The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Pirates, opens Friday

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #99768  by Flip
 Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:08 pm
Since it cant be the surprise hit of the summer, because the first one brings too many expectations, will this movie suck a big one?

It is sad, but this may be the first summer movie i see in the theatre so far...

 #99769  by Lox
 Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:21 pm
Whether it sucks or not, I'm going to see it in the theater most likely. I have some friends who loved the first one and this is one of the only movies they want to see in the theater so I figure I'll go too. I'm actually hoping that it gets the "awesome sequel" treatment and is better than the 1st one (like Terminator 2). I liked the 1st movie, but not more than any other I've seen.

 #99771  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:29 pm
I think it'll be a fairly good movie. I am expecting that it will be the biggest hit of the summer. I'm watching it next Wednesday and again later on (I already have plans to see it twice, with different people of course). This Friday I am seeing Click.

 #99788  by Zeus
 Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:40 pm
Verbinski and Disney have earned another ticket from me. The first one was suprisingly good, moreso considering it was based on a bad Disney ride. I just saw it in Scotland again and it's great. The sequel is my the blockbuster I'm most lookin' forward to this summer

 #99852  by Flip
 Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:58 am
Well, it broke records, but is it good? I'm going to see it Friday, anyone catch it this weekend?

 #99854  by Kupek
 Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:06 pm
I saw it. It's not as good as the first, but it's still a good spectacle. I actually liked the imagery of the first scene over most of the rest of the movie.

The main problem, I think, is that it's too self-conscious. For the first one, they just set out to make a fun pirate movie, and a surprisingly witty movie with good performances that was just plain fun emerged. I think a lot of it was a happy accident. Recreating that sort of thing isn't easy.

Although, my appreciation for the first one grew each time I saw it. I might like this one more on subsequent viewings.

 #99857  by Zeus
 Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:58 pm
Well, I just hope it's better than the mediocrity that was Superman Returns.

 #99864  by Eric
 Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:06 pm
It pretty much did what the Matrix did. The first movie = stand-alone cult hit.

2&3 movie = sequels, that didn't have the magic that the first one did.

In this case though I will give Pirates credit that I enjoyed sitting through the 2nd one as much as the 1st one, and I look forward to the 3rd one, though I thought the 2nd one took a more serious tone then the 1st one, which will probley countinue in the 3rd one.

 #99935  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:48 pm
No: the first Matrix movie was overated, the second and the third, people just started coming to their senses and admitting that the series wasn't very entertaining. Well, the Matrix, overall, it just was not really my type of movie series.

As for Pirates, I found the second one to be quite a bit better than the first. The story was certainly more clever, the characters were better in their roles than they were in the last one. There was always something interesting happening. Overall, I found the movie very similar to the first one in a lot of respects, just overall done better. Plus I like how it is not over yet, it's half a movie, but I liked that half a movie better than the first.

In addition:

I also found that the scenes in this one were much more fun. I also liked how a lot of the comedy in it played off of the first movie. I also found the second didn't have nearly as many lulls as the first.

Movie of the Summer.

After watching it I had to play Sid Meier's Pirates all night =P

 #99936  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:33 pm
Overrated by whom? I did fairly shitty overall at release, and was glossed over by most people.

I was one of the people who passed it by - when I saw it way later as a random rental, with no hype I was like "Holy shit, that was pretty awesome".

 #99939  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:14 pm
kali o. wrote:Overrated by whom?
By people in general; that's just my perspective though. I thought the movie had its moments, but I just don't enjoy that sort of stuff. I didn't think it was much better than the other two, but if I was to pick one to watch it, it would be the first. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just Keanu Reeves, but I don't really like most of his movies: Little Buddha and Speed are all that I can think of.

 #99962  by Zeus
 Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:42 pm
The first Matrix movie was pretty good, it just had a bad ending. The second and third just tried to do too much and didn't do it well.

I liked Pirates 2. Wasn't as good as the first, but it was still pretty good. We'll have to see how it ends in the third one before I can say if this sequel (shown in two parts) is good. Effects were extremely well done, though

 #99967  by gunterrr
 Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:35 pm
now now people... what are your favorite places to travel to? :)

 #99968  by Chris
 Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:10 pm
eh? What the fuck? I'm confused.....fucking addbots are posting in threads now? I am really starting to hate the interweb

on to thoughts on the movie

damn sexy. very cool looking in a lot of ways but I found the first to be far more charming and witty than this. this seemed a little disjointed.... But it doesn't matter because all will fail next year due to the might of one thing and one thing alone........ can you not love transformers. They Are disguise no less....

