It's not that I said, or think, that the combat engine is the ONLY significant part of an RPG. The question was "Can it SAVE the game?" In other words will the game still be decent with just this one superior aspect of it. And yes, taking into account the previous Grandia games, I do believe this will be a good title. That's not to say I expect every other aspect of the game to be absolutely horrible. The character design is big; personalities of the characters as well as the visual make ups, including in game and cut scenes. In Grandia II I think they did a good job of this, so I won't assume they failed in this one. The graphics in this game seem to rock, and if that's not important I don't know what is. If I'm gonna be staring at a screen for 50+ hours, I better be looking at something beautiful.
It's not like this game will NOT have a story, it just won't have an in-depth one likely. But a simple storyline isn't always bad.
Seeker wrote:I do consider story, maps, towns, dungeons, puzzles, quests, exploration, and a lot of things as directly part of the gameplay, or at least tied into it.
Half the the stuff you just mentioned requires you to do battle with monsters in someway. Without a good battle engine a random battle RPG is impossible to play for me. The last thing I want to do is walk to a town to get healing items and get that twitch in my neck every 5 seconds cause the game decided to make a battle sound, flash the screen fuzzy, and conjure up some stupid level 2 snakes for me to fight. That's gotta be the most frusterating feeling in the world. What good is exploration when I'm being annoyed every 10 steps?
Seeker wrote:In fact, I prefer RPGs when they have much fewer battles.
I won't say the exact same thing, I'll change it a bit. I prefer MEANINGFUL battles. I like fighting battles that are meant to kill me or weaken me so I have a tough time against the boss.
The fact is that most RPGs make you pay the price of battle just to hear the story, get the new characters, equip yourself with the best weapons, and find the secrets. If the battle engine is good, I don't have to pay any price. I'm already enjoying the game just fighting. So anything else is just a bonus. I'm not gonna sit there and be like "Aww fuck, I've gotta battle through this entire dungeon just to figure out what happens next."