I'm a fan of stories, no matter how poorly written. In the wake of the recent lore fiasco after Blizzard announced the new alliance race (which involved changing what happened to Sargeras, the guy who is responsible for like every evil that ever existed in the Warcraft universe), I think this is a good time for me to write about them. Blizzard has, in my mind, the worst lore out of any gaming company. There is more useful lesson to be learned about storytelling from a Megaman game (that is to say, next to nothing) compared to a Blizzard game (which is nothing).
Of course like almost every game writing company, we start with a foundation of story roughly equal to B-grade fanfiction writing. While I'm well aware they've plenty of real, quality authors writing about the Warcraft/Diablo/Starcraft universe, you can't improve a lousy foundation by throwing more writing power at it. If (insert your favorite author) is to write about Dragonball GT, the whole premise would still sound dumb. No one in the extended Star Wars universe was able to make any decent writing if they've to inherit horrible characters such as Admiral Daala, Kyp Durron, or Jar Jar Binks. Of course when Blizzard made their games it's not set out to be a literary masterpiece, so I don't hold them accountable. If you look at just the alliance stuff, it's almost reasonable. Aside from everything you ever kill from Van Cleef to Mor'ladim to everything else all have a secret sob story about how they're not really evil, there's no particular gaping holes of logic.
Now we move to the Horde. Everyone hates Trolls and Undead so they hate everyone else. That's fine. The Orcs are hypocrites who says they want peace while still effectively waging genocide on every non Horde species in the planet, but that's at least sort of okay because Orcs aren't supposed to be the good guys. Then we have the Tauren, which is obviously some combination of native americans combined with environmentalism. Never mind that they're an aberration of nature already (as far as I can tell Cenarius's children are centaurs, dryads, and keeper of the groves). You also have Taurens asking Undead for some plague help (Tarren Mill quests), Tauren planting bombs in Dwarven strongholds (Barren quests), and in general every quest that involves an animal goes something like "We Tauren coexist with the Great Earth Mother but every species of animal in the planet has a grudge against us so I need you to bring me their heads." Did I mention their honorable allies, the Orcs, are the worst deforesters in the Warcraft universe?
It's one thing to have self-serving propaganda when you're playing in the world of two opposing factions, but whenever asked about the story of their world, Blizzard always says something like 'well no one is really evil in our world they all have their reasons to fighting', which leads me to believe that they seriously believe that you've two factions basically killing everything else that moves on the planet and they're both somehow alright and really doing the right things. If some threat way more powerful than anything anyone has ever seen come up, this might cause a cease-fire for a few days and after the threat is defeated, both sides happily go back to killing each other again.
Blizzard has no guts to even say which side is wrong (most likely both), and despite the game promoting rampant racism and genocide, all this is brushed away under the 'there's no real evil' excuse. Now I don't think someone's going to become a racist for playing WoW, but if hating/killing every race that isn't yours (or at least allied with yours) isn't racism, then I'm not sure what is. Cowardice, to me, is the worst crime of story telling. Even in something like Death Note where it looks like the author actually believes wholesale murder of every person who's ever done something wrong is the way to bring a peaceful new world, at least she has the guts to say this is what I believe (via Kira) and I think this is right. Silent Fleet and Captain Tsubasa basically says every other nation is inferior to Japan. I don't agree with any of the ideas presented above, but at least one can appreciate people with radical ideas not afraid to say them.
Of course, all this 'nothing it totally evil' comes to bite Blizzard at the end with the Dreanai race joining the alliance, which are supposed to be descended from the Eredar, which is supposed to be totally evil, but are not totally evil anymore since they need another race on the Alliance side, except this contradicts the entire story around Sargeras, the Dark Titan, so they'd have to rewrite the Warcraft history to accomodate it!
Of course like almost every game writing company, we start with a foundation of story roughly equal to B-grade fanfiction writing. While I'm well aware they've plenty of real, quality authors writing about the Warcraft/Diablo/Starcraft universe, you can't improve a lousy foundation by throwing more writing power at it. If (insert your favorite author) is to write about Dragonball GT, the whole premise would still sound dumb. No one in the extended Star Wars universe was able to make any decent writing if they've to inherit horrible characters such as Admiral Daala, Kyp Durron, or Jar Jar Binks. Of course when Blizzard made their games it's not set out to be a literary masterpiece, so I don't hold them accountable. If you look at just the alliance stuff, it's almost reasonable. Aside from everything you ever kill from Van Cleef to Mor'ladim to everything else all have a secret sob story about how they're not really evil, there's no particular gaping holes of logic.
Now we move to the Horde. Everyone hates Trolls and Undead so they hate everyone else. That's fine. The Orcs are hypocrites who says they want peace while still effectively waging genocide on every non Horde species in the planet, but that's at least sort of okay because Orcs aren't supposed to be the good guys. Then we have the Tauren, which is obviously some combination of native americans combined with environmentalism. Never mind that they're an aberration of nature already (as far as I can tell Cenarius's children are centaurs, dryads, and keeper of the groves). You also have Taurens asking Undead for some plague help (Tarren Mill quests), Tauren planting bombs in Dwarven strongholds (Barren quests), and in general every quest that involves an animal goes something like "We Tauren coexist with the Great Earth Mother but every species of animal in the planet has a grudge against us so I need you to bring me their heads." Did I mention their honorable allies, the Orcs, are the worst deforesters in the Warcraft universe?
It's one thing to have self-serving propaganda when you're playing in the world of two opposing factions, but whenever asked about the story of their world, Blizzard always says something like 'well no one is really evil in our world they all have their reasons to fighting', which leads me to believe that they seriously believe that you've two factions basically killing everything else that moves on the planet and they're both somehow alright and really doing the right things. If some threat way more powerful than anything anyone has ever seen come up, this might cause a cease-fire for a few days and after the threat is defeated, both sides happily go back to killing each other again.
Blizzard has no guts to even say which side is wrong (most likely both), and despite the game promoting rampant racism and genocide, all this is brushed away under the 'there's no real evil' excuse. Now I don't think someone's going to become a racist for playing WoW, but if hating/killing every race that isn't yours (or at least allied with yours) isn't racism, then I'm not sure what is. Cowardice, to me, is the worst crime of story telling. Even in something like Death Note where it looks like the author actually believes wholesale murder of every person who's ever done something wrong is the way to bring a peaceful new world, at least she has the guts to say this is what I believe (via Kira) and I think this is right. Silent Fleet and Captain Tsubasa basically says every other nation is inferior to Japan. I don't agree with any of the ideas presented above, but at least one can appreciate people with radical ideas not afraid to say them.
Of course, all this 'nothing it totally evil' comes to bite Blizzard at the end with the Dreanai race joining the alliance, which are supposed to be descended from the Eredar, which is supposed to be totally evil, but are not totally evil anymore since they need another race on the Alliance side, except this contradicts the entire story around Sargeras, the Dark Titan, so they'd have to rewrite the Warcraft history to accomodate it!