And holy freaking crap is this game fun. I just finished playing for roughly three hours straight and I had a blast! All the times I've played air guitar on my steering wheel have come to life in a video game. Very cool.
GH plays nearly identically to Harmonix's other games, Amplitude at the very least (I never played Frequency), but the mechanic is different enough with the kickass guitar controller that I don't feel like I'm just playing the same game over again with different songs.
One thing I gotta tell you, though - this game is NOT easy. When I was fiddling around in free play before I started career mode, I decided to try "Smoke on the Water" on the medium setting, and it absolutely kicked my ass. I mean, as far as rhythm games go, I'm much more used to Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy, and you need three fingers total on both hands to play those - in GH, once it gets to medium, you're using four fingers on your left hand plus strumming with your right. It's crazy! (I'm not sure I even wanna know what playing Expert mode is like. I fear.)
Anyway, if any of you guys were interested in this game, here's a firsthand account that says it's fun as all hell.
GH plays nearly identically to Harmonix's other games, Amplitude at the very least (I never played Frequency), but the mechanic is different enough with the kickass guitar controller that I don't feel like I'm just playing the same game over again with different songs.
One thing I gotta tell you, though - this game is NOT easy. When I was fiddling around in free play before I started career mode, I decided to try "Smoke on the Water" on the medium setting, and it absolutely kicked my ass. I mean, as far as rhythm games go, I'm much more used to Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy, and you need three fingers total on both hands to play those - in GH, once it gets to medium, you're using four fingers on your left hand plus strumming with your right. It's crazy! (I'm not sure I even wanna know what playing Expert mode is like. I fear.)
Anyway, if any of you guys were interested in this game, here's a firsthand account that says it's fun as all hell.
