Lox wrote:I'm playing it now as well.
It's a fun game, but not as good as I was hoping. It's still a great game, but I don't feel like it has the depth that Super Mario World had. Maybe I just haven't gotten enough into it yet to see all of the extra secret stuff like SMW.
It reminds me more of SMB3 in how the worlds are laid out, which is ok, but I really liked how the SMW stages had some character to them besides simply having a different theme.
The boss fights are bit too simple and easy also.
It's definitely an enjoyable game though. I've been playing it non-stop for the last couple of days (well as non-stop as possible between work and other stuff

I think I'll agree here. One thing that the game would have benefitted from is making bosses immune to fireballs. I would place the design of the game between Mario Brothers 3 and Mario World. There are some incredibly fun levels towards the end of the game, and I find the levels that are more difficult to reach tend to be the ones which are more fun. The earlier levels are quite basic, whereas the later ones are among the best in the series. The bosses with fireballs are simplistic, without fireballs they can be quite difficult.
Anyways, I personally do prefer the world design of Super Mario World, how everything is very linked. The individual level design in NSMB is more fun overall than any of the other games, I have found; but the layout is much more like SMB 3 rather than SMW. As a whole, I am not sure which I like the most, I like exploring around SMW more so than any other platformer, the game seems to have more of a living breathing world (only Sunshine tops it in this department, I am probably the only one here who loved Sunshine =D). Overall, I have to max out the game first, I still haven't played close to half the levels yet; certainly, the additional ones are better though, I just really started on them.
Just to note: a GREAT way to gain 99 lives is to go to first level (which is very short, run to the halfway point, hit the block with the giant mushroom and let it go forward until JUST before the first blocks appear (so not very far), get it and just run forward as fast as you can, smash everything, and jump only once at the place where you have to jump up (Mario will run over all the pits) and you should be able to make it through all the way to the flag (destroying the entire stairway in the process). This will max out your destruction meter and give you five free lives, just do this a few times and you'll be able to get 99 lives in short period of time. For the record, I am typically running the entire course in 48 seconds on the game clock. At the beginning, run full speed, jump just as you get under the fireflower block, the timing should be just perfect so that you'll hit the block, bounce back down to kill the goomba, and be bounced back up for the coin; run and jump back, get the fireflower, keep firing and running forward and jumping the obstacles until you get to the big mushroom, you should be killing all the goombas in the way.
I will probably get a chance to try out the multiplayer on the weekend.