You guys are being silly.
They have pretty looking interfaces, that's about it.
WoW's basic UI is the same as the ones you saw there, the only difference is presentation.
The recharge bar that shows which skill is ready is the same as the normal UI that counts down the skill's cooldown, the only difference is it's in the middle of his screen and easier on his eyes instead of down at the bottom with a tiny number counting down.
Most of the boss countdowns are pretty irrelevant to the point if you throw yourself at a boss enough you pretty much know what's coming phase per phase. It might help the casual or new players a bit, but hey that makes the game more accessible. You can even see with the timer to Big Bang, they didn't bother to move until he actually does the animation/emote for the attack.
Algalon is rough because he does a lot of damage to your raid, lots of healing is needed. He does a ridiculous amount of damage to your tank(Look at the incoming damage on Kungen at the end) and requires 2 tanks with threat resetting between big bangs. You cannot lose anybody at all because he has a ridiculous DPS requirement 35 million in 6 minutes, assuming you bring 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS like most guilds you need everyone doing a little over 5600DPS each including the tanks, or picking up the slack for the tanks. That's not including the DPS you lose to kill the stars that float around.
So yeah Algalon requires stellar play from your trinity of raid requirements, Tanking/DPS/Healing, and you only get an hour a week to get it right. Lose a raid member it's probably over.
They have pretty looking interfaces, that's about it.
WoW's basic UI is the same as the ones you saw there, the only difference is presentation.
The recharge bar that shows which skill is ready is the same as the normal UI that counts down the skill's cooldown, the only difference is it's in the middle of his screen and easier on his eyes instead of down at the bottom with a tiny number counting down.
Most of the boss countdowns are pretty irrelevant to the point if you throw yourself at a boss enough you pretty much know what's coming phase per phase. It might help the casual or new players a bit, but hey that makes the game more accessible. You can even see with the timer to Big Bang, they didn't bother to move until he actually does the animation/emote for the attack.
Algalon is rough because he does a lot of damage to your raid, lots of healing is needed. He does a ridiculous amount of damage to your tank(Look at the incoming damage on Kungen at the end) and requires 2 tanks with threat resetting between big bangs. You cannot lose anybody at all because he has a ridiculous DPS requirement 35 million in 6 minutes, assuming you bring 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS like most guilds you need everyone doing a little over 5600DPS each including the tanks, or picking up the slack for the tanks. That's not including the DPS you lose to kill the stars that float around.
So yeah Algalon requires stellar play from your trinity of raid requirements, Tanking/DPS/Healing, and you only get an hour a week to get it right. Lose a raid member it's probably over.