The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Serenity Now!!!!

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #92829  by Chris
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:27 am
fantastic flick. and I wasn't even that big a fan of the tv show. I'll start with the plussed

+ Acting. That was always my big qualm with the TV show. The characters at timed slipped in and out of their roles. here that wasn't the case as much. there were times when some lines seemed a bit forced but it was definitely a lot better.

+ Bringing the funny. This is definitely one of Joss Wheedons stregths. scenes are hilairious with both dumb funny one liners but subtle humor as well. there are points where you can start laughing and wonder why.

+ Respectful Deaths. Characters die. And guess what, it's kind of sad when they do. One dies as you are laughing. middle of a pretty funny scene and bam out of nowhere. bvut it's handled so well I'm almost willing to forgive Joss his crappy colossus resurection story. actually this same wscene was in one of his x-men issues in a way. just watch and you will see.

+ Reavers are scary as hell. yep they made them into something scary. we also get to find out just what the hell they are and why they rape you to death and war your skin afterward.

- The deaths. Yes it was handled well but they killed some of my favorite characters. very depressing at times.

- the bad guy's fate. He was just so sadistic, so evil, and such a bastard that his fate is somewhat dissapointing.

- bad timing on one-liners. This isn't buffy. spouting off one liners every few minutes causes a break from the tension and while most of them are great some of them just seem really out of place.

- The ass hole that was sitting behind me. ok what kind of retard brings their damned 5 year old to a PG-13 movie. and calling the kid 5 is being generous. looked 4 or even younger. started crying right in the middle of the flick. so what did they do. they just took the kid to the isle. you know what. your damn kid starts crying, take him outside to the hallway you stupid retard. not to mention before that the guy's cell phone went off and he actually answered it and started talking. GAH!

well that's enough for now. all in all it was a great movie and finally got my brain off the horrible flightplan movie.

 #92833  by Nev
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:21 am
Okay. If I want to retain any of my geek cred, I'd better see this.

 #92869  by SineSwiper
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:07 pm
I'm waiting to watch the series on Sci-Fi first.

 #92888  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:48 pm
I just got Season 4 of Seinfeld a week ago =)

I can't wait until season 5.

 #92890  by Nev
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:04 pm
Er, what?

 #92892  by Kitch
 Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:12 pm
I've been a fan of Firefly for a long time, and was lucky enough to attend the pre-release fan only showing of Serenity, where we got to chat with Adam Baldwin and Gina Torres after the screening. My view is obviously gonna be a little biased, but even so, this movie really does rock. If you like well done sci-fi movies, then you should make an effort to see this.

Im off to see it again tomorrow.

 #92897  by SineSwiper
 Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:05 am
The Seeker wrote:I just got Season 4 of Seinfeld a week ago =)

I can't wait until season 5.
I can't wait for season 5 of Firefly.

Oh wait...

 #92953  by Kupek
 Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:08 pm
I finally saw Serenity yesterday. It rocked my world. It was baiscally season two with a <i>much</i> higher budget and done in two hours. I hope they can make more.

 #92965  by Chris
 Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:11 pm
The Seeker wrote:
Chris Hansbrough wrote:seek if I didn't know you I wouldn'ty flip you shit. it's Derithian. I've been part of this cacaphony of arguing and poo flinging for years. just figured I'd join the fun by responding to a stupid comment with a stupid comment. I "pulled a seeker" if you will :p

Oh, alright, I didn't know it was you, cool then =)
damn right make me a goddamn fish taco.....I'm hungry...

oh and go see Serenity because it rocked. except for one scene that had me laughing hilairiously and then wanting to cry and wonder how the next mopvie can be as funny.......those who have seen it will know why.....made me cry

 #93104  by Blotus
 Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:09 pm
I'm a huge Firefly fanboy so I totally creamed my pants. Sin City is the only movie released this year that tops it for me.

 #93106  by Chris
 Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:58 pm
batman and sin city for me

 #93146  by Ishamael
 Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:11 pm
Great, great movie. More impactful for fans of Firefly of course, but I think anyone can enjoy this movie.

Couple of random, unrelated points:

-Some have said that the mystery of River is solved, but after seeing the movie, there are still lots of questions surrounding her.

- Great villian

- Cool backstory for the Reavers, even if I did semi-predict it.

- There needs to be a sequal...but I don't know if it'll earn enough for studios to greenlight one. :(

- I don't understand the complaints about the film.

 #93153  by Chris
 Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:28 am
Ishamael wrote:Great, great movie. More impactful for fans of Firefly of course, but I think anyone can enjoy this movie.

Couple of random, unrelated points:

-Some have said that the mystery of River is solved, but after seeing the movie, there are still lots of questions surrounding her.

- Great villian

- Cool backstory for the Reavers, even if I did semi-predict it.

- There needs to be a sequal...but I don't know if it'll earn enough for studios to greenlight one. :(

- I don't understand the complaints about the film.
well some things have buigged me since the tv series about the reaves. they are relentless savages and kill everyone running opurely on instinct......but shit they are good fucking pilots

 #93156  by Kitch
 Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:05 am
just some news from the UK.

Firefly seems to have the best following in the world here, not only did we get the world premier, the first ever firefly convention, show all the episodes correctly etc we managed to ensure Serenity opened at box office number one for opening weekend.

We're off to see it tomorrow with a bunch of Browncoats to help the second week takings put in an equally strong performance.

News from Joss is that he is definately looking at a trilogy. Yay!

 #93208  by Torgo
 Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:31 pm
I had no idea Serenity was the Firefly movie. I never even watched the show, so a lot of the movie was probably lost on me. That does explain why I thought the characterization seemed really off though, the death scenes especially. Man, those must've been as impactful as Otimus Prime's death in the Transformers movie(best example I can think of at the moment). That said, I thought it was a decent movie with an excellent villain, and it does make me want to check out the series sometime later.

 #93211  by Nev
 Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:46 pm

Does anyone besides me think that, for a kids' movie, the Transformers movie was a great piece of entertainment? :)

 #93213  by Zeus
 Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:05 am
Transformers movie was an excellent animated movie. I still watch it from time to time, it ruled