Plus michael bay might be the true master of mindless action flicks.....and transformers needs to work just like that. a mindless visul acton flick.

 #99988  by Zeus
 Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:46 am
Michael Bay hasn't made a good movie in years. And the fact that they refuse to have Megatron as a gun is ridiculous (same with the newer offshoot shows; if you notice, there are no guns like Megatron or Galvitron). It shows that they don't overly care about the source material, they're just taking what they want from it and making up their own "vision" of the show.

I'm too big a fan of the show to want to watch a bastardization of it, which is why the only offshoot series I liked was Beast Wars/Machines, which was excellent (and Canadian :-). I'll check it out for curiosity, but at this stage, I can almost guarantee that I won't be paying for it

 #99989  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:05 am
Just get some friends who work at the movie place and they can arrange to get you into almost anything for free (well, depending on how long it has been released). I had no idea that Beast Wars was Canadian; but then again, almost any animated show from here seems to be all CG.

 #99991  by Kupek
 Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:59 am
Zeus wrote:It shows that they don't overly care about the source material, they're just taking what they want from it and making up their own "vision" of the show.
Dude. It's the fucking <i>Transformers</i>. It's not like they're disrespecting a renowned work of literature. The "source material" is a cartoon series that was mostly a vehicle for selling toys. As long as they have robots blowing shit up, I'll be happy.

 #100011  by Zeus
 Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:57 pm
Kupek wrote:
Zeus wrote:It shows that they don't overly care about the source material, they're just taking what they want from it and making up their own "vision" of the show.
Dude. It's the fucking <i>Transformers</i>. It's not like they're disrespecting a renowned work of literature. The "source material" is a cartoon series that was mostly a vehicle for selling toys. As long as they have robots blowing shit up, I'll be happy.
Hey, I have no illusions that the show was a deep, philosophical cartoon decades ahead of its time or anything. But when you take something that is just a vision of something else, you invariably end up with a severe bastardization. Now, it wouldn't be as big a travesty as, say, having a Chris Farley clone playing Samwise as the new slapstick fat sidekick, but it's still going to make me cringe a little. If the director was any good, I'd have a little more faith it won't suck hard, but Bay just blows. I may still go at a cheap theatre, but it's more the fact that a bad director is doing it than the departure from the source material, although that will still bug me

 #100012  by Zeus
 Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:58 pm
The Seeker wrote:Just get some friends who work at the movie place and they can arrange to get you into almost anything for free (well, depending on how long it has been released). I had no idea that Beast Wars was Canadian; but then again, almost any animated show from here seems to be all CG.
Yeah, Beast Wars, Reboot, and the Roughnecks cartoons were all done by the same company up here.

 #100013  by Eric
 Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:32 pm
Zeus wrote:Michael Bay hasn't made a good movie in years. And the fact that they refuse to have Megatron as a gun is ridiculous (same with the newer offshoot shows; if you notice, there are no guns like Megatron or Galvitron). It shows that they don't overly care about the source material, they're just taking what they want from it and making up their own "vision" of the show.

I'm too big a fan of the show to want to watch a bastardization of it, which is why the only offshoot series I liked was Beast Wars/Machines, which was excellent (and Canadian :-). I'll check it out for curiosity, but at this stage, I can almost guarantee that I won't be paying for it
I have no sympothy for you and I hope your Transformer movie is as AWESOME as Resident Evil 1 & 2 was for me.

 #100016  by Flip
 Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:30 pm
I thought the movie was good. Of course, it was too long, but atleast it was entertaining for most of it.

The thing is becoming fantasy, though. The first movie it was a curse, but this one there is just magic stuff everywhere.
 #100017  by Zeus
 Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:46 pm
bovine wrote:
Eric wrote:I have no sympothy for you and I hope your Transformer movie is as AWESOME as Resident Evil 1 & 2 was for me.
I didn't see the resident evil movies. Are they for REALS good?
I actually liked them. I mean, they'll never be confused as deep or philosophical flicks, but they're fun to watch. But they are under no circumstances true to the source material. I just didn't care 'cause as much as I liked the games, I wasn't really attached to them. It's not like they said "you know that virus? Forget it, lets just make it aliens bringing the zombies back to life and causing mutations", which is the fear I have with Transformers and Michael Bay

 #100026  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:04 am
I normally could give a shit about the original source material. Even among things I am passionate about such as history and middle Earth =P

Just so long as I am entertained.