Zeus wrote: if these laws pass and there aren't as many mature games released in the US
I didn't read anything anywhere about releasing fewer M-rated games in the US. Do you have any proof that this is happening?
Zeus wrote:And my argument the whole time has been that this will lead to a dramatic decrease and maybe even complete lack of Mature games on the market as we're likely going to see large retailers not even carry 18+ games as those are the equivalent of AO now. That's what the wording of the 18+ is if you read that Gamespot article I posted a while back. No sales to under 18 is what AO is and is what 18+ is. It's a HUGE change as Mature is a suggestion. Also, let's not forget that we're talking about federal enforcement and not the currently voluntary one in the US.
There is absolutely nothing in the article about M-rated games being taken off the market. Nor is there anything that even suggests that this is a possibility.
Zeus wrote:1) It's not an insult to me, I'm just worried about the effect of something like this become law on the selection of product I will have. As I stated above, I get affected the same way whether I'm an American or not. I'm an adult, I want to choose. But if you stifle the development of these mature games long before the industry has reached a mature enough stage in the social conscious to carry "adult only" games, my selection will be severly limited.
I have no idea why you think this. I don't think any videogame publisher or store has said anything about releasing a different number of M-rated games if this law is passed. There is also no evidence to suggest that they will. This is why I am not worried about anything.
Zeus wrote:2) I am not a selfish person, so I don't look at this purely as what is good for me (which, incidentally, is the problem with how people vote, but that's another huge argument on its own). As a 14 or 15 year old, I knew the difference between real and fake so I could play or watch anything and not have it affect me. Now, those same 14 or 15 year olds will have someone tell them that any sort of violence below that of a TV14+ rated TV show or the local news is "not appropriate" by the federal government, not exactly an unbiased source. They won't be able to choose as the choice will be made for them: you can't have it. So these kids will have to rely on parents or other elders to buy it for them.
Why do you feel that 14 or 15 year old kids should have the right to buy whatever games they want if their parents don't want them to play certain games?
Zeus wrote:3) Already answered this one above
Then why do you feel that it's alright for 14 or 15 year old kids in the US to buy whatever games they want, but think it's not an issue in Ontario where you actually live? Why not complain about the laws in Ontario that are already in place? You also talk about 14 and 15 year olds, what about 9 or 10 year old kids? Do you think THEY should be able to buy M rated games with extreme violence and gore in them as well?
Zeus wrote:And on a related note, a look at the games I have been playing over the past half year shows that there are basically no Mature games other than MGS3 (Guitar Hero, Castlevania: Aria, DS stuff, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Capcom Classics). I don't play that many mature rated games in general. But that doesn't mean that I want the selection stifled by some bible-thumpers in power, even if it hardly affects me. It's the principle of the matter that I don't like, not its affect on me.
No one is limiting your selection, you are over the age of 18, they are limiting the selection of games to kids 18 years old or younger whose parents don't want them playing the games in the first place. The reason why these laws are coming into consideration is because stores are actually selling these games to minors and parents, who do not want their kids playing these games, are getting angry about it. Greedy people who work in stores (like Futureshop for example) who just want to get their commission, want to get their extra few bucks for a sale, so they don't care what they sell to minors. Stores which sell games to minors SHOULD receive fines the same way they would if they sold cigarettes to minors.
Anyways, as a conclusion: I do not really think you'll have anything to worry about. I really do think you are over-reacting on a law that is probably quite good to have passed.