1984 was written while Orwell was dying of TB, he was dead months after completing the book. I think the fact that he was dying might explain the bleakness of it.
Anyways, the reason why I posted this is because I finished reading another Orwell book called "Road to Wigan Pier" a documentary written in 1936. It is possibly the best written documentary account I have ever read. This got me reading 1984 again, starting this evening, something I haven't done in near half a decade. BNW and Animal Farm, well, I can't read one of those three and not read the other two as well.
The politcal climate has changed somewhat in the last few years. We view government differently than before, we also view the population differently than before. The population thinks differently than before. There is also the economic state to consider as well. It will definitely be interesting to see how/if views on the contents of these books have changed with the political climate change. Needless to say, they'll be interesting to read again.
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