The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Al-Qaida does not exist

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #97158  by cansouth
 Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:03 pm
Image Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad ... ssad_x.htm
Assad doubts existence of al-Qaeda
KUWAIT CITY (AP) - Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview published Sunday that he doubts the existence of al-Qaeda, the terror group blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks and recent strikes in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

"Is there really an entity called al-Qaeda? Was it in Afghanistan? Does it exist now?" Assad asked, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Anba.

Such speculation is popular among some in the Arab world who say Washington has manufactured or exaggerated the threat posed by al-Qaeda in order to paint Muslims as dangerous.

Image Norwegian professor Johan Galtung ... 396241.ece
- Al-Qaida er en amerikansk fiksjon

Terrororganisasjonen Al-Qaida er noe USA har
funnet på, mener den omstridte fredsforskeren
Johan Galtung.

- Etter min vurdering er al-Qaida noe Washington
har funnet på, en typisk Pentagon-projeksjon,
sier Galtung.

På spørsmål fra Spiegel Online om han virkelig mener
at al-Qaida ikke eksisterer, svarer Galtung at Vestens
forestilling om organisasjonen er gal.

- Men det finnes en stor kraft, som stort sett er
organisert i celler, som i Hamburg, og som holdes
sammen gjennom troen, sier han.

Image Indonesian Bashir
Bashir selv skylder på CIA og USA for å
stå bak angrepet mot Bali.
Han benekter også at gruppene Jemaah
Islamiyah og al-Qaida eksisterer. ... ticleId=39
Bashir on Friday accused the United States of inventing both al-Qaida and Jemaah Islamiyah to portray Muslims as terrorists.

Qazi Hussain, member of Parliament in Pakistan ... 844875.ece
«Qazi Hussain har kritisert den pakistanske regjerings samarbeid med USA i kampen mot Taliban-regimet i Afghanistan. Han har snakket pent om Taliban-ledelsen og Osama bin Laden og benektet eksistensen av terrornettverket Al-Qaida.»
Qazi Hussain Ahmed :
«I've never been sure whether the so-called Al-Qaeda has ever even existed. »

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair, London, United Kingdom,2933,162476,00.html
July 15, 2005

Commenting on the possible role of Al Qaeda, Blair said, " Al Qaeda is not an organization . Al Qaeda is a way of working ... but this has the hallmark of that approach."

Image Talibans
According to Dadullah, al-Qaeda did
not exist in Afghanistan
and he said he did not know
the fate or whereabouts of Osama bin-Laden. ... 5&hn=22982
August 14, 2005
«Countries facing the al-Qaeda threat are awaiting the intelligence Turkish security is to provide. Amid the smoke from the fortuitous fire emerged the possibility that al-Qaeda may not be, strictly speaking, an organization but an element of an intelligence agency operation.

Turkish intelligence specialists agree that there is no such organization as al-Qaeda.

Rather, Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation. The concept “fighting terror” is the background of the “low-intensity-warfare” conducted in the mono-polar world order. The subject of this strategy of tension is named as “al-Qaeda.” »
There is no Terrorist Organization Called Al Qaida

…Nese Düzel from Radikal (a Turkish newspaper) asked this question and more on Al Qaida to Mahir Kaynak, a former academic and a former intelligence officer. He has suggested different and debateful views, which will be summarized in this article.

Further more he argued that there is no Al Qaida. According to Kaynak, Al Qaida is the name of the operation carried out by an intelligence service, which is CIA…With this operation an anti-Islam front among the peoples of the world is tried to be created. ... 04,00.html
Friday October 15, 2004
The Power of Nightmares seeks to overturn much of what is widely believed about Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

The latter, it argues, is not an organised international network.

It does not have members or a leader.
It does not have "sleeper cells".
It does not have an overall strategy.
In fact, it barely exists at all, except as an idea about cleansing a corrupt world through religious violence. ... Qaeda.html
«Al Qaeda does not exist and never has»

«The basic truth is that Al Qaeda does not exist and never has. Al Qaeda is a manufactured enemy who was created by the Bush Administration in order to have an excuse to wage a war for the control of the world"s oil resources.»

This link needs registration to be followed: ... 0082.shtml
October 29, 2002
''Al-Qaida is not an organization anymore, it is
a concept,'' said Jordanian political analyst Labib Kamhawi.
''There is a lot of appeal for the concept itself.''»

«''On balance, I would be surprised if there wasn't any
foreign participation,'' he said. ''Al-Qaida does not have
membership cards, and as such, linkages can occur
on many different levels.''

Translation of the three norwegian quotes:

Al-Qaida is an american fiction.

The terrororganisation Al-Qaida is something USA has invented, means the debated peace professor Johan Galtung.

-After my opinion Al-Qaida is something Washington has invented, a typhical Pentagon-projection, says Galtung.

On question from Spiegel Online if he really means that Al-Qaida does not exist, Galtung answers that the Wests impression of the organisation is wrong.

-But there is a large power, which is mostly organised in cells, like in Hamburg, and which are being kept together through the faith, he says.

Bashir himself blames on CIA and USA for being behind the attack against Bali. He also denies that the groups Jemaah Islamiyah and Al-Qaida exist.

Qazi Hussein has critizised the pakistani governments cooperation with USA in the fight against the Taliban-regime in Afghanistan. He has talked nice about the Taliban-leaders and Osama bin Laden and denied the existence of the terror network Al-Qaida.

 #97162  by Oracle
 Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:50 pm
paranoid much?

I hope we see more from you than just conspiracy theories. You offering this as just food for thought or is this something you actually believe?

 #97163  by cansouth
 Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:42 pm
Oracle wrote:You offering this as just food for thought or is this something you actually believe?
I think Al-Qaida does not exist. I believe the quoted persons are right.

 #97189  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:02 pm
My opinion (I won't claim to believe anything) is that the danger and deeds of Al-Qaeda are significantly less than what the US government would have people believe. I have to this date seen no solid evidence that Al-Qaeda is the entitity which masterminded the September 11th 2001 attacks.

 #97194  by cansouth
 Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:35 pm
The Seeker wrote:I have to this date seen no solid evidence that Al-Qaeda is the entitity which masterminded the September 11th 2001 attacks.
I think Mossad did the terror 11.9.2001.

I believe Pentagon was hit by a missile(rocket) and that the planes which hit Twin Towers were remote controlled:
Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon?
British aeronautical engineer Joe Vialls claims that all 757 and 767 aircraft are equipped with computerized remote flight control systems for the purposes of rescuing the planes from attempted hijackings.

 #97196  by Flip
 Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:34 pm
arent we 4 or 5 years too late?