The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Star Wars: RotS

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #93930  by Flip
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:46 pm
Like any good American, i bought Star Wars Ep. 3 to complete my set. After watching it again, i still stand by my original opinion that this one is defenitely as bad as the other new ones.

When the reviews first came out for this episode and they all agreed that this one was just as good, or even BETTER, than ESB i was super pumped to see it, and then disappointed when i did. This movie is supposed to be 'darker' and 'more serious' then the other new ones? Yeah right. I couldnt put my finger on it then, but now it is crystal clear.

Here are a few specific examples that just irk the hell out of me. Maybe i'm being picky having these moments ruin the whole movie, or maybe i'm not and Lucas just sucks donkey balls.

The Wookie Battle:
COMPLETELY ruined by having one of the wookies do a stupid Tarzan yell as he swings from a vine. Good for a chuckle? NO, good for being retarded.

The whole scene where R2 is by himself in a hanger and Obi Wan is trying to reach him on the walkie talkie is dumb. It gets worse when R2 kills the droids with an oil fire. It was bad CG and not good for a laugh.

Evil Anakin:
I've said this before, and it still bothered me. In a nutshell, "Oh no! I killed Mace, what have i done?" "Join me!" "OK" "First assignment, go kill kids!" "Weeeee, off i go!". Way to wean him into it Lucas.

Padme Dying:
Padme's death scene is pretty bad. What makes it so is solely because of the doctors dialogue and what he tells Obi Wan and Yoda. "We dont know why she is dying. It seems she has lost the will to live." Wasnt this obvious without Lucas blatantly spelling it out for us. I felt like a moron because the director treated me like one. EVERYONE KNEW why she was dying. "Lost the will to live"... UGH!!

As we have talked about before, the 'zoom-out NOOOOO' is one of the worst, most cliched, and easily overused techniques in Hollywood. Cheesy, cheese, super cheese, cheese-head times a thousand cheeses.

The Overall Scene Setups:
Lucas and his magical clock wipe seem to be the answer for everything. We go from scenes like Anakin just finding out the Emperor is evil and them staring at each other to IMMEDIATELY Anakin walking with Mace in a hanger. Nothing inbetween. I guess we shouldnt care about why Anakin decides to only tell Mace and why he knew to find him in a hanger.

We go from Yoda and the Emperor fighting each other on the same Congress ring thing to suddenly they are seperated and the Emperor is flinging Congress rings at Yoda. Granted they wipe to the Anakin-Obi fight inbetween and i guess these battles are supposed to be real time, but there are many other stupid wipes from scene to scene throughout the whole movie.

Anakin and Padme living together:
Way to be discreet with your relationship. Ha.

That being said, from the time you just accept that Anakin is evil till when he gets owned by Obi-Wan, that is the best hour in the whole series. Also, the actor who is the Emperor is awesome. His scenes with Anakin are great. He delivers everything perfectly and just like how he did in RotJ. I rank RotJ next to, or maybe even with, ESB only because he is flawless in his scenes with Luke. RotJ's passive cuteness is nothing compared to the forced cuteness Lucas shoves in RotS.

I'm glad i have them all now, but i defenitely rank this one tied with tPM as the worst ones, i liked AotC a lot better. This episode is by no means darker or more serious. Lucas wrote a great storyline with amazing characters in an interesting world, too bad he is SO terrible with the details inbetween.

 #93933  by Zeus
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:57 pm has the first two recut to take the crap out of them. I'm sure they'll have a new one of this one as well. Figured a lot of the SW fans who don't like the newer eps would like them

 #93938  by SineSwiper
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:07 pm
So, the MySpleen version of ep. 3 would be a 5-minute movie?

Seriously, Stars War 3 was the worst movie Lucas has ever made. Lucas can't do a love story, and he CAN'T write dialogue! Padme dying was so damned cliche, even if it was implied or not. I was expecing Padme to actually get injuried, instead of her just "slipping away because she lost the will to live".

