Agent 57 wrote:
Actually, you were
right the first time. However, is this really that big a deal? I bought a 13-month Live card the other day for $50. 50/13 = $3.85/month is not about to send me to the poorhouse. I mean, what's going to be Sony's selling point? "Since you don't have to pay for the PS3's online service, you can go to McDonald's one extra time a month!"
Still seems a little vague. Unnamed PR Manager "Please note that online gaming will be free right out of the box."? Eh, maybe...seems fishy though.
Once again, a pay service is a better idea imo. That way, online function is a product that demands support and service - not just a shitty afterthought.
And ya, I bought Live Starter pack (12 months, extra headset, 500 points and a XBLA game) for 69 bucks last month...that included $25 off my next game purchase, so $44 canadian. Hell, if you are paying $299-599 for a console, is ~$4 a month for a quality extra really going to kill you?