The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Veronica Mars and Rome

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #92737  by Zeus
 Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:39 pm
Just finished watching the first ep of each.....

Let's see, one is the new HBO show. Big budget, brought to us by the one network consisently putting out the highese quality shows on television. The other is a show in its sophmore season on the 6th place network that has put nothing on but drudge in its what, 8 year history? So take a wild guess which is the better show....

Yep, you guessed it, Veronica Mars.

I couldn't believe it either. In one episode, Veronica Mars showed that the writers aren't 8th graders writing the script on the back of napkins, like is done on about 85% of network television. The stage was set, the main character was given sufficient depth, and the requisite network TV lame elements are just there, not taking over the show (like another show I've been watching, which shall remain nameless.....). Mind you, it was just the first episode, so you're only getting a glimpse of Veronica as a character, but it was done quite well. I mean, she's the super-child who has all the connections, is insanely resourceful, and always gets the better of everyone, but that's expected. What was good about the pilot is that she's an actual person with real problems (not lame, forced, hot problems like a drug addict or a wayward child with some serious angst issues; she's an outcast thanks to her parents who tried to fit in in the past but it didn't work). Not everything is perfect, but it's also not like the world around her is tumbling down, two extremes I'm really getting sick of. I'm grabbing the next 4 eps and I hope they're as good as the pilot.

On the other hand, Rome was a major disappointment for the first ep. Spoilers coming up, so stop reading if you haven't seen it and wish to do so at some point.

Like Nameless, it's overly forcing some of it's dramatic points. Ok, I understand the senate squabbling and that Ceasar is trying to become king, but did I really care about the way it was done here? Not especially. Nearly 40 of the 50 minutes of the pilot was spent setting up the rivalry between Pompeii and Ceasar, old friends who are about to become mortal enemies (where have we seen that one before? I'm not denying it wasn't true, I'm just saying it's not really a strong basis for a show anymore 'cause it's been overdone A LOT). OK, I'm coo with that, but then they make a big character of the neice of Ceasar (whom they try to get over by showing her full frontal) and her kids (daughter followed the mother in the nudity), none of whom are interesting in any way. The neice is the sly, strong, political woman and the great nephew is a spoiled pussy. So, they spent 20 minutes on that family and the characters are boring. Because of all this setup, including the neice and her family, we got very little other plot movement. All we got was the start of the rivalry. Not so bad, if any of the characters were really interesting, but they're not; not yet anyways.

I haven't given up on the show or anything, I was just disappointed in the first episode. After watching Sopranos, Oz, and Six Feet and having those shows force me to watch more 'cause they were so damned interesting (haven't seen Carnivale or Deadwood yet, so I can't say anything), I expected a little better beginning.

Maybe that's the thing, the expectations. I expected Mars to suck and it was suprisingly good and because of HBO's past, I expected Rome to be very good and it was boring. That's part of it, but even my wife found Rome boring and she watches drudge like Nameless and Crapias, so it wasn't just me and my jaded views.

So Tort was right about Mars (so far). Batting .500, pretty good average :thumbup:

 #92740  by Tortolia
 Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:21 am
I told you Veronica Mars owned.

 #92741  by Zeus
 Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:50 am
I'm grabbing the next 4 eps now. I just hope it keeps it up

 #92746  by Tortolia
 Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:54 pm
It gets stronger as the season goes on, really.

 #92842  by Zeus
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:25 am
Yeah, i agree. Saw up to ep 5 and it hasn't let up at all

 #92870  by SineSwiper
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:10 pm
WTF is it about? Mars, not Rome. I could give a shit about Rome because I know the ending, and Roman stories have been way overdone.

 #92880  by Tortolia
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:25 pm
There's no capsule summary of Veronica Mars that doesn't make it sound completely retarded, so I'll just charge right ahead.

It's about a high school girl that does detective work.

Yes, it's on UPN. Yes, it is a potentially stupid premise.

It also features a great cast, superb writing, characters with depth, and is extremely well put together.

Season 1 is basically Veronica attempting to solve the murder of her best friend, a case that got her father (the Sheriff) kicked out of office. It's a single season story arc that wrapped up in the season finale, and it was excellently done. Season 2 has another big mystery.