 #93941  by Lox
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:32 pm
SineSwiper wrote:Seriously, Stars War 3 was the worst movie Lucas has ever made.
Worse than Episode I??? No way!!! :)

 #93942  by SineSwiper
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:12 pm
Oh, yeah, Kid Vader and Jamacian stereotype alien thingy. I guess that was the worse one, but at least you had the hopes that it was going to get better. The fact that you get to this fucking turd at the last movie just makes it suck that much more, as in "That's fucking it?! That's the end?!" There's no turning back, it just ends badly and you can't do anything about the wasted two hours of your life, not to mention any hopes of a repaired story is dashed.

So, yeah, it's probably the worst movie.

 #93943  by Eric
 Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:29 pm
I liked 3 the best, lots of action, I liked 2 the least, it was goofy, I liked 1 in the middle, obi-wan was actually cool in that one.

In what Order did Eric like the movies?

A) 1, 2, 3
B) 2, 3, 1
C) 3, 2, 1
D) 2, 1, 3

 #93950  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:22 am
I liked Episode 3 by far the best of any of them. Return of the Jedi is the only other one I enjoy watching through in its entirety; I watched all 6 of them recently. I still don't understand why it is OK (with Starwars fans) for the old Starwars movies to have over the top cheesy characters, horrible acting, and a very poor script, but not the newer ones.


3, 1, 2

It's not even an option on your test!!!! =P

 #94087  by Blotus
 Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:51 pm
"Love can't save you, only my new powers can!"

There was still enough good to offset the bad. The very last shot of the Tatooine sunset gave me chills.

 #94110  by Kupek
 Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:32 am
SineSwiper wrote:So, the MySpleen version of ep. 3 would be a 5-minute movie?

Seriously, Stars War 3 was the worst movie Lucas has ever made. Lucas can't do a love story, and he CAN'T write dialogue! Padme dying was so damned cliche, even if it was implied or not. I was expecing Padme to actually get injuried, instead of her just "slipping away because she lost the will to live".
The dialouge between them in Episode III is terrible, but it's still not as bad as the scenes they share in Episode II.

 #94130  by Torgo
 Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:28 pm
I really don't see how you can say 3 was the worst. RotS had its problems, but it was easily the best, or at the very least the one that didn't suck as much out of the prequels.

I mean, TPM was mostly Jar Jar, and AotC had the main bulk of the shitty love story dialog. Remember "I don't like sand?"

 #94134  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:23 pm
Torgo wrote:I really don't see how you can say 3 was the worst. RotS had its problems, but it was easily the best, or at the very least the one that didn't suck as much out of the prequels.

I mean, TPM was mostly Jar Jar, and AotC had the main bulk of the shitty love story dialog. Remember "I don't like sand?"
Well, Revenge of the Sith is very different from the other five Starwars movies. It doesn't run on the same formula. It is understandable how some people don't like it.

I didn't mind the Jar Jar character, he didn't bother me; but I still liked Episode 3 much more than the other 5 movies.

 #94348  by Ishamael
 Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:51 am
What kind of Star Wars geek are you? The Tarzan yell was actually in the original series too. Anyway, you make some good points - The Vader scene for example was laughably bad. I actually laughed out loud on the theater at that one. It was so unexpected and out of left field that I couldn't help myself. I honestly thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but that scene kills me every time.

And Anakin doesn't just turn evil. I thought Lucas laid some nice groundwork for him:

Personality: Anakin was always kind of headstrong and went his own way...much like a certain other Jedi.

Prophecy: The One who will bring balance to the Force - that's Anakin. But like Yoda speculated, they misinterpreted the Prophecy.

Palpatine: More than anything, this is the guy who made it believable. I thought Palpatine made excellent points about why studying the Dark Side is not necessarily a bad thing. I think behind all this, Lucas is telling the audience that the Dark Side in and of itself isn't necessarily evil. However, there is a balance.

Anyway, this is a rushed ill-thought out post. I just knew I disagreed and had to garble out some rough reasons why. :)

 #94360  by Flip
 Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:38 pm
The turn wouldnt have been so bad if they didnt have the scene JUST ten minutes before where Anakin actually apologizes to Obi for being stubborn. He was progressing into evil relatively nicely, but that scene made it look like all was forgiven... stupid idea to have him apologize as Obi leaves.