to watch a victim go through this bullshit and pay attention to the actual storyline, while the victim mostly misses the show to pay attention to some fucking blinking lights.
Sex Scenes - Man, what a pointless plot device! There were a couple of them in the European version, and it seemed like they didn't really fit. It's like somebody from up above decided that Hot Coffee was getting so much attention and they should try to capitalize on that. It's polygons, people! At least if you're going to make sex scenes, make the graphics good and make sure the sex isn't pointless.
Rosalina: But you didn't.
Robert: But I DON'T.
Rosalina: You sure that's right?
Robert: I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
Rosalina: No.
Robert: The subjunctive?
Rosalina: That's not the subjunctive.
Robert: I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
Rosalina: It would have had to have had been.
Robert: Had to have...had...been? That can't be right.