I'm going to simply recommend you download a few episodes of season 1 and watch them, disregarding the premise. Everyone I know who I've gotten to watch the show has adored it (including someone who was so bowled over that he watched the entire season in ONE DAY), and it was the second best new show last year (behind only Galactica).

Just give it a shot. Really. If both Zeus and I can agree on it, that means something. The only problem is now it's currently on against Lost, which just means that torrents are your friend (and the UPN network scheduling monkeys are retarded).

 #92886  by Zeus
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:36 pm
I actually find it easier to watch shows on torrents period. 24 is the only one I make a point of catching if I can. It's just more convenient for me.

 #92896  by SineSwiper
 Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:05 am
Zeus wrote:I actually find it easier to watch shows on torrents period. 24 is the only one I make a point of catching if I can. It's just more convenient for me.
That's kinda ironic, considering I would think that the cliffhangers on 24 would want you to watch it all at the same time.

 #92907  by Tortolia
 Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:00 am
A really good cliffhanger loses a lot of appeal when you see the resolution immediately.

 #92914  by Zeus
 Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:19 pm
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:I actually find it easier to watch shows on torrents period. 24 is the only one I make a point of catching if I can. It's just more convenient for me.
That's kinda ironic, considering I would think that the cliffhangers on 24 would want you to watch it all at the same time.
That's exactly why I don't want to wait the extra hours or day to download. I have to watch it as SOON as it's available.

 #92919  by Chris
 Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:46 pm
Zeus wrote:
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:I actually find it easier to watch shows on torrents period. 24 is the only one I make a point of catching if I can. It's just more convenient for me.
That's kinda ironic, considering I would think that the cliffhangers on 24 would want you to watch it all at the same time.
That's exactly why I don't want to wait the extra hours or day to download. I have to watch it as SOON as it's available.
That plus the best part of shows like 24 and a good two parter is the anticipation of the next episode. anticipation and speculation are a great thing. when you can easily predict what is going to happen next it means it isn't a good cliffhanger. When it's hard to predict and you can speculate for days on end and just wonder what the hell they are going to throw at you next that's when it's done well. It's how you tell the good writers from the mediocre ones in any genre be it tv, movies, comic books, or games. That's one of the things I love about a lot of good anime and cartoons. they end you on a cliffhanger and the next episode they either throw something entirely too predictable that you never thought of it because it's just far too predictable, or they just throw something at you out of the middle of nowhere. It's crazy. and when crazy things are done, well, it's freaking awesome.

now if you don't mind I got me some interviews to do. laaaaaate

 #93015  by Tortolia
 Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:24 pm
Veronica Mars season 1 comes out on DVD tomorrow.

Also, Joss Whedon likes VM

 #93036  by Zeus
 Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:04 pm
Tortolia wrote:Veronica Mars season 1 comes out on DVD tomorrow.

Also, Joss Whedon likes VM
yeah, I'll definetely be looking for a cheap/used copy of that.

Five days, man. Five days I've been waiting for the rest of Season 1 to d'load. Almost there, over 90% now. But once it's done, I'll have 17 episodes to watch. I just wish Bitlord would have d'loaded full eps instead of 90% of each. I guess it goes faster this way but man, I've been waiting forever.

 #93163  by Zeus
 Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:34 pm
FINALLY I'm done d'loading the last 17 eps of Season 1. Finished them off in 2 days :-) Here are my impressions. Spoilers coming up, so if you haven't seen the full Season 1 and plan to, stop now. However, I doubt anyone other than Tort is actually reading this.

Since I'm infamous for it, I shall start with the negatives:

1) Weavil

In the beginning, he and Veronica had a pretty neat friendship, kind of a mutual respect / favour exchange more than anything. And they actually used him a bit. But, he ended up being no more than a convenient character, popping up whenever she needed him and being the token muscle on the show. Then he's all of a sudden at school the whole time, being Veronica's muscle as required (even more convenient). For a character that started pretty good, he ended up being just there and used solely for convenience 'til the very end. It was a disappointment

2) Neptune High

Is it just me or are there WAAAY too many serious issues going on at Neptune? I can understand the parrot getting kidnapped and thought that the whole find-out-what-my-parents-did thing was pretty good, but the bomb threat with the under-cover FBI agent?

