Personally I liked Mario Kart 64 the best. The main flaw of the first one is that weapons were WAY over powered, if you got hit once, you were royally screwed and that was that. Mario Kart 64 balanced things out almost to perfection, plus threw in 4 players.
Double Dash I own, but had a large problem with. I felt tracks seemed too short and repetetive. I also felt that the game revolved too much around weapons and not enough on racing. You had these gigantic weapons that blasted the entire track. From my perspective, it certainly wasn't a bad game, it's just I would rather play Mario Kart 64; and everyone I knew felt the same (though that may have been just because of my constant insistance, as well as my best friend's, that MK64 was the better game). It's a game that keeps getting played because there are certain people (all girls, at least from who I know) who only like Mario Kart, and no other games (except maybe the Sims now, that is a big game with girls).
Anyways, IGNDS had some fairly reassuring words to say on the game:
Closing Comments
After experiencing Mario Kart DS, it's hard to imagine how Nintendo's going to improve on what they've done for this stunning portable rendition. There's so much gameplay and depth in this design, moreso than the series has ever had in the past. It's an amazingly addictive racer both in single and multiplayer modes, and even with the limitations of the online functions, it's impossible to avoid becoming addicted to the long distance Mario Kart match-ups. The only way to finish this review is just to say it: this is the greatest Mario Kart game ever developed, and is without a doubt the best DS game of 2005.
9.5 Presentation
Incredibly thorough single and multiplayer experience with tons of options to beef up the variety. The online component works simply and elegantly, but it's just a little too restrictive.
9.0 Graphics
Super fast, super smooth 3D engine drives the action. All the Mario-esque elements are represented here, and even though the characters are low-poly they still look fantastic.
9.0 Sound
The happy, peppy Mario style of music continues on its happy and peppy direction. Some voice samples are more compressed than others. Stereo effects are outstanding and work well on the DS speakers.
10 Gameplay
This is the best of the Mario Kart best. Kart and weapon balance is incredibly tight, new track designs are fantastic, and the game has an extraordinary amount of playtime well after
10 Lasting Appeal
If there's any game you'll continuously come back to, it's this one. Single cart, multiple cart, and online multiplayer, and single player finally has "bots" for practicing Battle Mode!
Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
With Civ 4 just a short time ago, and some other great games still ahead this season, it is turning out to be the best autumn in a LONG time. Probably since the year of Zelda, Turok 2, Rogue Squadron, Xenogears, ISS98, Space Station Silicon Valley, and Parasite Eve. 1998, what an awesome year.
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