Black Lotus wrote:Tessian and I played them all in matchmaking last night. I thought they were pretty good. If you're planning on getting back into Halo, I'd say grab 'em (assuming 800pts isn't that much of a ding in your wallet). We spent almost two hours frigging around with Forge on Rat's Nest, but Foundry is the big one for that since it can basically become an empty room. Just about everything in the boundaries of the map is customizable. The extra pieces added to Forge make for some pretty interesting possibilities.
If you haven't, check out the RvsB video in the Halo section of the Marketplace.
Yeah, Foundry is more for customizing... but god damn that was fun last night. We just piled up vehicles, random objects, and explosive fusion cells into a corner and then walled them off. Every so often a coil would respawn, drop, and explode everything inside. Half the time it shrapnel would kill one of us. Then Lotus decided to build a ramp and tried to clear the explosive mess. Plus there was just the time spent killing each other with random weapons.... love those incendiary grenades