My mom has a little "20 Questions" novelty toy (looks sort of like a robot crystal ball) that works on the same principle. It tells you to think of something, then asks things like "Is it cold?" "Is it round?" "Is it bigger than a bread-box?" and etc., and everyone manages to be very surprised when it comes up with "snowman" or whatever.
You can usually stump these things by picking balls-out obscure stuff...for instance, I'm betting this one will get Seinfeld with a high degree of accuracy if you think of that, whereas the chances of it picking up some horrendous and horrendously canceled pilot that ran for two shows back in 1973 are a lot lower, I'm guessing...
My mom's little toy didn't handle "Bose-Einstein condensate" very well when I came up with that, for instance.

(Though, admittedly, there was no entry to respond to its question of "Is it bigger with a bread-box" with "Well, what did you put it in?"...I had to settle for "maybe"...)