Yes, she is a teenager and the show really needed to have a source for other things going on in her life other than Lilly's death and her mother's disappearance (and to help develop the lead character), but every freakin' week? That school is more dangerous than the front lines of WW2. It would have been better to lessen the use of the school a little bit more and focus on the PI gig her dad has going a bit more.

Now, these are minor quibbles. It's not like I hate the show because of them. Much like 24 and it's mother-daughter storyline of the first season, it's just a part that dragged what is otherwise an excellent show down a bit. I mean, there are A LOT more positives, including:

1) Veronica

Definetely the strongest character lead in the show. Unlike, say, Jack in 24, she not only has real depth but you actually care about her and her problems. They never forget that she's a teenager who's been through some serious shit, regardless of how many people she outsmarts, and that she's basically an outsider at her school. They continuously have her juggling multiple 'cases', one of which is invariably tied to her personally (as an ostracized teenager in high school, her mother's disappearance, or Lilly's death) and it does wonders to her character.

Not to mention Bell's performance. She's quite good in the role and is very good at delivering both the tough-ass and the vulernable girl thing at the same time. She turns it on and off like a switch....and it works. It also helps that she's a cute, as opposed to hot, girl. She can get by with her looks when necessary, but it's not a distraction. Perfect casting.

2) Depth of storylines

As I've mentioned above and Tort has in the past, this show has two season-long arcs: Veronica's mom leaving and her best friend Lilly's death. They are tied together, but only very loosely and there's actual plot movement in both in basically every episode. Keeps them fresh and gives them proper advancement. In each episode, there are the minor plotlines that generally are one episode long and are linked to the PI job and those are you basic "solve this" storylines. Although they're not quite as flushed out as in other shows where those are the storylines, they're still relatively well done. But it's the season-long arcs and the depth of the characters that really makes the show. Does a excellent job of juggling both.

3) Logan

Unlike with Weavil, the lead singer of Matchbox 20 (Rob Thomas, the producer :-)) has done an excellent job of developing Logan's character. Starts off as the spoiled brat then turns into the needed little bitch.....only around Veronica, of course. Started out as the main "bad" guy and ended up being more of a tragic character. The actor plays him well and he is used very well in the show.

4) Proper use of flashbacks

In order to tell the storyline of Lilly and her death (the main season-long plotline) and give more depth to Vernoica's character, the show uses brief flashback bursts throughout each episode, usually no longer than 1 or 2 minutes. Sweet, short, and to the point, just what a flashback should be. They add excellent depth to the current plotlines without taking over and ruining the show (even though that is a poorly veiled jab at Lost, it's a valid point regardless). Any less and you miss some important stuff, any longer and you start to lose the depth in the current plotline. Very well done. Although different than Naruto, who's flashbacks are much longer but also contain much more depth, it's equally as effective.

5) The rest of the supporting cast

There are no real "bad" supporting cast members (Paris Hilton's cameo aside). The father (the alien leader from Galaxy Quest) is particularly good in the show. I like the black friend (can't remember the name), especially how he knows he's being used. Logan, of course. The Kane family is done well enough, but could use more. Especially Duncan, considering how main of a character he really is. Even though the show center's around Veronica and she is easily the best character, the rest of these characters are pretty good and used quite well.

All in all, excellent first season for the show. They did a very good job of keeping the season-long arcs intact and ending them (I doubt too many guessed the killer before the last episode or what Veronica did right after coming home from the capture), giving excellent depth to Veronica and the main supporting characters, and not overdoing anything (it's common in a lot of new shows to do something good for too long). Above all, it never really forgot it's setting or what it's about. So important yet forgotten so often.

Since it is now the only other network show I watch other than 24, I hope it follows in 24's path. 24 has gotten better each season by keeping the show fresh within the parameters it set for itself, never overdoing anything (like not having Jack run the Pentagon or anything), learning from it's mistaken (the female's storyline in the first), keeping the new storyline's fresh and interesting, and just doing what it did well in the previous season even better in the current season.

I've d'loaded the first 3 eps of season 2 of Mars, I hope it doesn't disappoint. I've lost (Six Feet) or am about to lose (Sopranos) more than half of the shows I watch, I need a replacement.